On That Day

Hinami was born in an average hospital in a normal family. She isn't rich nor poor. She gets by on the average. When Hinami was a small girl she was the kindest and sweetest girl on the planet.

"Mama! Look what I made!" Hinami skipped to her mom with a flower crown and smiled.

"That's nice sweetheart." The mom crouched down and smiled as Hinami put the crown on her head.

"I made one for daddy too!" Hinami smiled.

"We'll be sure to give it to him when he gets off work." The mom said.

"Okay!" Hinami smiled.

Hinami ran to the couch and sat in front of the window and awaited her father to come home. She waited hours upon a time..her father was gonna be home late once again. He always came home late. Hinami didn't care though..she waited beside the window and even sometimes fell asleep on the couch.

"I'm home." The dad said. He came home smelling like perfume. He looked at Hinami sleeping on the couch and sighed. "Everyday.." he smiled.

Hinami woke up in her head late at night and heard arguing and put her ear to the door.

"This shit again?! Who's this bitch you're cheating on me with?! We have a daughter you bastard!" The mom yelled.

"I'm not cheating on you with anyone! I work at a store! Of course I'm gonna smell like perfume! I help around with the customers with all different items, perfume just happens to be one of those!" The dad yelled back.

"You know what I'm talking about you bastard..You don't smell like that store perfume..plus you have a HICKEY on your neck! Explain that!" The mother said.

Hinami covered her ears and sat against the door. Her parents argued like this every night.. she knew the dad was in the wrong and she hated the arguing but she couldn't do anything..Hinami closed her eyes and softly cried until she fell asleep on the floor.

The next day, Hinami and her mom were eating at the dining room. Hinami happily ate her pancakes and her mom watched and drank her coffee. The day was slow and calm..nothing happened that was worth talking about. Hinami soon got done eating and looked at her mom and smiled.

"It was great Mama!" She smiled happily.

"I'm glad sweetheart.." She gently pinched Hinami's cheek. She was visibly tired, but she kept smiling.

"You look tired mama..Do you want to go to sleep?" Hinami asked.

"No no... I'm just fine." She hugged Hinami and tears fell down her cheeks and she quietly sobbed.

Hinami's eyes widened. Her mother never cried before in front of her. Hinami teared up a bit also and tears fell down her cheeks.

"M-Mama..w-what's wrong?" Hinami was shaking.

"Everything... I'm sorry you have to stay in this house at times like these...you deserve better my sweet little girl..." The mom said and sobbed.

At this moment Hinami realized what the mom was talking about. The things her mom and dad argued about at night every day..the constant screaming and breaking things. She just realized that the dad was actually cheating on her mom. Hinami sobbed quietly with her mom because she couldn't handle the pain her mom was feeling.

Later that night, the same argument happened until the dad got sick of it all and started hitting the mom. The mom yelled and wanted to hit back but the dad wouldn't allow her. Hinami was crying in the room..feeling useless that she couldn't help her mother. The dad beat on the mom so much that eventually the mom lost her life... Terrified, the dad hid the body in the backyard and told Hinami to pack her things and they moved to another town.

A few years later, Hinami turned 17 and she met me in Yokashi High School. Hinami always smiled and was happy around me and others. I could tell she was struggling mentally. I dragged Hinami to the side and leaned against the wall.

"Hinami..what's the matter..?" I looked at her.

"Kyotsu.." She held my cheek and smiled. "I'm alright..there's nothing to worry about..I just feel a little sick today."

The bell rang for us to leave the school and we both looked up then back at each other. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed my lips.

"I love you. I gotta get home..my dad is strict about his rules." Hinami waved and ran off.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I noticed it was about to rain later so I took my umbrella out my bag and walked out the school. I looked at the sky and walked home.

Hinami walked home slowly and the memories of her mom lingered in her head..the screams before she lost her life. Hinami was depressed and it was noticable..she was mentally drained, going insane. She could snap at any minute. Soon, she got home.

"I'm home!" She called out then looked up and saw a woman in the kitchen and flashed back to her mother.

"Oh hello, you must be Hinami." The woman said.

"Dad!" Hinami stomped to the front room and looked at him. "Who the hell is this woman?!"

"Oh, she's my fiancee. She's gonna be your new mom." The dad smiled.

"What?! I don't need a new mom! I don't want a new mom! No one can replace her!" Hinami yelled.

"Is everything okay in here?" The woman smiled nervously.

"I don't need a new mom! You killed my previous mom and hid her body you bastard!" Hinami grabbed her dad's shirt and tears was streaming down her face.

"H-Hey! Calm down!" The woman said.

"Hinami please just listen for a second." The dad said.

Hinami soon snapped and let the dad go and walked in the kitchen and grabbed a knife.. specifically her mother's favorite knife she used for cooking and walked back in the front room and giggled then started laughing like a psychopath.

"You want me to listen after what you've put me through?! After what you did to my mother?!" Hinami laughed.

"P-Please put the knife do-" the woman tried to finish her sentence, but Hinami cut her neck open.

Hinami's eyes were crazy and she smiled widely as she killed the woman then walked to the woman and pushed her body down and started to stab her an unlawfully amount of times.

"You're not dying fast enough! Die! Die die die! DIE!" Hinami laughed wickedly and stabbed through her neck with the final stab. She had blood all over her face and clothes then she took the knife out of her neck then walked to her dad.

"Hinami, stop right there!" The dad scooted back to the wall.

"I gotta admit..that was so fun..daddy..I want you to scream for mercy like mama did.." Hinami laughed and stabbed the dad and kept stabbing him until she couldn't even hear his whisper anymore.

Hinami stood up with the knife in hand and walked to the kitchen and cleaned off the blood and got a purse and put the knife in the purse then walked out the door. She knew what she did was terrible and could lead to life in prison..she just wanted revenge for her mother. She walked in the rain without an umbrella and looked down.

I had to take the long way home since the road I usually take was flooded. As I looked up from my feet I saw Hinami.

"Hina.." I stopped and looked at her.

"Kyotsu.." Hinami looked up at me.