Drake Ran Away With The Budget

The next day became very toxic since the CEO of Martin Enterprises wanted to deliver the supplies early from the given deadline. However, Drake, one of her staff, didn't give the report ever since the budget was given to him. 

Jaymianne was stressed out about the supplies. She strived to call the supplier to ask for progress but it gave her a vague answer. They said no one from Mar Construction Supplied Inc. talked about the materials they wanted to deliver. 

She was stunned by the company in France that Drake didn't contact them. It was a huge disaster since they needed to prepare the supplies that Martin Enterprises required. 

Jaymianne tried to call and text him but he didn't respond to any of those. Her secretary tried to visit his place and he was nowhere to be found. 

Cheslea walked inside the office and handed her favorite coffee. She was nervous to tell the news about Drake. She knew that this deal would be their great loss. 

She took a deep breath and said, "Miss Mar, Drake was nowhere to be found." 

Jaymianne looked at her with her fiery eyes. She couldn't process what her secretary said.

"Wait, w-what did you say?!" 

She slammed her hand on the table and was frustrated by what she heard from her secretary. Her secretary was very frightened when seeing her boss. 

"Miss Mar… we couldn't find Drake and his stuff wasn't in his place. The investigator said that he ran away and left the country for good."

"So it means…"

"He ran away along with the budget that Martin Enterprises gave." 

She felt dizzy and couldn't process the news Cheslea informed. It was huge money and it cost 200 million dollars. It was only the initial budget for the supplies.

She didn't know where to get that money and if she could pay the debt, her company would go bankrupt. She didn't want that to happen. 

This company was important since her parents inherited it for her. It was a memory from her parents and now, it is gone. 

"Jayme… What are you going to do? It was 200 million dollars and it was huge money. How will you recover the money and deliver the supplies?" She asked and sat on the couch. 

She heaved a deep sigh and thought of a solution. She couldn't just barge into the company and tell the CEO what happened. The company would sue them if that happened. 

"Is there any chance to track Drake down? We need to work fast or else, it will be too late. And this company will be in danger." She mumbled and sat on her chair. 

She hadn't enough energy to face all of these problems. It wasn't a simple problem that it could solve overnight. It was the money they lost and it cost a fortune. 

Her company couldn't afford to lose another large amount of money and replaced it from the loss budget. She didn't know where to get the money so they needed to track her staff and sued him for stealing the money. 

"We tried our best to track him down but I think someone helped him to remove all his devices. He became anonymous to the investigator."

"Someone helped him from running away with the money? So he knew from the start about the deal with Martin Enterprises?"

"What do you mean?" She asked. 

Jaymianne looked at her and replied, "he accepted the project… Isn't it funny that he accepted it even though… in the first place, he didn't like a big responsibility."

"You are right, Jayme. He told me that he doesn't like handling such a big project because he became careless and now, this is the most important client we have and he accepted it." 

"Well, we need to track him down and get the money back. Or else, we'll be in great trouble. Call Macey to investigate and track every CCTV in the city." 

Her secretary nodded and grabbed her phone from the purse. And as she glanced at her phone, her eyes widened, and looked at Jaymianne, who was confused. 

"What is it, Cheslea?" She asked. 

She walked closer to her and gave her the phone. Jaymianne was hesitant to hand the phone but Cheslea insisted. 

"You need to see for yourself. It was from Martin Enterprises." She mumbled. 

She clasped the phone and read the message. Her eyes widened and her body was shaking. She didn't know what to do. Why does the company need to change the deadline? 

All of a sudden…

"They wanted to deliver the supplies by tomorrow. They expected it by tomorrow morning. Cheslea, the supplies didn't exist. What are we going to do?" 

"We need to talk to them. It was early if they wanted to deliver all the supplies tomorrow. It was ridiculous." 

"I'll try to talk to Mrs. Riley. Contact them and I'll talk to them." She commanded. 

Cheslea responded with a nod and grabbed the phone. She typed Mrs. Riley's contact number and called her. 

After a few minutes, Mrs. Riley answered the call. Cheslea gave the phone to her boss. Jaymianne took a deep breath before she answered. 

"Mrs. Riley, good morning. This is Jaymianne Mar, the CEO of MCSI. I'm so sorry for the sudden call." 

"It was fine Miss Mar. What can I do for you?" She asked.

"My secretary received the message from your company about delivering the supplies by tomorrow. I want to ask why the deadline suddenly changed?" 

"Well, Mr. Martin wanted to start the project tomorrow after delivering the supplies. He wanted to have a shelter for the orphans as soon as possible." 

"But the deadline was next week which I believe that it was in our agreement, am I right?"

"The CEO entrusted your company to make the supplies very quickly and he was expecting that it would be ready by tomorrow."

"Mrs. Riley, I want to talk to your CEO by tomorrow. I'll ask personally to make me an appointment with Mr. Martin. Is that okay?" 

"I'll pass your message Miss Mar and I'll update your secretary." 

"Thank you, Mrs. Riley." 

Then, she hung up the call and gave it to her secretary. Cheslea sat in front of her and asked, "what did she say?" 

"She'll update you about the appointment. Cheslea, I need to rest for today to prepare myself for my meeting tomorrow with Mr. Martin. Cancel all my meetings for today."

"Okay… are you tired?"

"Exhausted from everything. Anyway, just text me about the meeting with Mr. Martin. I'll get going." She mumbled and stood. 

Cheslea gave her bag and escorted her from the main door. Her secretary called the driver to pick her up but then, she stopped Cheslea. 

"Just tell the driver that he can go home now. I'll just unwind myself." 

She nodded and opened the door for her. She smiled at Cheslea and patted her shoulder. 

"Just update me, okay?" 

"Okay, you can count on me."