Part 10

Jungkook pov

I opened his eyes. The first thing I saw was taehyung beautiful face. Then again suddenly remembered the feeling that I got when I marked taehyung. I was thinking really hard. Suddenly I heard cute giggle from taehyung.

"Good morning babe" I told to my mate. I saw him blushing really hard. Cute. "g...good morning kook" he told to me.

Third person pov

When jungkook heard the deep voice of he felt he was still dreaming. But that wasn't the truth.

"umm...tae. Did you got the strange feeling last night when i marked you?" jungkook asked him. " got the same feeling. I mean a feeling that unbelievable. I didn't got the feeling when i did with mark" taehyung explained "it might be because we are mates..." jungkook concluded. And taehyung agreed to it too.

~time skiped at dinning room~

At that time everyone was there. Even jin, namjoon, luna and alpha was there.

Jimin saw taehyung and jungkook coming to them. But he pretended that he didn't see them.

"Hey! Didn't you guys here taehyung screaming jungkooks name. I think something happened between them last night... But the weirdest part is it sounded like someone mo..." jimin couldn't complete his sentence. Cox jungkook hitted(donno whether thats a word or not) and taehyung face burning to red color. " oh my god. Tae. Are you sick? No dont tell me you are... " jin came to him. Taehyung blushed even much more harder.

" hey don't do that. Ok fine. You guys know that i was in my rut. So you know that will happened. And we..." jungkook didn't complete his sentence. He was already embarrassed. Taehyung was blushing reallly hard.

"wait a sec. OH MY GOD" Jennie shouted to taehyung.

"now what jen... Oh my god. Taehyung are you serious. Haha. I still can't believe... So that means your 99% going to be pregnant... Btw nice mark man" yeonjun told to them. That made others knew why Jennie screaming to the death.

Time skipped ~2 hours later

Third person pov

Taehyung was bored. So he jungkook wasn't there. So taehyung decided to goto his dad.

"hey dad. I have a big fat question... Before also i did ask. Dad please tell me why did the fight started with them. Can you please tell me the truth behind my mom's death. Please dad" taehyung showed his puppy eyes to him which didn't work on him. "taehyung how many times should i have tot tell you this? You will know the reason. And the truth too. This ain't the right time. Telling you the truth might....might ruin your life." taehyung was so done with his dad he was getting angry.

Taehyung was near a beautiful rainfall.

Taehyung was enjoying the beautiful view. But suddenly he heard a little growl. Taehyung was really scared when he saw a big black wolf with bloody red eyes.

" Hi little omega. And your the omega from Moon Stone pack. Intresting!" taehyung was surprised when he heard that unknown wolf. " why... I mean how did you known that im from Moon Stone pack? And who are you?" he chuckled a little which made taehyung to scared more. But he didn't showed it out." do you know the reason why your mom died? Do you know why the war started? I don't think you do know" taehyung was not sure to listen to the unknown rogues or not. He told the what happened before. He started to thell the story behind mysterious death and the truth of the war.

" So this is how it started. The powerful omega is really rare thing. And your mom was that rare wolf. And every single person wanted to mark her and make her into their mate. She had a really tuff life before knowing your dad. And the night that you was born was her death. That nigh the pack was attacked. And she died... " taehyung looked at the wolf. Wolf was sobbing a little. Again the wolf started to talk." and the truth behind the war is...because of you. Everyone wanted you. You to be their mate. Because you are powerful omega like your mom. No much more powerful than her. Your an omega and a vampire too. But your still not safe to be alone. Because you don't know what will happen next. You have to be thats the truth. And i dont think you are safe to stay alone. Thank to moon goddess that i saw you before someone else. " and the black big wolf was about to go. But taehyung stopped the wolf." wait a second. You didn't answer my last question. Who actually are you? And how did you know the truth of everything thing? " he chuckled a little and faced taehyung." its really shame that you don't remember me. But it's ok. You was only 2 years old when we met each other. And...i was with you all when everything happened. I was helping you a too. But i know you didn't see that. I was just hiding. And i dont know why. And im your dad Seo Jun young older brother Seo Jang hoon. Im your uncle kiddo" taehyung got a big surprise. And he wanted to go to pack house with him.

Taehyung was still in his wolf form. When he entered he heard loud grow from jungkook. Obviously that would happens. True blood alphas gets angry when they see their mate being with some other alphas. " oh i see. Thats your mate. I think im in a big trouble." Seo Jang hoon told to taehyung which made him laugh. And he nodded saying that he is his mate. That made jungkook confuse

Taehyung dad was unsure that he is smelling the right persons smell or not. Both taehyung and his uncle changed into their human form. And that made seo young conform who he really is.

Taehyung went to him alpha and kissed his cheek. And that magic help him to calm A LITTLE.

Jung young came to his brother and hugged him. Jung young started to crying. Jang hoon told him not to cry.

"s...seo jang hoon? did this happened. That night didn't he killed you?" chanyeol asked him. " chanyeol? Why are you hear? To kill everyone hear? Again to start the fight or something? You..." jung young stopped his brother and told what happened past. And jang hoon apologized to him.

" So. The way i was alive. That day i was got blanked out fallen into a big tree. And everyone thought that i died. So, i decided to hide my self. I saw everything happened to you. Im sorry i wasn't there brother. And where is that heo joon ho? I want to kill him right now! " taehyung told what happened to joon ho. And jung hoon was so proud of his nephew.

" And you Jeon jungkook. You better protect precious matebof yours! " junh hoon told to jungkook. And he nodded.

Jungkook pov

I was with taehyung. Out of no where taehyung went to our room. I went to see what happened. He was throwing up. And i helped him with that. And at that time he smelled different from taehyung. But jungkook wasn't sure whether he is or not.

I wanted to check before knowing anyone.

Third person pov

So jungkook went to jimin to get some help. And he told what happened. And he gaved and idea. 

Jungkook whent to taehyung and told him to lee into a little glass of bottle. Jungkook was so relieved that taehyung didn't ask any question. Jungkook used it and took a pregnancy test. He took 4 tests. And he showed jimin without looking at any tests. And he was dancing from excitement yelling the result . All 4 tests turned out into positive. Jungkook was still couldn't believe that he going to be dad.

Jimin and jungkook told jungkook siblings, their mates and his parents that he is preg. And same gose to taehyung siblings. Taehyung was the only one who dosnt know.

Taehyung came into kitchen. Jin bought plate full of vegitables and fruits. At first he was confused. And than he opened his eyes wide and smiled. " i p...preg...nent? OMFG! Seriously!" everyone nodded. "and am i the only one that doesn't know that im preg?" that made everyone laugh including himself.

~Time skipped 2 days later~

Taehyung and jungkook decided to go to show a doctor. They wanted to see whats the gender and the rank of the little one.

"hi Dr. Lee jong suk " jungkook said to him. " hi alpha..luna you can lie down over that bed over there. Taehyung giggled." you cab call me taehyung or tae" and taehyung did what he said to to. Doctor started putting the gell in taehyung stomach which made taehyung tickle. He giggled a little.

" Do you want to know the..." "yes!" Taehyung didn't let him finish dr. Lee sentence.

Dr. Lee looked into taehyung face with a confusing face. That made taehyung scared. "umm. Lu... Tae. Can you tell me your parents rank please" " my mom was an omega. And my dad is an true blood alpha and vampire..." taehyung told to dr. Lee.

"your mom. Is she just an omega?" dr. Lee asked. " yah... I guess" taehyung told. "then do you know your mom's parents rank?" dr. Lee asked. " yes. They both are omegas." taehyung told.

"Tae. You are having a baby boy" dr. Lee told to them. "then what about the rank?" jungkook asked him. "his rank was found in 90s. And this is the dangerous rank that founded in the history." dr. Lee explained. That made taehyung and jungkook shocked and confused.

This is the end of the part. I want to knw how you feel about my story. And if you like the story please let me knw. I want support to continue writing story 🙏😊