Opening The Five Gates

Sarah watched as the show began. Her job was changing out props and backdrops. She enjoyed being able to wear her "burglar" outfit as she jokingly called it. Something strange about he play caught her eye as it went on. Every scene one of those things swooped down and grab a small part of someone from the crowd. She wondered why they had started to do something like that for.

Soon after act two started they brought the soul pieces to her. The pieces soaked into her chest and with every piece she felt stronger. Sarah in a way became whole. After act two ended her vision became hazy and she looked down at her arms. The skin became burnt and cracked. Her skin flaked away revealing her demon scales. She tried to keep it covered up but it was becoming hard to do. Sarah started looking around but no one seemed to see what was happening to her.

"We are becoming one. My knowledge is no also yours." Demon Sarah walked across stage but something different this time. Everyone could see her this time and she had armor on now. "We will take the throne soon Sarah." The demon hissed. "Why are you able to be seen now?" Sarah asked the demon. "Because the gate has opened to be allowed to become one." The demon hissed holding out her hand to Sarah. Sarah took it's hand as she rose to her feet. They nodded at each other.

"Walk out with me to center stage." The demon grabbed her hand and dragged Sarah out to the stage. As they walked out the center of the stage gained a ring of flames. Without control they spoke together as one. "As two walk to the flame. Two sides of the same coin. We melt into one as the flames of the under world come to the surface. We are the burning queen." After the last word was spoken a bright orange light bathed the audience and stage.

The light cleared away showing Sarah phased between her demon queen and human form. "We are the burning queen." A mixture of the demons voice and Sarah's came from her followed by a demonic laugh. Where her human skin met her demon skin was a burning border. Smoke came from her body none stop. Sarah continued her demonic laugh before she lifted her head making eye contact with every person present. "So many souls for my kingdom!" She screeched. Moloch ran down the steps after Sarah. "Don't do it Sarah!" He wasn't fast enough before another flash of light and she was gone.

"Fuck!" Moloch yelled at the top of his lungs. He turned to the crowd and picked up the microphone. "Everyone run now!" He swung his arm to make his point. The moment he said that the doors slammed shut fires forming on the outside of each one. A laugh echoed from the rafters. "You all will die here tonight. So that I may raise my power for my throne." Sarah's voice echoed with the hisses of demon power. Her eyes had flames coming from her eyes. Sarah was having to battle her demon form and her human consciousness. But she enjoyed both the power and everything she had right now.

Flames climbed Sarah's arms. "Everyone sit down now." She dropped her arms sending a shockwave through the crowd mocking them into their seats. Demons came through the doors armed with swords and armor. "Father come to my side." Sarah spoke without turning her head. Moloch walked forward before she knocked him down with a shockwave. "In your true form." She spoke as Fire came up around him. His flesh peeled away as he transformed. His wings flapped as his rose to her side. "You don't need to do this to these people." Moloch pleaded with his daughter. "Get mom out of here and get Claira." Sarah spoke quietly.

Moloch nodded and went to get them. He burned a hole in the roof as he took them to safety. Sarah curled into a ball fire forming in the center. The demons exited through the doors as Sarah uncurled. As she did a flame as hot as the sun engulfed the school. People screamed as their lives flashed before their eyes. As suddenly as it formed the flames vanished. When it was fully got the school was untouched but everyone except Sarah was gone.