Mana Apprehension Test

(A.N. I heard someone say that they wanted less of the smut and more of the action and stuff but I've always envisioned this novel to be a 75/25 split on the smut/romance/characters to action disparity. I can try and increase the amount of action with the introduction of the high school arc if you guys want me to. But remember the girls are the highlight of the story! The most I'll allow is a 50/50 split. I will go to horny jail if I need to.)

Adam and Eve enter the train with Yuno stalking them like usual, usually they'd walk to school but because of last night's 'incident' they had to spend a lot of time cleaning and therefore were late. The train was as packed as anime made it out to be. It was difficult to stand without being repeatedly knocked around. Adam hugged Eve in order to protect her from the chaos.

In all of the confusion, Adam saw an arm collide with Eve. This was common, in fact it had happened many time in the past couple minutes. However, the location was different. The hand 'coincidentally' just so happened to make its way to Eve's perfectly shaped ass. And it 'coincidentally' squeezed once it got there. Adam looked towards the person who was trying to molest his wife and found an ugly bastard panting. His hand tried to reach out again but all of a sudden he felt a hand on his wrist. Adam 'coincidentally' gave the wrist a good squeeze.


"AHHHHHH!" A disgusting scream was heard in the middle of the train. The man fell over in pain. His wrist no longer fit the rest of his arm, it looked like a crushed can.

"YOU BASTARD, I'LL SUE!" The retard spat.

'Ahh, the magical words.' Adam thought. There was nothing more pathetic for a man to do then sue in a world where magic and superpowers reigned supreme.

"How about a trial of combat?" Adam suggested. This was definitely something he wanted to do. Killing this man and being free of the crime? Perfect.

"YOU BASTARD. THIS ISN'T THE LAST YOU'LL SEE OF ME!" The ugly bastard roared as he ran away to another cart. Soon the couple left the train and made their way to school. Eve didn't question why he broke the man's wrist although she knew that he accidentally bumped into her. Never change, Eve.

The two made their way into class 5mins late.

"You two take your seats. Adam, a word after class." Midnight said. It seems as though she blamed Adam for Eve being late. Usually she'd be right, but this time the blame was on Raven. Yuno also came through the door but didn't call on her to stay after class.

"Back to what I was saying, today we'll be testing your capabilities with mana!" She exclaimed. The AOT trio all sighed. They were the only ones that couldn't use mana. The class followed Midnight out onto the field where everyone's capabilities could be tested. On the way there she swayed her hips and got swooned over by the men.

They reached the field and started the tests. Adam always made sure to go last, he wanted to copy the top-scorers abilities so he could ties first place in everything. First up was the 100m race. Out of those who mattered, 1st was Adam and Mikasa with her ODM gear. 2nd was Kurumi who teleported,3rd was Eren, 4th was Armin, 5th was Yuno who summoned a knife and rid it to the finish line, 6th was Ning'er, 7th was Issei and 8th was Eve.

The next test was side-steps. 1st was Adam and Ning'er, 2nd was Mikasa, 3rd were Eren and Armin, 4th was Kurumi who didn't use her time abilities, 5th was Yuno, 6th was Issei and 7th was Eve.

The next were shot-puts. 1st was Adam and Ning'er, 2nd was Mikasa, 3rd was Eren, 4th was Armin, 5th was Yuno, 6th was Kurumi, 6th was Issei and 7th was Eve.

(A.N. Poor Eve)

The next test was a simple show-off of everyone's abilities that would be graded. 1st up was Issei, he showed his "cool" gauntlet off to the class and described its ability. He would have to run away for half of the fight to build his power and then he could attack. Riveting. Midnight marked it as a B-rank ability. A-rank was passed to those powers that had a lot of usefulness without a major drawback while S-rank was given to those abilities that could singlehandedly change the result of a battle.

Next up was Ning'er, she described her ability as being one similar to mana but had its own little subcategory. These abilities were quite common, the drawback was that it took a long time to become stronger, it was rated a B-rank.

Next was Eve, she simply described that she has the ability to see where every living being was in a 1km radius with no exceptions. Although it wasn't very strong in a fight, it was a perfect information gathering ability. It was rated an A.

Next was Yuno. She summoned knives, that was her whole ability. She could make them different lengths and they could fly telepathically. She could summon 600 before becoming passing out. It was rated a B-rank. The knives had no real capabilities against those with supernatural defenses but against villains with no powers she could mercilessly tear through them.

Next were the AOT gang, Midnight simply wrote a ' - ' for their results. It was common for students to have no mana, even those kinds of people could become strong enough to face crime, Batman was a role model for those that didn't awaken.

Next was Kurumi. Instead of telling her real abilities, she simply said she could teleport. Easy A-rank.

Lastly was Adam. He told the class that his ability was to copy other abilities. Midnight's ears perked. If his words were true then he could be an easy S-rank.

"What are the limitations?" Midnight asked excitedly.

"I can only have two moves lined up. One is saved for the strongest attack I've seen and the other is constantly changing in fights so I know how to dodge the attacks." He nonchalantly stated. Midnight's mouth dropped to the ground. Her expectations were that he could only have one copied ability, maybe with a time constraint. Not only did those restrictions not apply to him, he could also copy attacks to know how to counter them? She was shocked. Her shaking hands wrote SSS-rank.

(A.N. I'm trying to hold myself back from rushing to the Raven smut. So sorry If the next chaps are rushed, I'm trying not to. Another thing, the last paragraph was to disprove how people think Adam is being protected by his women, he went fisticuffs with Zeus, c'mon bro.)