After being transported back home the archangel Michael appear at Sarah's front door. "What do you want?" Sarah asked. "To form an alliance between heaven and your family." Michael spoke in a very professional manner. "You would have to speak to my dad for something like that." Sarah said guiding the archangel to Moloch's office. "I will go get home, so please wait here." Sarah pointed to a seat in front of the desk. Micheal took the seat as Sarah left the room. As he sat waiting curiosity got the best of him and he started to look at the book on the bookshelf. "Wait a curious collection of books he has here." Micheal said talking to himself. "Yes it is and most of them are no longer in print." Moloch said entering the room quietly. Micheal freezing in place from being caught with his guard down.
After three hours of debating Moloch and Micheal came out of the office. "What did you decided dad?" Sarah asked curious as to what she gets to do with the archangel. "We will be helping Micheal in the war." Moloch declared as Sarah's jaw fell open. "Yes your father and I have a lot of the same views." Micheal spoke like him and Moloch have been friends forever. She stiffened up and nodded coming to terms about helping the angels in a war that didn't have an enemy yet. Shortly after they announced the alliance between the two forces Micheal left to go home. "I will tell god the good news." Micheal waved as he flew away. Sarah turned around knowing that danger was coming.
The rest of her day was spent planning on how to get everything safe at her home. Sarah was on the computer researching spells and charms to guard her home. Claira spent her day feeding and giving drink to her beloved Sarah. "Dad who is the holy war with?" Sarah asked her dad curious so her research could be better. "It is with the rebels in hell and a few of the countries here on earth." Moloch spoke as if he choked a little on his words. He guided Sarah to the office to talk in privet. "Give this to Claira. I already gave one to your mom in her coffee." Moloch said while handing Sarah a small vile full of liquid. "What does it do?" Sarah asked taking the vile. "It brings their demons out. They got demon forms when they married us and made love with us." Moloch said pushing Sarah back out shutting the door behind her. She made her way to make Claira her drink. Taking it up to her Sarah began to get nervious before the demon took over. "Sarah she must have this or we will lose her so let me give it to her." The demon hissed handing Claira the drink. Sarah had to watch from a back seat view as Claria drank the whole glass of cola and passed out on the floor. "She will be okay Sarah." The demon hissed.
As Olivia and Claira slept Sarah and Moloch got ready for the fight. They went around casting spells around the house. The spells consisted of traps and protection fields. The spells will work on demon but they had to set out trenches and mines for the humans. "It is almost like Halloween all over again!" Moloch yelled in a laughing voice. The only thing that made them not seem weird was Georgia was at war already. "Sad how can you be so casual about this?" Sarah asked with fear in her eyes. "Because Sarah I used to do this for a living here and there around the world." He gave a reassuring look to her. She smiled and went inside. They had finished with outside and now just have to wait for everyone to wake up.
Olivia and Claira woke up but they gave out a loud scream as they saw what they had become. Sarah and Moloch could hear them talking to each other about the fact they are different. Olivia came down first. She turned into a horn less demon empress. They are skinny and look your basic dream body but with a tail and wings. Claira came down and she was everything that turned on Sarah but again with wings and a tail. Sarah charged at Claira and wrapped her legs around her kissing her. Sarah disappeared up stairs with Claira turning to her demon queen form. Sounds of pleasure echoed in the house that night.