Chapter-50 : Dume Mansion Community

A black BMW stopped in front of an apartment. Then the chauffeur came out and opened the door of the back seat of the car. As he opened, a young man got out.

He then directly went to the third floor of the apartment while the security greeted him.

Needless to say, the security personals of this apartment know him. In fact, he is the person who employed all of them.

As the doorbell rang, a young beautiful black haired girl opened it and looking at him she exclaimed while hugging him,

"Ric!!! Long time no see!"

"Indeed so, Jenny. I find myself quite surprised as well." Ric said while accepting the hug.

After breaking apart from the hug, Ric entered the house while asking,

"What are you doing here Jenny,"

"You didn't know??? I recently moved in," Jennifer Connelly replied.

"Really now, that's quite interesting," said Ric.

While they were talking, they went to the common room. When they entered the room, a dry voice disturbed their conversation,

"Hey Ric, that's quite an unexpected visit as always."

"A good day to you to Winny. Gosh, if you could welcome me properly once." Ric quipped.

"Hey... Not my fault that someone always comes to my home uninvited. And before you try to justify it, I know your sweet little girlfriend lives here. But that's not a proper excuse. Nor it's my friend's house." quipped Winona back, then she narrowed her eyes and said,

"Besides, how many times did I tell you to stop calling me that," said Winona in return.

"I give up your Highness. I learned my lesson. I won't call you Winny anymore." said Ric raising his hands in surrender.

"That's more like it," she replied arrogantly.

Then both burst into laughter. Looking at them, Jennifer got confused and gapping at them. Seeing her gapping, they laughed even more.

While Ric was almost falling to his knees, Winona somehow managed to get hold of Jennifer and laughed while putting her head in her knees.

After getting themselves fixed, Ric explained to Jennifer,

"It's just a normal thing for us to do this whenever we meet. And we hardly meet as we are always busy with something.

In fact, I'm quite surprised to see you today, Winona."

Winona shrugged her shoulder in response while jenny said after connecting the dot, she said

"You two have quite a good relationship."

"Not like you two. And mind telling me when this happened," said Ric pointing at the intimate one arm hug they are sharing.

Finding out they are in a compromised position, Jenny got embarrassed and tried to fix it.

But Winona stopped her by pulling her a bit closer and said,

"Well, this is happening for a few months now. And due to being busy, I couldn't find the right time to say anything about it.

Also, Drew just found about it yesterday.

I'm sorry that you got to know about it now."

Then she paused, looked at Ric, and waited for the inevitable.

"Wow!!! I mean, it's... it's unexpected. Congratulation!!! But you're not joking, right?" said Ric dumbly.

They signed in relief and smiled while jenny said,

"No. We are not joking. It's true, whatever between us is real."

"Wow!!! Just Wow!!! But how this happened. Because last time I checked, Winona was in a relationship with Jhonny Depp."

"Well, yes, I was. But I always felt something was missing. Then one day, I met jenny at a bar. We talked and had a few drinks." said Winona.

"As my home was close and we were a bit drunk, we decided to come to my home. There one thing lead to another we shared a passionate night," said Jenny taking it from Winona.

"After that night, something clicked in both of us. And we became a couple." Winona finished and then continued,

"Congratulation once again. And don't worry, you guys have my complete support. And I am with you guys even if the world is against your relationship." said Ric encouragingly.

In response, they both got up and hugged Ric together while Winona said,

"Thanks, Ric. You don't how much we appreciate this."

After breaking out from the hug, Ric replied,

"Hey, it's not a big deal."

Before he can add anything more, a voice interpreted them,

"Couldn't you guys keep it down, I was sleeping."

They looked and found Drew coming out of her room while rubbing her eyes.

"OH, look at that, the princess is finally awake," said Ric jokingly.

"Don't call me princess Ric," said Drew sleepily.

"Wait... Ric...," said Drew realizing something, and looked towards him.

Seeing him standing there, she came towards him and hugged him and said,

"When did you come?"

"Right about now," said Ric softly.

"And you didn't bother to wake me up?" Drew made a fit.

"How about I make it up with a surprise," said Ric.

"Ahem... it's not good to go on in your own world while there are others here," Winona said before Drew can reply.

Getting interrupted, they broke the hug,

and Ric said while showing his tongue, "Sorry."

Winnona responded by rolling her eyes while Jenny smirked, looking at the scene in front of her.

Meanwhile, Drew asked excitedly,

"Hey, what's the surprise."

Ric smiled and said,

"Well, for that, you need to go with me somewhere. But before that, go freshen up, get ready, and have some breakfast."

"Then wait for a bit Love, I will come back in no time," said Drew while quickly entered her room.

All three of them laughed, looking at her action.

Then Ric said,

"Since you are here, Winona, I might as well give your surprise. So, why don't you two get ready as well and come with us,"

while looking at both Winona and Jenny.

Hearing him, they both got curious. But keeping the curiosity in check, for now, they went to get ready themselves.

After finishing all the work, four of them got out of the apartment and got in Ric's black BMW, then went for their intended destination.

For the sake of surprise, Ric even told Daniel beforehand the destination they're going to next. So, he doesn't need to tell next time he got in the car with them.

20 December 1992, Malibu, Dume Mansion Community

When they got here, Drew, Winona, Jenny, all three of them got spellbound looking at the mansion and its community.

After a long time and many delays, the construction and decoration of Dume Mansion Community were officially declared complete on 3rd December.

And Ric shifted to his new home two days later. In fact, he didn't take much from his old villa. Only one suitcase contains mostly manuscripts of his new book and some lyric sheets of his new songs.

After shifting to Dume mansion, he went for a large buying spree. Buying a few new sets of wardrobes, furniture, home utilities, items for home decoration, etc.

He has spent a few weeks not only decorating the mansion but also haring new stuff for the mansion as well.

And looking at the awestruck faces in front of him, he felt all the hard work paid off.

After touring everywhere and seeing everything, they sat on the langue facing the sea at the back of the mansion to enjoy lunch.

After finishing the lunch and enjoying the view, Ric asked,

"So, how was it?"