Chapter Four ǀ Doom Day

"This gets even better, doesn't it Leo?" I shoved Leo and moved forward.

He rolled his eyes, "Then again, why are we even walking? We have our own cars."

"Exactly." Vincent grumbled.

"Just walk already. Right, Amara?" Nyla hugged my arm and swung it back and forth.

"I visited London so much time ago, but when I come back, it gets better."

"It was three years ago, Amy. What did you expect?" Leo laughed, hitting the back of my head.

"Total douche." I grumbled.

After leaving Marina we decided to abandon our precious cars and just walk by ourselves. The idea was mine but it felt surreal to see Nyla and Vincent agree over everything.

The dusk was just starting to settle in and we were now close to Fins bury Street, I guess. It felt good to be like that, not showing the world our identities, because, in Italy, we were trapped for any free time. Deciding, I had some time to think about in this pure atmosphere, I did the same.

Nyla was a wonderful person but what Leo said was true. There was something unsettling about her.

The fact that I craved friendship, because I have always been bad at that department. So, Leo has always been my only friend and everyone else looked down on me. That was also the reason, I didn't trust and wasn't open to people.

And how Nyla quickly became my friend was uncanny. Thinking deeply and not to arise suspicions – which was my habit – I settled on the fact that Nyla was more outgoing.

About Vincent, I wasn't exactly sure.

He was delicious, in the way I like to eat my favorite food with sizzlers. After all these years, whole five years, almost living celibate, he had managed to make my pussy clench and my juices flowing, by doing nothing. He had to be something, to make me feel like this.

But that was the problem. The damn problem was this and I was hating it, in my subconscious.

Why, you ask?

Because, even if I was craving sex, I knew it would end up bad, just like five years ago. I would go to my stalking skills and become obsessive more than before and that always ended badly.

Moreover, I didn't know anything about him and it could happen, he would be just like Brian or maybe, Jason.

I liked this self, and hated my old, problematic self. Besides, this Vincent Thompson was dangerous just because of his intoxicating smell, hand –

"What's got your guts in a twist?"

I turned towards Leo and shrugged, mumbling, "Nothing."

From the back, I could see Nyla whispering in Vincent's ear and just heard the word, 'plan'. Whatever it was, I didn't think it was good to pry.

"Come on." I pulled Leo and beckoned the other two, not my friends still, to follow me.

Making a passageway through the mass of people, I spotted, them.

"What are you doing?" Nyla nudged me.

"Give me the packages." I told her to give me the food containers from Marina.

Leaving those three behind, I moved towards the people and bend down. Patting, and soothing the rough hair from the homeless woman's face, I smiled at her. Then I turned towards the boy who was standing there selling fliers.

"From what time does your work start?" I asked him.

"After a few minutes." He stood there perplexed.

"Did you two eat?" They shook their head in denial.

"Are there any other friends of yours?" I asked the woman.

"No." "Yes."

"Tell me the truth." I gave them a warm smile, encouraging to do it.

"Ryan, call the other three." The boy, Ryan, who was selling off fliers, ran towards the east direction.

"What do you want Ma'am?" The woman with the rugged face and hair, cocked her head.

"Please, share with your friends." I jerked a thumb towards the three behind me and continued, "We had some food, so we decided to give them who deserve something. I am quite sure, you don't beg but you earn money, as much as you can."

Tears brimmed in her eyes and a smile lit her face.

"Don't." I smiled, patting her head, "I know what it is to be like..."

Within minutes, Ryan came with the three other and I opened the containers in front of them, watched as smiles lit their faces and felt satisfied myself. Bidding them goodbyes, I joined Leo, Nyla and Vincent.

Fist bumping Leo, he said, "Good job!"

Nyla laughed, "You're great, Amara!"

Great? I wouldn't say so. My past was in fact one of the reasons why I couldn't be arrogant.

Vincent stared at me with something indescribable in his eyes. It was impossible for me to comprehend but I thought of not giving a doubt to myself.

The walk back to the parking lot of the Marina was silent. It seemed like except Nyla everyone else was in their own world and that was too unusual for Leo. Still, it was calm, quite an exception to the busy London streets.

My Audi was just two places from Vincent's Mercedes and next to it was Nyla's Volkswagen. They were the ultimate world destroyer, no sarcasm and completely true.

Bidding a rather dull goodbye to the meeting, I looked once for the last time at Vincent.

As if he knew, I would look at him, his grey eyes met mine and something sparked within me. I held the stare for just a second longer but he broke as soon as jerked his head front and reared his car from the parking lot.

His eyes mesmerized me again, and all rational thoughts of avoiding him, flew out of the window. There was something there, some emotions which I wasn't sure of. And there was still this spark that was igniting everything all through my core.

It was familiar and unfamiliar, all at the same time.


My head jerked towards Leo and a sudden pain shot through my neck.

"Ow!" I rubbed the nape of my neck, driving with one hand, "Don't shout, you freak!"

Leo rolled his eyes, "This is the third time."

"Just speak." I grumbled.

"There is something about them that seems very off." He scratched his forehead, in deep thought, "Especially that Nyla White. She's a bit too joyous and outgoing. And did you notice Vincent? I am sure there's something they are hiding."

I was on the same track.

"Agreed." I nodded, my head straight ahead, "I am a little bothered by Nyla but her friendliness is kinda refreshing. But I won't deny about Vincent. He is hiding something as well as having mixed feelings, I am not quite sure which exactly though."

"You better be careful, Amy." He patted my head.

It was a habit – patting my head – when he was in deep thought or concerned about something.

"It's okay, Leo." I half-smiled, "I need to save myself."

The rest of the two minutes was contributed to myself. My thoughts were beginning to scatter and it seemed like a new chapter in my life was going to start soon.

Vincent had ignited a long extinguished fire within me. Not only that but also my old habits and what not. That frightened me, the thought of again falling in love just through some care and returning to my stalking, obsessive skills.

I parked the car in front of my temporary house and followed Leo up to the door.

Mom, or Ella rushed outside, her hair messed up from her always perfect bun and tears streaming down her eyes which held brightness just a couple of hours ago, now held dullness. But along with the dullness and tears, there existed something else too.


Leo budged inside the house, nearly breaking the door and I ran up to Mom, to save her from falling.

Hugging her, I wiped her tears and supported her fragile body up to the living room. But as soon as my eyes met him, I froze. I stopped in my tracks, my mouth gaping and Ella felt limp in my hands.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hello there, little sister!" He chirped.

I gritted my teeth at the sound of his happiness and the sight of how his face lit up. I felt of applying my punching techniques directly on his face and throw his dirty blood in the drains.

Marcello Giordano was bad news.

He wasn't the Devil, but he wasn't Angel either. My brother-in-law was probably my on-the-top-of-list enemy. He was a liar, cheater, the worst, corrupted, bankrupt businessman but unfortunately, my sister, Diana who was a delicate flower, served him like God.

Diana was the older and also, probably the more naïve sister between us.

It wasn't like, I hadn't warned her of Marcello even when she decided to marry him, but she just doesn't listen and thinks he's always right.

This time, the sudden visit from my beloved brother-in-law, was definitely bad, like always.

"What are you doing here?" I repeated, my tone rising.

"Calm down, sis!" Marcello grinned, "I wanna show something."

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and released Ella. Signaling Leo to take Ella to her room, I begged him with my eyes to join him. Putting my heels in the walk in closet, downstairs, I put on my sandals but kept my outfit.

We sat there, staring at each other. The anger was evident in my eyes but gleam was really, really prominent in his eyes.

Leo sat beside me on the white sofa, opposite to Marcello and gave him a hard glare.

Marcello smirked at us from across the tea table between the two sofas. Then he opened his briefcase, revealing a big brown envelope. All the way smiling at us, he opened the sealed envelope and took out documents, which he threw at us, on the tea table.

I blinked, then glanced at him and the documents. Then, Leo and I peeked another glance at each other, our eyes holding curiosity about the contents of the document along with Marcello's sudden visit.

"What?" I cocked my head.

"Little Sis!" Marcello mocked, "Let me brief it for you."

He continued, "These documents states that half of the shares at Chiara Designs has been registered on my name. Other than that, there will be board meeting after five months keeping in mind the profits. Also, there'll be reappointment for the CEO post."

Grave silence settled upon us for a few seconds, as Leo and I digested the information. And then –

"What the fuck are you saying?" I gritted furiously, my mind processing the newfound information numerous times.

I took a long breath, anger settled in and rational thoughts flew away.

"The board meeting is fine, but I don't understand. Why suddenly? And I am the CEO and founder, they can't just call a reappointment. Moreover, how much of these are your true words?"

He chuckled, "Everything's true, Amy! Come to the London Branch tomorrow and you'll find the rest of answers.

He continued, "Amy? Don't you think you forgot to ask something?"

"How can you possibly buy all those shares? Who gave you money? Do they even know that you're bankrupt? And I guess, this time too, Diana doesn't know?" I breathed out.

"You don't need to know that." He chuckled darkly.

Without sparing us even a single glance, he kept on chuckling and exited through the front door.

I stared blankly at the documents, repeating the same doomed words, over and over in my mind. Anger, frustration, fright and despair filled me seeing myself in this situation. I was helpless because of the sudden decisions. I was fuming because which idiot had decided to help with the shares for Marcello.

And how come they did so?

Moreover, I wasn't the only one who would be facing the rest of days in tension, there was Leo too. Because of my family, my cheater brother-in-law, he had to face it.

But it was his choice, if he was going to stand beside me.

"You okay?" Leo whispered.

I sighed deeply, "I think so."

We sat in silence for a minute. Then Leo hugged me carefully, breathing out a sigh himself.

"We'll fight this together, Amy."

I nodded, my heart aching.

I wasn't going to cry, I never did. But the company was founded and raised by me and Leo. It was like our family and we treated all our employees like that. How can a nobody just come with the help of someone and suddenly take all power from us?

It was frustrating.

I again took a long breath and got up from the sofa.

"I need to change and think about the company." I said to Leo.

"You know right?" He called as I climbed the stairs, "We are financially weak for now, so, we need a plan. We need to tell our business partners, Mr. Thompson and Ms. White."

"I know." I nodded, "But still let me think another alternative. The fact which rich person gave that motherfucker liar the money to buy the shares and how – I also need to think that."

Without waiting for another reply, I ascended the remaining stairs.

Changing my outfit, completely in a blank state, not even remembering where to put the clothes, I climbed on the bed.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I held them back. Bending my knees, I pulled out my hair in frustration and stared at the wall.

Thinking over many times, when I couldn't come up with a solution, I decided to go with Leo's plan. There wasn't a single alternative. I rocked back and forth in sudden despair, but I knew I wasn't going to just face the crisis, helplessly.

I steeled my mind, full of determination and swore to find the financial helper of Marcello.

There had to be something. Some information, nonetheless.

Because, I don't remember having any recent enemies of mine in the business world. It could either be an old enemy or just someone, who was trying to bring me down. But somehow, I thought I was facing déjà vu.

I lay down, over the duvet and stared at the ceiling, my mind in recollection.

The memories and incidents of the past flew through my mind like wind. It was indeed déjà vu and the fact that somehow everything from the beginning was repeating itself, made me frightened as well as determined to overcome that fright.

Today, sleep wasn't going to come easily.