Chapter Eight | Uneasiness

The food tasted bad in my mouth, not because it was actually bad but because I couldn't register its taste. My mind was on overdrive because of this evening.

In front of me, Vincent was eating his dish, a caviar omelet but wasn't so engrossed. His piercing gaze was at me, assessing me as he ate his dish, relaxed. 

My eyes?

They were staring at him but not actually. I was at a far away distance as I pondered over the scenes, if you can call them.

After the mind-blowing, electrifying and fiery kiss, when we walked out of the trial room together, Jade had given us a smirk, so unexpected of a sister to give that reaction to his brother and his supposed-to-be girlfriend. At least I thought so.

Blushing wasn't in my forte, so, a nervous chuckle had escaped my lips. Jade had waved us off, smiling brightly at me. She handed me another two dresses - one a party wear and another a gown. She had pushed me inside the trial room and I glimpsed a smirk directed at her brother.

That was a kiss that of course stuck with me for a while, apparently forgetting about my past incidents. The kiss had cleared and occupied my mind at the same time. Whatever insanity was left, was gone.

Finally, we settled on a maroon-burgundy solid knitted wrap dress. It had one shoulder, three-quarter puff sleeves, and tulip hem and it was simple but beautiful. 

I had made a mental note of going on a discussion with Jade, about fashion.

Being the independent woman I am, I had paid for my own dress with a pair of silver stilettoes. And after several futile attempts, Jade had gifted me a matching pair of drop & dangle silver earrings with white gold at its tip. 

And it was diamond. 

When she became quite the stubborn lady of offering it as gift, I surprised myself by hugging her tightly and grinned. My smile was pasted on my face till I waved her from the shop's front door and walked towards the parking.

And my mood changed drastically.

Vincent had been standing there with his phone pressed closed to his ears and hissing, angrily. I could see only the back of his head and was curious to what made his veins pop out like that.

"It's a bad idea!" Vincent had almost roared angrily.

Whoever was on the other end was speaking something. Vincent tugged at his hair, in frustration and sighed loudly.

"I'll be following you about what you want to see in Amara but," I had halted my steps for a second but caught up quickly, "she's strong. Whatever she was, she isn't anymore."

With that, Vincent had cut off and I resumed my steps, casually to make it seem like I hadn't eavesdropped.

But it was still nagging me.

I gulped some wine, hastily and wiped my mouth. The wine helped to settle my nerves but that was all I could get. I knew what was coming and it wasn't good. In fact, it could be very bad.

My mind briefly wondered that we were supposed to discuss our fake relationship and prepare some strategies, but it quickly diverted.

"Are you alright, Amara?" Vincent leaned forward, his head cocked at one side.

I smiled, "Just nerves and present times." 

He nodded, "Get ready for the party, okay? Mother is hell bent to see my girlfriend."

I laughed, half-heartedly but didn't pry much. I just wanted to go home and wallow in my self-pity like usual. It was actually one of my talents that I overthink a lot, about everything. It was a downside yet a secret to my perfect façade that I always put before people.

Without saying anything more, we got up and approached our cars. It was almost night and I checked my watch, sighing with relief that it was just close to 10 o'clock. 

With a silent goodbye to each other, we both head our own ways through the busy London streets.

I push frustrated on the brakes as the car speeds up. For I moment I remind myself that it isn't Italy with wide roads. I mean the roads are also wide in London, it is just the effect of the crowd.

Ugh, never mind.

I speed through the road, madly. I was angry, very angry at myself. I was losing my façade, the rising billionaire woman was shivering at her past and their consequences. 

At that moment, even in the bright lights, my mind jumbled up with memories and possible futures.

I pushed on the brakes and jerked forward, as a reflex.

My mind jumped from one thought to another and everything suddenly felt numb, muting the noises of the crowds.

Stalking the first boyfriend, I had, at the age of seventeen, a single restraining order against me from that boy, I still remembered- Cam. It quickly smudged, as a memory of the car crash of my parents flashed. It moved on to a distant yet clear memory of Diana marrying Marcello and leaving me.

Several slides came in my visions as I saw Leo comforting me every time something went wrong,; his parents being there for me.

But what was the most painful was seeing a future, that I thought possible but hated it, nonetheless.

I didn't see myself with Vincent or another man.

My vision hazed briefly and then turned sharp, giving me utmost dread.

I was standing alone while everyone else I knew, even Leo, my parents, Diana, Ella were standing opposite me. In the faces of my parents, Leo, his parents and Ella, I saw sadness and pity. While all the other boys, my mind registering on Cameron, were giving me gleeful smirks, happy to leave me.

Separating from them, stood Vincent and he was the reason I knew, I was losing myself.

He had a malicious, vicious grin spread across his face.

I blinked rapidly, at the last scene, as my numbness began to fade and exhaustion took place.

I was again hallucinating, after so many years.

Sighing tiredly, I pulled my common blank face and also cleared my mind of any other thoughts. Gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw, I drove smoothly through the rest. My eyes went to my watch and I took a long breath.

That 'PowerPoint Slides' in my head had just been for only 2-3 minutes.

And yet they were and will be etched in my mind, for a long time. I was quite sure of that.

The house was bright in front of the night sky, because of the exterior being gorgeously white. I admired its beauty but as my headache was rising at its peak, I walked hurriedly towards the door.

I walked to the bathroom, slammed the cabinets and sighed in relief, when I found my thing. Quickly filling my glass, I gulped down the aspirin and leaned on the kitchen counter. 

"What happened, Amy Darling?" Ella's motherly voice sounded concerned.

"Just a headache." I grumbled.

Before she could speak further, I shook my head and put up my hand.

"I think I need some air." I explained, "I need... space, Mom. And maybe my bike too." 

"Bike?" She frowned, "Then you are seriously in dire need of space."

I smiled. Ella always understood me, just like Leo. I missed Leo but he was going to arrive in London after two days, I could perhaps survive that. Quite a long time, I thought briefly.

I first went to my room, removed my heels and wore some slippers. I was that type of girl who loved heels yet didn't like them for long.

Washing my face, I sighed tiredly as I remembered the episode that happened this evening. My conscious was asking me to dig some answers - probably stalking but I was purposely shutting my mind. It felt good to be numb sometimes.

Quickly dressing myself in a blue denim, a black half sleeve, simple top and a black leather jacket on top of it, I scanned myself in front of a mirror. 

My hair looked messy and I could see the lines of stress on my face.

I was exhausted.

I kept in like that, not bothering to brush it, put on my high boots and grabbed my keys, quickly from the hook. 

The garage was at the back of the house, in a sort of basement structure. I was glad that Leo had somehow managed to buy a garage along with the house and also, transported my bike.

I can possibly ride any bike, and with the money - not bragging, though - I have, I could've brought the latest model available at London. But this bike was my personal favorite. I couldn't leave it behind and for that, Leo deserved a grand reward.

The garage was very spacious, much like a small room, with all necessary equipment. There were mechanical gears, spare parts and even oil cans. 

And in front, just beside a Porsche stood my bike.

It was a black version of Kawasaki Ninja 250. Some shades of deep royal blue adorned its lower sides. They were enticing and suited completely with the black color.

 I grinned to myself.

I put on my gloves and my black tinted helmet. As the garage was at the basement level, I decided not to start up from the ground. Instead, I thought to take my bike through the smooth uphill tilted section, by pushing it.

As soon as I came outside, I felt the chilly air hit at my face. 

But I didn't mind, 'cause I needed that. It was refreshing and it soothed my nerves, not to mention, the numbness was fading out a little.

I gripped the handlebar as I hoisted myself on the motorbike. I felt completely free after a long time, especially after coming to London. I pulled the clutch, revved up the engine and warmed up. 

Not wasting my time further, I jerked in motion and pulled to the road. 

The air felt cool on my neck as it was only the bare part. I shivered a little but smiled to myself. It was what I wanted, the feeling of the chilly breeze. And it helped as the numbness faded out. 

And also the fact, that I didn't want to think.

No one except some very close people or acquaintances, knew that I was a pro biker. All over Italy, I was the perfect businesswoman with plenty of money and beauty. People already criticized me because I was at the top of hierarchy, being a woman. Also, being acquainted with the Mafia raised questions. I had a lot of fan following and I knew, they admired me, but still being a biker meant no security.

A free meal to the enemy, 'cause accidents might happen.

I always rode my bike at night in Italy too. It kept me under the radar and especially with my black gear, no one could recognize me. Also, the Mafia had my back.

Here, in London? I definitely didn't give a fuck.

London was much busier than Italy and everyone here, had their own business. I wasn't that much popular here, so, I wasn't afraid of being recognized, unless an enemy from Italy followed me here.

I passed the restaurant where Vincent and I had dinner just moments ago. I stopped for a moment, the numbness quickly coming back with a sharp pang in my heart.

It was somewhat close to midnight, and I really didn't expect the sight in front of me.

Of course, Vincent was sitting there, laughing heartily. And he wasn't alone.

April Lewis, to whom Vincent's parents wanted him to get married and another girl. I watched as she threw her head back and laughed.


It could be a friendly meeting for all I knew, but something about their faces didn't settle well with me. All of their faces held a look as if they were talking about someone. 

I could read lips, not that greatly. But at least I could understand, somewhat, maybe because I used to, um.. stalk. And it seemed luck wasn't at my side, or else it was extremely at my side. I stared at Vincent's glorious lips and saw them pronouncing.

S-E-X. Sex?

I couldn't catch everything because he sipped his wine, wiped his mouth and talked at the same time.

It could have been about simply describing about the anatomy of a body, but no, something still seemed off. I didn't trust my guts that much, like others. Not even my instinct. But what could be the only plausible logic was that they were speaking about simply, sex.

I revved up my back again.

I knew they couldn't see me through the black helmet but it would be better to ambush myself. That too between that restaurant and a bakery, just beside it.

It seemed they were here for a long time, because just after a couple of minutes later, the trio came out with the biggest fucking smiles on their faces.

And yes, I was kinda pissed. Maybe, a little than kinda.

April got into her own car, apparently and I sighed with relief. I didn't want to even think that April and Vincent were fucking each other, and yet decided for a fake relationship. It would be much worse, if he was going to fuck her on the same day we kissed.

But my eyes shifted towards Nyla, to find her already on the passenger seat of Vincent's car.

In front of me, within a few seconds, they drove away.

I sat there, on my bike and still hiding in secret. Hardly, anyone could see me with this whole black outfit.

My first thought was to follow them.

That meant only one thing - stalking. And that meant, I was already being possessive and clingy. It wasn't actually a good sign, 'cause Vincent wasn't mine to begin with. I have only known him for a few weeks, so it was a dick move to make my right.

It wasn't that great to be labelled as a stalker.

Then, my logic spoke.

I could simply go home, forget about everything that happened today and be happy on my biking tour that I did now. It would be the best, and safe.

My logic won.

I revved my engine, swung my legs on the bike and motioned to the way to my place. If I wanted I could happily enjoy the return journey but I didn't.

My mood that was fine a while ago, was now a little crushed. And I was irritated to my first instinct. If my first thought was to stalk them, that meant I needed to get back to my therapy sessions.

Today was Monday and my therapy sessions were on Saturday, that meant I had to wait.

Nonetheless, somehow, fighting the urge to stalk, I took a long warm shower that night and tossed in my bed with jumbled scenarios of Vincent's lustful kisses and the uneasiness of an unknown future.

• • •

Word Limit: 2558 words [approx.]

I had been away from my home and laptop for a week. But within three days, I finished my work and here I am! Sorry for the inconvenience.

 Love ya! <3 Vote, Comment and Follow!