Power Of A God

Moloch called Sarah into his office after the news came on about a flash of light in the school. "Sarah I have to ask." Moloch said leaning forward onto his elbows. "Ask me what dad?" Sarah asked considering everything he might ask. "What did you do with those people?" He asked curiosity in his eyes. "Well they got sent to where they belong." She said unsure herself about where they are now. "Is there anyway to bring them back Sarah?" Moloch asked hoping she had good news. "No sir I was asked by the reaper and god both to send them the souls. Moloch sat back shocked but sent her on her way.

As soon as Sarah left Moloch's office she was ambushed by Claira. Sarah fell to the floor scared shitless. "Hi babe!" Claira yelled as they hit the floor. Sarah couldn't help but smile remembering how happy she made her. They laughed as they raced to the kitchen for breakfast. The news came on tv running by pictures of the missing people. "Claira I am glad you told your parents to stay home." Sarah said with a smile. "They hate plays anyway so it wasn't hard." Claira said with a perky tone. Claira told her parents she wanted to live with Sarah for their last year of high school. They agreed only because they had hope Sarah could make something of Claira.

"Morning you two." Olivia said sleepily sipping on her morning coffee. "Morning mom!" Claira yelled just as Sarah was about to speak. This caused everyone to laugh drowning out the news headlines on tv. Ever since yesterday Sarah had been getting stronger with her powers. The only cost was sending twenty-five souls to their fates. The thing she can't tell anyone is the fact she saw their sins before they had been sent away. She just doesn't remember how she did it, no matter how much she thinks about it. She only remembers that she told everyone she was the burning queen. "Sarah." A familiar demon voice hissed but it didn't have a body. "I no longer have a body. I can only talk to you." The voice hissed. "What do you want?" Sarah asked in an angered tone. "Those people are safe don't worry. They went to god." The voice hissed trying to make Sarah feel better. "I am glad they did. They had all been good people for the most part." Sarah said letting out a breathe she didn't know she was holding.

Sarah walked down the street and as she did not only did she pass people but spirits as well. Every gave her passing glance like she was a freak. She didn't know it but her eye became a bright red and yellow like fire. She didn't care though, no one knew what storm could come if they fucked with her. "Ah! Sarah would you like your normal?" A small plump Italian man asked from a food kiosk. "Not right now but you might want to go on vacation." Sarah said in an ominous tone. With one flick of the fire in her eyes meeting his he understood. As she continued walking he packed up and went home.

She passed the church on her path with no destination. A priest was standing outside and met her gaze causing her to stop. "mulier daemonium." The priest whispered under his breath. "What did you say to me!" Sarah said making eye contact moving towards the priest. He was an older man that looks like the job took a toll on his body and mind. "mulier daemonium!" The priest repeated but this time yelling. "clausit et irrumabo!" Sarah yelled back. The priest fell as his eyes began to be able to see her demon form. "Leave me alone please!" He yelled begging for her to leave. "Never be so rude to someone like me." She was close enough to smell his breath. "You are not a person let alone a woman. You are a demon, a spawn of satan himself." He kept talking out of fear.

She looked down and the man pissed himself. She couldn't bare the smell of it. "What a pitiful site. A grown man pissed himself because of a young woman or do you prefer to look at little boys father?" Sarah laughed after she spoke those final words and walked away.