Chapter 2

Casper's p.o.v

I was snapped out of my trance. "Alpha it's time for training." Even though am not an Alpha yet they still call me one.

They know my father will kill them if they do not allow me specifically to train, the school is a werewolf school after

all so training is in everyone's schedule no matter what. I got up from my seat, and the man nodded to me, I waved at

him and get out to go and train.

I went to change, and I met my classmates there I was the strongest and fastest wolf. Our training ended in an hour

time and we went to change and go home.

On our way home the journey was silent because we were all busy with our phones. When we got home.My parents

were busy in their office. I got over my thought which I know I will still get back to. It hurts most of the time.

We were all watching movie when my father mindlink me that we should all come to his office ASAP. I told them and

we all went there.

My real parents, Alpha Henry, and Luna Alice were sitting in the middle. Beta Ray and his mate Anita were sitting on

the right and on the left Caden and Allen the third - in - command. What do you think they will ask us? Mark


"No need to worry my child." my dad answered Mark."I will tell you, well we are going to have some visitors and

they will be with us for a month before he could finish I interrupted."A month!".

"Manners son."my mum chided.

"Sorry mum." I said.

"Back to what I was saying before the asshole (use to it) interrupted we are receiving visitors Tomorrow be prepared.

After night pack and Golden moon pack,

After night will be here tomorrow while the golden moon will be here week

after. The Alphas will stay for a day while the pups will be here for a month."

"Calm down with the eyes they are all your age boys and we got hot girls also." Ray said." I heard you."Anita said.

"Sorry honey just a mistake"

"You can all go now," my dad said We returned to our movie after we went to our various room.

"We all know what to do right Max said through the mind link. When it was 2 am we all met in the movie room to

watch a x rated movie just to catch fun Mark's and Max brought the idea not me when it was 2:30 dad came the part

was worse. Sometimes my dad is odd and bipolar.

"Look at what you are watching you know is bad all of you, on your feet. We were all on our feet waiting for our fate

(whispering) I think I have to learn some to spice things up with your Mum. I don't think he will want me to hear that.

"You said what dad" "nothing son." You have only 5 minutes OK. After ten minutes he stood up "I have to go meet

your mum," he said. We were all laughing when he went out and we all decided to sleep and prepare for our visitors.

We also have an award for the best hot boy that the girls will chose (They are all Max, Jack and Daniels' idea. We just

go along with it, anything for them.) just for fun. When I got inside my room, I just slept off but little do we know

what await us.


I got up by my weird alarm as usual. Well, I've decided to start a new life and forget about the past and move on if we

are meant to be we will meet again. I really want to impress the girls even though I know I won't have the heart to do

anything with them.

I walked into the closest and took a grey vest and a black jean with a black boot. I took my bath and dress up."Good

morning everybody," I said and they replied.

We were served something good and not all those stupid diet food they punish us with sometimes because we were

going to collect our grades and it the last year we are all graduating. We all ate in silence when we were through, we

all got into the limo and off to school.

Mark at the far end, Larry and I was at the close to each other and max is

driving. The Twins are at the middle.

Mark was chatting. We decided to look for his trouble I started."Hey mark who are you chatting with"."Hey shut up

last time must not repeat itself."Well the last time he was video chatting with his online girlfriend and I showed up and the girl wanted to collect my

number and they end up fighting and breaking up. Not my fault.

We fought for days more like he was ignoring me, before Larry settled it. He started video chatting with the girl and

Larry said through the mind link "do you know your stupid friend slipped my mate when she came to visit us I want

my revenge." I have not seen the girl because she came to visit when I went to the After night pack.

I want to punch him so bad because if it was my mate his ass will be on the floor so I agreed " this was not his first

time, he always act stupid."so what the plan?". I suggest we all beat him up that will teach him some manners and


"This is the plan and it starts now first go and cancel the date and then second we make him look stupid in front of the

After night okay deal. Who am I to oppose?

When we got to school, he was still video chatting with the girl so Larry distracted him with a girl and I quickly take

the phone and run to the hallway knowing that he would still trace my scent.

I spoke to the girl and collected her number. When Mark catch up with me he was growling."Chill man I just collected

her number and nothing more."

"You just collect her number and nothing more is that all you have to say."

"Yes that all he has to say," Larry interrupted.

"Is this a plan or something" Mark said.

"Yes it is,"I interrupted.

"But what have I done wrong? He asked.

"It is for slipping his mate. I said, and he started to laugh.

"Do you know it not funny?" and Larry did a good job in keeping his wolf at bay. People now gather around us.

I was angry "After being at fault you are still laughing."This is just the beginning mark, watch out," I said layingemphasis on the watch out. He just pissed me off. It high time he got a taste of his own medicine.

We all perform well, but I was the best as usual even I don't know the reason why. We all plan to appear hot and we

wanted to spike Mark's drink when we remember that werewolf do not get drunk easily and this isn't the first time he

is going to get drunk all he will feel is just a little hangover.

We plan on using devil's beans, so I went with gloves to the forest after searching for long I saw it. It is already 7 pm

when I took a shower. As I was in the shower my mind move to when I was kidnapped and I was in those rogues'


Flash back

I woke up in a moving van. I was with about four boys. I was tied and tired. The other boys were still unconscious. I

wonder what my parents will be thinking. I'm sure my mom will be worried sick by now. I can't believe I got rejected

and kidnapped in a day. This is the worst day of my life. I'm so sure. If I ever get out of this mess, I will make sure I

search for that girl tell my mum to slap her and I will then kiss her senselessly. She can't reject me and go scot free.


am her mate and she must accept me the way I am. The other boys are starting to gain consciousness. They all look

around with a hazy and blurry eyes. I tried to wave at them when I realized I was tied at least my mouth wasn't. I don't

think they expect us to wake up until they get to where they taking us too. They were all about my age.

"Dude whatever you see must be kept to yourself, if you ever reveal it to anybody I personally will torture you to

death," A boy said. I look at him in confusion. Even if I don't have the strength at least, my body built is enough to

scare you. I rolled my eyes. He called the guy next to him, he told him to turn and he grew a claw. So that's it.

"Do you know I'm a werewolf too?" I asked.

"Yeah, and Donald Trump is a gay," the other one said.

"Am serious, I just don't smell like one," I said wanting them to believe me.

"Prove it," the other guy said.

I tried to grow a claw like he did but I couldn't, I tried to call on to my wolf but I couldn't. I could feel my eyes

become blurry. I lowered my head, so they won't see my blurry eyes. All I am is just a misfit. At home I tried to fit in,

but I just couldn't. I feel like dying but am just a coward that can't kill himself. I hate my self so much. I tried to keep

the tears at bay, but they just come rolling down. The guy stood up to release my hands and legs. I stood up and wipethe tears from my face.

This is the beginning of a new journey. If I can't fit in the werewolf world, I will be able to fit

in the human world. There is always a place for everyone to fit in we just have to find that place. It could be any


"Guy I feel your pain, have not shifted and am fourteen. It doesn't matter what they say. I will talk to my parents, and

you can live with us."He said hugging me.

For the first time I feel like I belong somewhere. He made me feel among. I

promise to always protect him with the little I have.He will be the small brother I never have. He is mine to protect. I

hugged him back.

"I'm Max and I like your muscles," he said. I chuckled at his bluntness.

"Am Casper and you are my brother from now on," I said putting my hands around his shoulders.

"Well am going, you should all find your way," the eldest said, and he jumped out of the moving van. The others

followed, and it remained Max and me. .

"Let's go before they stop the van," I said.

"But it's moving," he said with fear.

"I know," I replied.

"I can't, what if I die?" He asked in tears.

"You won't, just hold my hands." I said giving him my hands. He held it and we jumped together. We sustained few

injuries, and we ran into the forest to prevent them from seeing us.

"Casper, you shower like a lady. Get out now," Max shouted.

"Hold your tits I am coming," I shouted back at him.

"Ok baby," he said imitating a lady.I wore a black crazy jean, a white shirt and a white and black sneaker. We all wearing the same thing but different

colour. All black jeans and the same sneakers, Larry a blue shirt. Max a red shirt and ET a green one.

We all mat the lace. The shirt was tight so my abs can show. I, Larry, my two cousins and Max went to the saloon

earlier while Mark was busy chatting.

I didn't spray any perfume because my scent alone is enough to make any girl crazy.

"Cocky much" he whispered.

"I can't help it." I replied.

Our plan was that I would be the last to come out of the house to get attention.

Watch out for the next chapter you gonna love it pls vote and comment Thanks for reading.