Part 2

Third person pov

Teahyung did not even expected that to happened. Jungkook took me next to him. And he pushed jackson to mark. Teahyung wasn't the only one who was shocked. Everyone was shocked including jungkook him self too.

"perfect" thats the only thing that jungkook said. "uhmm" yeonjun cleared his throat. Everything is happening in unexpected ways.

Teahyung pov

I was shocked when jungkook pulled me to him and pushed his boyfriend Jackson to my boyfriend mark. At that time i saw his mark that marked by Jackson. I tried my best to hold it back. Who am i to blame him. Im also marked.

I was getting crazy because of his scent. Thats the worst part of me being an vampire. I want to tast his blood so badly.

"Yeonjun. I... Please help me. Right now I want to tast his blood. Please help me" i linked him. And he look at me with wtf face.

Third person pov

Yeonjun came to me and tried to take teahyung from jungkook. But he failed. Jungkook punched him and he forced teahyung to sit in jungkook's lep. He thought to him self And thats it. I cant hold it any more... Teahyung forgot that yeonjun can hear it. "Not in front of everyone tea" he linked with him.

Teahyung did not wait for one second. He took jungkook's hand and went to his room and locked the door. Jungkook was looking at him confused.

Teahyung started licking his neck. And pulled out his fabgs to jungkook's neck and stated tasting the blood of his mate's blood. At first he shouted in pain. But later jungkook started moaning.

After few seconds tea started to licking his neck again to heal the wound that tea made.

Teahyung came to his sense. " I... Im really s.. Sor.. ry alpha. Im really sorry that i... marked you" he was really scared. Jungkook hugged him and comforted him first. " its ok. You are my mate. So i dont think there is any problem about that" tea blushed. Junkook pulled teahyung face out of his chest and kissed his lips which made him blush harder.

When both of them came back out of the room jackson was about to say something. But he stopped when he heard something.


Everyone was scared and shocked when they heard the sound. It was the sound of closing the door. When teahyung saw the person entering the house he holded jungkooks hand. And jungkook knew that teahyung was scared. And he want to know the reason why.

" hello darling... Oh hai alpha. It really nice to meet you. Where is that disgusting bitch?" he asked everyone. He didn't notice the little boy who was in jungkooks back.

( in this story tea is smaller than kook. And i knw that actually in reality they have kind a same hight. But assume that tea is smaller than kook. So back to the story.)

Jungkook quickly asked him. "hai beakhyun. And who is that the disgusting bitch that you are referring to?" jungkook asked him with a curious face. " oh the disgusting one is obviously teahyung" jungkooks was shocked. And he couldn't believe what beakhyun told to him. So he showed teahyung behind him and asked "are you telling me about this taehyung?" jungkook asked him with a blank face. And beakhyun nodded. And he started laughing. And unfortunately jungkook laughed too. And Jackson and jimin was scared. Jimin took teahyung from jungkook. And jungkook was looking at jimin like 'please keep him safe'. And jungkook turned around at beakhyun who was thinking what was happening. And he saw jungkooks scary bloody red eyes. Yes he was scared.

Jungkook came near to beakhyun who was about to faint with the fear. " who are you to call disgusting to your own luna?! " "Lu... na?" He was scared and shocked at the same time. "yes. If you called him that again.... Then your going to be a rogues. No one have rights to call my mate with rude names. " jungkook used his alpha voice which beakhyun which made him more scared. He immediately apologized jungkook "im sorry alpha" beakhyun almost cried. " you have to apologize to him. Not to me" jungkook showed teahyung. And he did. "im reallly sorry... L.. Lun... a" beakhyun completed the sentence when he heard jungkooks growled to him.

Beakhyun went out of the house as fast as possible. Jimin, jungkook and Jackson started laughing at the same time. " oh god. U saw his... his face? U should have seen it. Oh my god. He was about to faint." jimin was laughing. And then he slipped down from chair.

" Im sure he peed to his pants" Jackson told to them which makes everyone laughed harder.

After 5 to 10 mins they heard someone came inside the room. "did you miss me? And u jungkook! I was searching for you..." "hoseokii. Why did you leave us. I thought you died. I was really afraid" hoseok couldn't even finished his sentence jimin came to him hugged him brother. "jiminii. Im sorry. Now don't cry. Im here. I did not die. Ok?" hoseok smiled to him and curiously looked to the couples. "And what the hell is happening here? Am i seeing it wrong or right?" he told to them by pointing jungkook and Jackson's face.

"no. They found out their own mates. Jungkooks mate is teahyung. And Jackson's mate is mark. Haha. Really funny right." hoseok was shocked. "That means... The real luna is TEAHYUNG?! omg. Lol." he started laughing.

"ok. Ok. So lets go to the Black haw Pack house. Dose that make sounds fun?" hoseok asked everyone. "yes! I want to go there. Its been 4 years now that i haven't gone there" jimin started jumping like a cute baby from the excitement.

Jimin pov

So me and everyone went to the kook's pack house. Suddenly i smelled sweet smells of strawberry. Then i saw a boy in front of me which made him shock.

Third person pov

" What the fu*k?" jimin shouted. " hey kid. Language... can u both dare to tell me whats happening here. Yoongi? Im sure that you both are seeing after 4 years. And you both are not new to eachother too." Junkook told them with a blank face.

"omfg. You and me? Hell no. Thats not even possible. How could that even possible to be happen" yoongi told with a weird face. "Can someone please tell me whats happening between these two friends? Cox i dont understand these both. Can anyone know whats happening here?" hoseok asked them and everyone said 'no'

Finally jimin came to his sense "oh god guys! Can you believe this?! This min yoongi is my mate!" jimin told everyone. Not only jimin and yoongi was shocked. Everyone with them was shocked.

Teahyung pov

When everything went back to normal i had a pain in my small stomach. 'Hey! yeonjun! What is today's date? I think my period is coming! Ugh! Its hurts a lot!' i linked with my brother. And he looked at me with a shock face and he linked back'omg yes! Then what?' me and him both looked at jennie who was too busy texting with someone with her phone. She looked at our nervous faces and opened her link 'hey. Whats wrong with you both? Something happened?' she asked us. And i told her what happened. And she was shocked too.

I did not have any other choice. I went to jungkook. " hey" i called him. He looked at me. " is there any omega other than jimin?" i asked him. He shook his head. " is everything ok? Did someone bullied you. Is it boring here?" he asked me. "no. no. Actually... I think im period. So... Can i borrow somethings to wear?" i asked him with shy face. He gaved me a handsome smile and nodded. He showed me a omega boy. And i went him and asked him what i want. He gaved it and said good luck to me.

Then me and jungkook went to jungkooks room. He showed me his clothes and told me to choose anything that i want.

Third person pov

Teahyung came out. "its so big" teahyung was so cute with jungkooks clothes. Jungkook couldn't take his eyes from teahyung which made him blush.

" why are you looking at me like that" teahyung asked him. Jungkook came near to teahyung and held his right hand around in teahyung small hips and pulled me his closer to him. Jungkook smelled the sweet smell in teahyung neck which teahyung moaned a little. "babe. You smells so good. And you look so cute with that outfit" jungkook told him and leaned closer to teahyung face. Teahyung closed his eyes. Jungkook smiled and kissed him. It was different than the first kiss. They both were tasting the sweetness of eachothers lips. At first it was a slow kiss. And then changed to a fast kiss when teahyung held his hands in jungkooks neck.

After a few mins jungkook pulled teahyung from the kiss to let them breathe. Both was exhausted from the kiss. Teahyung whole body was smelling like jungkook.

Teahyung eyes color changed to Red, purple and blue colors which made jungkook shock.

" tea! Why... What dose that mean by red, purple blue?" jungkook asked him. " red means i want to drink your blood. Cox im a vampire. And purple means thats im shy... Sometimes that color appears when im scared. And blue color is special color shows that im an omega" teahyung explained him. Then he realized that tea drank his blood when they were in tea house. "ooh. So... U drank my blood before... right" tea nodded. " so dose this mean that... u mark everyone that you..."

Please let me know if this part is good or bad. 🙏❤️