Chapter 4

At the moment, Eric's life couldn't get much better. As he sat in his office typing away on the monitor, he couldn't help but glance over at his phone every now and then, smiling slightly. His subordinates had also noticed the shift in his mood. Normally their boss was frosty and supercilious, professional almost to the point of being standoffish.

As for the reason why, it dawned on them as they watched a tall, handsome man enter the department and make his way to Eric's office. With wide eyes they watched as he simply walked in without bothering to knock, closing the door behind him.

This man was well known in the company by now. Most employees knew that he was another big shot currently collaborating with the president, but they hadn't known that he was also so close with the president's son.

Eric, who had been in a daze as he stared at his phone, jolted slightly as he heard the door open. "Andrei!" He said with delight, standing and walking over. Wrapping his arm around the man's neck as they kissed, he let his eyes fall shut until he pulled away.

"What did you come here for? I didn't know there were any meetings scheduled." He asked, not that he was complaining.

"I came to see you." Andrei said with a smile, leaning down to lightly peck Eric's lips once more. "And to invite your father to dinner. Tonight be ready by 7, I'll come and pick you up."

Eric nodded, a little surprised they were coming out about it so soon but rather happy. In his mind it meant that Andrei was really serious about them. Chatting with him for a little longer, it was only another ten minutes before Andrei said he had to leave.

"I'll see you tonight, котенок." He said with one last kiss. As reluctant as Eric was to see him go, he was delighted to have something to look forward to that night. With great vigor he returned to his work, deciding to go home exactly on the clock that day.


7 p.m. came and Eric was dressed and ready to go. Seated on the leather couch in his spacious penthouse, he stroked his pet cat Lily's fur as he waited for Andrei's arrival. Lily was a fluffy white cat with beautiful blue eyes, and by far the most spoiled feline in the world. Admittedly, Eric was a bit anxious. He knew his father's temperament and while it wasn't a secret that Eric was gay, he'd never been in a relationship before either. How his father would react was completely unknown. "I really like him." He said to Lily, who looked up with uncomprehending eyes and meowed.

Eric didn't have much time to dwell on it, however, as his phone chimed with a notification. Seeing it was from Andrei, he quickly got up to leave. Exiting the building he spotted the man not too far away, leaning against his car.

"Where are we going?" He asked with a smile as he walked over, standing up on his toes a bit to peck him lightly on the lips.

"A new Italian place that opened up. I think you'll like it." The man said, stepping back a bit so he could open the door for Eric. Getting in, Eric took in a few deep breaths and settled his nerves, simply staring out the window as they drove. Andrei's strong hand was resting on his thigh, bringing him a bit more comfort.

When they arrived the restaurant revealed itself to be very classy and elegant- not over the top like some places but with a timeless, almost nostalgic sort of charm. Following Andrei and the waitress to the private room they had reserved, they saw that they were the first ones there. Taking a seat beside his lover his anxiousness spiked once more.

"What will we do if he doesn't agree?" Eric asked, looking up at Andrei. He had idolized his father since young. If he really refused… he didn't know if he could bear the strain on their relationship.

Andrei reached down to run the back of his index finger down his cheek before catching Eric's chin in his hand. "It will be alright." He reassured him, lowering his hand as the door suddenly opened.

In walked the Albert Aubert- a relatively tall and imposing man, despite looking older than his years. His dark hair had streaks of white forming in it and his expression seemed to be perpetually serious and grim.

"Dad." Eric greeted, trying not to look as nervous as he felt. His father inclined his head in greeting to them as he took a seat across from them.

"I didn't know you two were so well acquainted. Why did you call me out here?" He asked, getting straight to the point. Andrei's smile was relaxed, demeanor unhurried.

"Why don't we order first? I also hear the wine selection here is excellent." Seeing the president nod his head in agreement they perused through the menu, making light conversation. Eric simply glanced through it and ordered something light. His nerves were so worked up he didn't think he'd be able to eat much anyways.

It was only when their food arrived and the wine had been poured that they explained why they were here. Eric took in a breath, feeling Andrei's hand cover his own beneath the table and giving it a small squeeze.

"Dad, we… the reason we wanted to talk to you is because Andrei and I are together." He said, slowly and steadily so there was no mistake in his words. Seeing that his father wasn't saying anything, Eric continued. "You already know I don't like women. I don't want to force myself into a sham marriage or anything and I… I really like him."

"I did not expect to meet someone as charming as Eric when I came to America. Naturally, I will treat him very well." Andrei said in that low and reassuring timbre that made the listener feel like everything he said must be true.

The Aubert patriarch was still silent, lifting up his napkin to wipe his mouth before setting it back down on his lap. "Do you really refuse to see a woman? What about Khalisa?" He asked his son, surprisingly rather calm.

"Khalisa is just a friend, and she already has a boyfriend." Eric replied. Khalisa was one of his childhood friends who he was particularly close to. He had only ever seen her as a sister, however, and it was the same for her. Albert's eyes then turned to Andrei, critical and piercing as if trying to find any fallacy in his words.

"You of all people should understand the consequences it will have on your business. I'm not inclined to believe that you won't end up regretting it." He said, and though his words were harsh they were still true. The United States was very open minded nowadays, but Russia was famously homophobic.

"I've always understood this matter, however no matter how much money I lose I can just earn it again. Eric is irreplaceable." An investment, for which he expected great returns.

Albert didn't seem entirely convinced, however he looked over at his son once again. "You are adamant about this?"

"I am." Eric said firmly. With a soft sigh, the man closed his eyes for a moment.

"I will accept it, only because the partner you chose is fitting." If Eric were a woman Albert would naturally have agreed right away. However even though they were both men he was amenable. From what he had seen Andrei had an upright character, and in addition to that he was extraordinarily wealthy and successful. There was no shame in having such a partner, and Eric was not his only son.

"Thank you, Dad." Eric said, a bit emotional. He had been so worried in the past but it seemed like it had been all for nothing. An arm encircled his waist as Andrei kissed his cheek.

"See? I told you it would be alright." He said gently, making him break out into a smile. Across from them Albert's face was a bit dark, but he said nothing, simply lifting his glass of wine to his lips and taking a sip.

The rest of the meal went by without any issues, and after Andrei paid the bill they parted ways with his father. Since it was still early, the two of them decided to go for a little walk in the square. Hugging Andrei's arm as they leisurely strolled beneath the streetlights and past the shop windows, Eric was completely content.

"Did you know that he would agree? You seemed so calm." Eric asked.

"It was a fair guess. Your father is a very reasonable man, I know he wants you to be happy." That was true. Eric had always been spoiled and protected by his father and older brother, especially since he had lost his mother at a very young age.

"He's a bit conservative though." Eric said with a slight sigh, but nonetheless he was happy with the day's outcome. "What about you? Will your family be unhappy if they know about us?"

"My family is long gone, you don't have to worry about that."

Eric suddenly stopped, surprised by his words before he resumed walking. "...I'm sorry." He said softly. Though Andrei seemed very calm about it.

"They died when I was young, I'm not too sad about it." The man reassured him. Nonetheless Eric clung to his arm a little tighter. He felt that Andrei was such a good man… it was unfair that the best people suffered so much.

They continued to walk for a while longer before circling back to Andrei's car. "Can we go back to your place?" Eric asked, clearly unwilling to part. With Andrei's agreement, they got into the vehicle and drove off into the night.