Chapter-42 : Normal Day

Ric's days are passing quite normally. Attending regular classes, doing morning exercises, visiting some of his offices, completing his next book, composing a new song, or having a date with Drew.

All in all, life is quite ordinary and relaxing.

As he is gradually less involved with the spotlight or becoming low key. He is more invisible to the public and media attention. As a result, less paparazzi be seen around him.

To a star, less activity is a bad sign. Because the less they are in the spotlight, the less they get attention from the public. The more likely make his appeal weak or people to forget about him.

So, he has to make a balance in his exposure rate. So, that even with no having work or doing less work, they can maintain their appeal.

The same applies to Ric, no matter how popular he is. If he doesn't show his face from time to time, it might weaken the appeal he built over the years.

But he already has the solution to this problem. The concert he organized a few months ago was not just for high exposure but to pave the way for the reaming singles of his album .

The remaining 6 singles have been releasing since the week after the concert. Each single had been releasing with an interval of three weeks. And following the pace, the last single will be released around the middle of August.

As each single hits the market, it already enters the billboard top 50 charts. In fact, all the singles that had been released are still in the top 30. Among them, 4 singles had occupied the throne for a considerable amount of time.

If a song enters the billboard chart top 50, there will be a review on that song. And a review of a song is equal to the exposure of that singer.

So, having each song entering the billboard top 50, Ric is getting publicity each time.

And have anyone forgotten Grammy.

Because in this year's Grammy awards, Ric has gotten 4 nominations. The best newcomer of the year, the best album of the year, the best single of the year, the best record of the year.

Even though only won one the best newcomer. But It was enough to create a large wave of discussions by the public. And also influence the sales rate of the singles.

Let's not forget he is the owner of one of the largest film companies . So, whenever they make a move enough to bring public media, Ric's name automatically comes with it.

Stacking all of this condition together, Ric has enough exposure and publicity equivalent to making two successful movies in a year.

To have this kind of publicity while living a low key or normal life will make any star or idol envy.

But to have this kind of luxury, he had to not only plan ahead but also work very hard to achieve it.

3rd January 1992, Santa Rosa

A silhouette can be seen galloping on a horse against the rising sun. As he gallops across a large field to a stable while stopping in front of it.

"Easy there, girl," said the figure with a male voice as he gets down from it and takes the horse to her space.

"Good Girl," said the person while rubbing the head of the horse before getting out of the stable. As he got out and started to head home.

There he saw a woman standing with her arms crossed at the doorway.

"Richard, how many times I had told you not to go out before breakfast or at dawn." said the woman with an annoyed tone.

"Sorry, aunt Lucy, but today is the last day. And I will be leaving after breakfast, so I thought about having one last ride with Annie," said Ric.

"Seriously, when you boys will grow up. Go and get freshen up. Breakfast will be in a short moment." Said Lucy shaking her head with a sigh and got inside.

By the time Ric got refreshed and went for breakfast, the kitchen was already lively.

Ric first went to his grandmother and hugged her,

"Morning, Grandma."

"Morning, little pumpkin," said his grandma while patting his head.

"Grandma!!!" said Ric with a mock annoyance.

"Take a seat, Ric," she said in response to his antics.

Ric sigh and sat down while he was fixing his breakfast. He looked at others at the table at that moment,

"Good morning, everyone,"

"Morning, little pumpkin," they relied on unison.

"Stop that, you guys," Ric wined while everyone laughed. Later in which he joins.

After a joyous Breakfast and a heartfelt farewell, Ric left his uncle's house.

"Where to now, Boss?" said Daniel looking at him through his rear mirror.

"Silicon Valley," replied Ric.

After a nod, he started the engine of the BMW 5 series and runoff towards the destination.

Daniel Marcus before his job as Ric bodyguard. He was a former Marine officer who served the army for 20 years.

He joined the army when he was only 20 years old. He was active during the cold war and the Vietnam war. Later he retired in 1987 at the age of 40.

He got married during his service, his wife also served the military but retired during her pregnancy.

And by the time he retired, he had two beautiful children, one daughter, one son.

He was specialized in recons, tactical operations and had a reputation for good close combat and driving.

Coincidentally, just a few weeks after he retired, he got the job of Ric's bodyguard and chauffeur, and since then, he is with him.

Ric also organized a job for his wife, Kate. The job Ric gave her is to be his physical trainer.

He also took care of his children's educations but with a condition of doing so until their college.

Daniel is not just Ric's bodyguard, but also he is the chief of his entire security team.

And Kate is the trainer of that team and also help him in managing them.

The security officers, equipment in all of Ric's properties are organized and managed by them. He is also responsible for hiring new security officers as well as their wages.

Basically, Daniel runs an entire security company with the help of Kate. Which is only responsible for the security of Ric's properties while he is responsible for being Ric bodyguard and driver as well.

Daniel is very grateful for Ric as he is supporting his entire family. And trusting him with such an important job of handling all the securities despite knowing for a little time.

Even though he doesn't express it, he shows that through his actions.

After all, there is a saying, "actions speak louder than words."