"Oh uh I was trying to wake you up because I brought you some lunch. It's Katsudon and I put cayenne pepper in yours to make it spicy. It's probably room temperature now. I took too long to clean up my mess." Midoriya babbled as he got the bowl and chopsticks the handed it to Bakugou

(I hope he didn't notice I was holding his hand.)

Bakugou sat up and took the bowl.

(I wanna hug him to make sure this is real, but It's fine I don't need to. That's definitely Deku and he's alive which is also... good.)

Midoriya grabbed his and went to sit on his own bed. He was looking at Bakugou as he took his first bite.

(It could be better, but it's better th a n anything that Hag makes. Ugh he's staring at me. Man that dream was freakin scary.)

"Why are you staring at me?" Bakugou asked not looking up from his bowl

"Do you like it? It's my first time making it, but Kirishima and Ashido said it was good. So I wanted to know what you thought." Midoriya shrugged

(Thought those extras were going out to eat.)

"It tastes like Katsudon." Bakugou said

"Do you like it though? I didn't know how it would taste with the cayenne in it."

"It's edible." That was about as close to a complement Midoriya would get

"Okay? That's good, I guess." Midoriya was kinda confused on whether that meant it was good or Bakugou was just eating it for convenience

"Why do you care anyway? And why'd you feed those extras?" Bakugou asked

(He hasn't taken a bite of his yet. It's probably cold now.)

"Extras..? Oh you mean Ashido and Kirishima. They asked for some when I was making mine then I decided to quadruple the recipe so you would have some too. As for why do I care. I don't know I just tend to care what people think. Well... I care what my friends think." Midoriya said

"I'm not your friend." Bakugou said

"You're my classmate, it's close enough." Midoriya said

(Ugh, You won't give up will you?)

"Whatever, shut up and eat your damn food!" Bakugou shouted

"R- right!" Midoriya started eating

(This is good, but moms is definitely better.)

There was a few minutes of silence while each ate their bowls of Katsudon.

Bakugou didn't look at Midoriya the whole time, but every few minutes he could feel those green eyes burning a hole in his skull.

" Ugh ! why the hell do you keep looking at me!"

"S- so- sorry! I was just concerned." Midoriya squeaked

"There's nothing to be concerned about."

"Um you kinda... sounded like you were having a nightmare, when you were asleep and I just w- wanted to make sure you were okay." Midoriya avoided Bakugou's guise taking another bite of his food

"It's just a stupid ass dream, I'm fine." Bakugou shrugged

(What did he hear?)

"But-" Midoriya shot his head up, but was interrupted

"I'm fine leave it alone, Deku." Bakugou looked directly at Midoriya

"Okay I... I understand. If you want to talk about it ju- just know I'm here." Midoriya said looking back down

"Yea I know, I can't seem to freaking get rid of you." Bakugou rolled his eyes

(That kinda sounded like I didn't want to get rid of him, ugh!)

"Kirishima was looking for you again or at least I think he was." Midoriya mentioned


"He didn't say he was looking for you specifically, but he asked me where you were while I was cooking." Midoriya said taking his last bite

"I don't feel like talking to Dumb Hair. He can bother me tomorrow." Bakugou got up

He walked over to Midoriya and put his hand out.

Midoriya looked at his hand then gave him a confused look.

"Hand me the bowl, idiot." Bakugou rolled his eyes

"Oh! Okay haha." Midoriya laughed awkwardly

Midoriya handed Bakugou the bowl and he walked out the door.

(He's acting different. That dream must have really scared him.)


They were both on their respective beds playing on their phones. It was almost curfew.

"Achoo! Excuse me." Midoriya sneezed like a kitten

(That was - gross, it was gross!)

Midoriya got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He walked to his closet and got his night clothes then returned to the bathroom shutting the door this time. Midoriya came back out a few minutes later in an almost oversized No Game No Life shirt and black boxers.

When Midoriya got back on his bed Bakugou got up and went in the bathroom. He shut the door so he could pee, then he brushed his teeth. After that he left the bathroom and went to the dresser for his night clothes.

"I gotta change my underwear so don't look or I'll kill you."

"Why don't you go in the bathroom like it did?" Midoriya questioned

"Because don't wanna walk all the way back in there idiot, duh !"

"But it's not that far." Midoriya touching the bathroom door frame from the end of his bed

Bakugou just gave him and angry look.

"Okay." Midoriya position his body so it was facing the head of the bed look out the balcony doors.

(He saw me naked! I wanna see him naked just once. Wait no that's weird Izuku he's your rival and a bully. Well he's not that bad anymore, but still ! )

"Alright I'm done." Bakugou grabbed a clean pair sweat pants

Midoriya turned and leaned his back against the wall. He let his feet hang off the side of the bed.

Bakugou put the new sweats on. Midoriya glanced at him and thought he was done until Bakugou took his shirt off. Midoriya blushed quickly darting his eyes to his legs in front of him.

(No, think about something else!)

Bakugou grabbed a new shirt.

(Nah, I'll just sleep I my sweat pants.)

He put the shirt back and shut the drawer.

When he turned around to sit back in his bed he noticed Midoriya was slightly red in the face, looking down, and fidgeting with is fingers.

Bakugou rose an eyebrow.

"Oi, what's wrong with you?"

(He's flustered. Is it because of me? Definitely not, I didn't do anything.)

Midoriya looked up at him, but then when he noticed Bakugou still didn't have a shirt on he darted his eyes to the side.

"Nothing's wrong." Midoriya lied

Bakugou smirked

"Tch- there is too, stupid. Your face is red."

"Um uh..." Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck

(Ah, he's gonna figure out I'm- I gotta calm down I can't get like this all the time.)

(Just tell him it's not that weird to be uncomfortable with someone who's shirtless. I mean girls aren't just casually shirtless in front of each other are they? Wait that kinda sexist that guys can go shirtless, but girls can't. This not this time to be thinking about societal issues!)

"Are you gonna tell me what the hell's your problem or are you just gonna mutter until we fall asleep?" Bakugou sat on his bed

"Uh you not wearing a shirt makes me uncomfortable." Midoriya blurted


"Why? You're not wearing pants. It's basically the damn thing." Bakugou pointed to Midoriya's bare legs

"Oh." Midoriya looked at his legs then he pulled his knees to his chest under his shirt

(I didn't even think about that!)

"Sorry. Never mind just forget what I said. I just thought it was kind of weird for guys to be casually shirtless in front of each other."

"It's not that weird, what you got under your bed is weird." Bakugou said looking straight at Midoriya

"What?" Midoriya was confused

(I don't have anything under my bed.)

"Don't know what I'm talking about? How about I get it." Bakugou got up and walked to Midoriya

"Wa- what are you doing?" Midoriya pushed himself against the wall as much as he could

Bakugou didn't answer, but only bent down to grab one of thin books that was underneath the bed. Bakugou stood back up and showed Midoriya the book.

"I was getting this." Bakugou tossed the book to Midoriya and walked back to his bed

Midoriya grabbed the book and immediately his face turned red.

(Oh no. This is the end. I don't want to be here, please take me now! He's gonna know. What if I get kicked out of UA? What if he tells other people? What if everybody hates me? What if he hates me more? Oh my god what if All Might hates me?) Midoriya wanted to cry

"What will people think when they hear their pure innocent Deku hides R18 Yaoi manga under his bed." Bakugou was toying with Midoriya

"I- Uh- I- I." Midoriya didn't know what to say he was tearing up

Bakugou frowned.

"Calm down I'm not gonna tell anyone. I only found four plus I bet See Through and the Pink Alien have hundreds in their rooms."

"Really?" Midoriya was slightly relieved, but still worried

"So tell me why can't I have my porn magz, but you can have Yaoi?" Bakugou joked

"I- I d- don't know." Midoriya was really embarrassed and covering his face

"Why do you read those anyway?"

Midoriya really didn't want to answer this question, but he knew it was coming.

"Why do you read pornography?" Midoriya tried to turn the question on Bakugou as he peeked through his fingers

"I think you know why, idiot. Is that the same reason you read Yaoi?" Bakugou tried to get an answer out of Midoriya

"I'm tired." Midoriya put the book in his bedside drawer then getting under the blankets

"I'll take that as a yes." Bakugou went to shut the lights off

Midoriya was facing the wall almost crying again.

(Why am I so upset it's not like it matters. It's just a stupid book it doesn't mean anything.)

Midoriya sneezed.

"Quiet!" Bakugou said

"Sorry." Midoriya said as he asleep

(Is Deku gay? I mean it's just a book, but it has gay stuff in it. So does that mean he's gay or bisexual at least. There's also pansexual. I can't ask him! I'm an asshole, but not the kind of asshole to force someone to come out.) Bakugou slowly fell asleep


Midoriya woke up before his alarm.

(Not again.)

He yawned and stretched.

Midoriya walked over to the closet and got his school uniform and walked to the bathroom to get dressed. He put his uniform on, then washed his face, He tried to tame his hair, but it was useless. Midoriya coughed a couple times.

"Jeez, I hope I'm not getting Uraraka's cold."

"Get out! I need to take a piss." Bakugou banged on the door

Midoriya yelped and quickly opened the door.

"Sorry Kacchan." Midoriya smiled nervously

"Move." Bakugou pushed passed Midoriya

Midoriya walked out quickly and shut the door.

He gathered his books in his backpack so he wouldn't have to do it later. Bakugou came out of the bathroom.

"Why are you dressed already?"

"So I don't have to get dressed later I guess. What do you do in the morning?"

Bakugou walked back to his bed.

"I usually wake up ten minutes before we need to walk to class. I get dressed, wash my face, I brush my teeth then I walk to class."

"How do you have time to eat?" Midoriya asked

"I eat an apple or toast on the way to class."

"Oh, so that's why you come to class eating sometimes." Midoriya said thinking back

"Sometimes I'm late because I have to wait on Shitty Hair. He takes forever to style his stupid hair."

"Do you want me to bring you some breakfast? I'm going to go make me something."

"I don't give a shit." Bakugou said standing up

"Okay, I'll bring you something!" Midoriya walked out of their room


Bakugou did his morning routine a little early today.

"What do I do now? Guess I'll wait for the idiot to get back with my food."


Midoriya made it to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal like he always does.

(What do I make for Kacchan? He said he eats toast or an apple in the morning which I already knew. How about I make him peanut butter toast with apple slices on it. He'll like that right?)

Uraraka came into the kitchen as Midoriya was thinking.

"Hi, Uraraka how are you feeling this morning?"

"I feel so much better."

"That's great!"

"What are you doing?" Uraraka asked

"I'm making toast then I'm going to spread peanut butter on it and put apple slices on top."

"Sounds yummy, but if you're making that why is there a bowl of cereal?"

"Oh that's mine, I'm making this for Kacchan."

"How about you and Bakugou share that and I eat your cereal." Uraraka said

"But I like my cereal!" Midoriya whined

"You should eat something healthy for once." Uraraka smirked taking the bowl

"But-" Midoriya tried to argue

"I'm already eating it!" Uraraka left the kitchen with the bowl

"Ugh you're so mean!" Midoriya laughed

Midoriya made two more pieces so he would have something to eat. Then took it back to his room.


"I'm back with food!" Midoriya opened his door

"Finally I'm starving!" Bakugou said

Midoriya handed Bakugou the plate, but took two pieces and left two for Bakugou

"Oi! That's my food!"

"A- Actually, these two are for me. I used the same plate so we wouldn't dirty up another." Midoriya took a bite

"Don't you usually eat cereal?" Bakugou questioned as he took a bite

"I made me cereal, but Uraraka wanted it."

"So you just gave it to her?" Bakugou asked

"Actually she stole it, but if I really wanted a bowl of cereal I would have just made another one." Midoriya took another bite

"I would've chased Gravity Hater down and yelled at her if she stole my food."

"You wouldn't be Kacchan if you didn't." Midoriya laughed


Bakugou finished his breakfast and so did Midoriya. Midoriya went to brush his teeth and Bakugou followed to brush his teeth too.

The air felt awkward. To Midoriya a least.

Bakugou rinsed and spit then he put his toothbrush back in the cup.

"If you're worried about last night, don't. I won't ask about it again." Bakugou walked out of the bathroom

Midoriya was stunned.

(That was nice, Kacchan's being nice? Does he have a cold?)

Midoriya repeated what Bakugou did. then left the bathroom too.

Bakugou was leaving when Midoriya came out of the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Midoriya asked

Bakugou turned his head.

"None of your business Deku."

Then he shut the door.

"I was just asking. You don't have to be such a meanie." Midoriya muttered

Midoriya grabbed his backpack and his phone and headed out the door to meet up with Iida, Uraraka, Asui, and Todoroki.