When she woke up she was in a basement covered in blood. "Why does my head hurt?" She spoke to herself holding her head in her hands. She struggled to her feet and began to look around. "Goodness what have I done?" She continued to look around even with her vision being hazy. To her relief, she only saw slaughtered goats and sheep. A door slammed shut above her and shortly after she heard a gun being loaded. "Think of a portal home Sarah!" A hissing version of her own voice echoed in her head. She did exactly that and a portal opened through it she could see her room. "Run now!" The voice echoed again and she jumped through the portal just as a shot flew through the door. She could barely catch her breath before her dad came through the door.
"Sarah I am guessing you have found yourself." He said before closing the door and going back to bed. She went to sleep right after he left. As her eyes closed she saw her demon form walking over to her and sitting on the side of her bed. "Since you have found me I will stay with you forever." She stroked human Sarah's hair as she spoke. Soon Sarah fell into her sleep and gave up to her exhaustion. When morning came it felt like she had only slept for half an hour. She went to the kitchen to find her father sitting at the table with a cup of coffee waiting for her. "I am assuming you are wanting to talk to me dad?" Sarah Asked sitting down taking the cup of coffee. "I know what you went through last night but I need to know what you killed." He said looking her in the eyes. "It was some goats and some sheep but I don't know how far I went before it happened." Sarah said hanging her head low.
He smiled at her. "Good and I say that cause my first turn resulted in the death of on thousand men but we had been at war at the time." He said with a small chuckle at the end. "Don't worry Sarah we can control our transformations now." The demon's voice echoed in her head again. "She is here isn't she Sarah?" Her father asked. "Yes she is dad, why do you ask?" Sarah asked her dad. "I just saw the look on your face just now." He said taking a sip of his coffee. He gained a serious look on his face and took a deep breath. "Soon you and her will fuse and she will become silent but that will be after you master all your skills." He spoke as he exited the kitchen.
Sarah went up to shower before her first day back at school. While she was in the shower she began to think about the fact that she had to hide her powers. When she exited the shower and went to brush her teeth she saw that one of her eyes flickered Like the fires in the demons eyes. "Maybe I should wear an eyepatch to school." She said to herself. She tossed the idea back and forth in her head while she got dressed. She wore her usual black heels along with her favorite goth outfit. This outfit had black and red fishnets, Black patch skirt with matching jacket, Black and white stripped crop top. She topped off her outfit with a black rose pin. " There we go cute as always." She said with a smile as the demon Sarah walked in behind her in the mirror. "Oh my I love that outfit so much." Demon Sarah said with a big smile. "So do I." She said with a smile on her face as she walked for the front door.
"Bye mom I am going to school!" She yelled as she went out the door and to the bus. She boarded the bus and got some strange looks as she walked past her school mates. She chose not to wear the eyepatch and is wearing her new eye with pride. She has started calling herself the burning queen in the diary she keeps. She has embrassed her destiny and is ready to fight to keep it. She must hold on to that fire in her belly because she will need it.