Part 4

4 years ago

An rogues who named Heo Joon hocame to Black haw Pack. And his body was full of blood. He came and holded Min Young won's hand and said " my min young... My mate. Please save me. Im a rogues. And i dont know why they made me a rogues. Pleaese save me" she said to him. " I cant do anything. You have to talk with our alpha Jung hea..." min young stopped talking when she heard a growling from the back.

" Jung hea hyung... Please save my mate. He told me that he doesn't know the reason why he became a rogues... Please..." min young begged him. Jung hea's red eyes went back to normal eyes which made min young relaxed. " whats your name?" jung hea asked him politely." im Heo joon sir" when he told his name and called him 'sir' made jung hea laugh a little . "oh man. U can call me jung hea hyung. Im jung hea the alpha of the pack... and yah she came at the right time. This is Jeon Soo kyung... The luna of this pack... min young take ur mate to your room and help him to heal the wounds"

After an hour hoseok came into the pack house with his mate Seo Yuna. She was attacked by an alpha. In front of everyone she died saying " ho...b...i... Than...ks fo..r every... thing and... I you a...lot. Luna and alpha tha...nks for and o...thers too" then yuna died in front of everyone.


"After that incidence i went to the Hong Kong from here korea Seoul. Hong Kong is the place where she lived before... I know you willbe scared when i left here so sudden without knowing. " when he finnished the whole story teahyung asked him with a purple eyes which made everyone shocked

" Heo joon is min young's mate? Where is he now?" "Im right here kim teahyung. Long time no see huh!" heo joon came out of the room . Teahyung teared eyes changed to purplish red color which made everyone more shocked. Even jennie and yeonjun was shocked too. Because they never saw that eyes of him.

And then Heo joon went out of the home. And teahyung eyes went back to his light brown eyes. " Can someone please let me meet min young" at that time yoongi came to teahyung and told teahyung to follow him.

Teahyung pov

Yoongi took me to a room. There was a woman sitting in a chair. She faced me. And she was looking at yoongi and asked him " son! Who is this?"

I talked to myself 'oh my god! Is this min young son? I never expect this to happen' " mom... He said he want to talk to you. So... I brought him. When yoongi told to his mother she looked at me like 'who the hell is this'. She told yoongi to leave me and her alone. So he went out. She looked at me and asked "Who are you kid?" " Its really sad that u forgot about me already. Im kim teahyung. The son of..." teahyung couldn't complete his sentence. " THE SON OF KIM TEA HA?" she shouted at me. And yoongi and jungkook came to the room when they heard the shouting of min young.

Third person pov

Teahyung laughed harder by seeing her expression. Jungkook and yoongi was looking at them laughing together like friends." teatea. That night what happened to your mom?" min young asked him and his eyes changed to purple color again. Jungkook and yoongi saw it too. " im sorry tea i did not mean to scare you. Im sorry" min young told to him and hugged.

" who are you to teahyung" finally jungkook asked. "hehe. This is my aunt" teahyung explained. " so this means you teahyung is my cousin?!" yoongi asked. "yes dear" min young told to her son.

"jungkook and yoongi can you give us some time to talk alone " teahyung asked. And they nodded and went outside.

" min young... do you know your husband past pack name?" teahyung asked. And that made her shock and he shook her head to say no. " his past pack name is Moon Stone pack" when teahyung told her she opened her eyes widely and her mouth too. Teahyung continued. " the night heo joon came here he was full of blood right. Do you know the actual reason why he was like that.... That night he... Kil...led my mom"


Teahyung and min young looked the person who opened the door. It was heo joon.

Okey guys its the end of the part. I want to knw how you feel about mu story. And if you like the story please let me knw. I want support to continue writing story 🙏😌