Chapter 8 "The Great Urik"

Several hours before sunrise

Captain Fline, along with his team explored the rubble of what was once their home, he looked somewhat exhausted from the long hours of exploration, but still presented a strong image raising the morale of his team.

In the remains of the city, only the wailing of the souls between buildings was heard, it was very strange to find any beast after the catastrophe.

According to the main mission, the team had to search for survivors and verify if the place was safe. One of his younger soldiers was angry at the order they gave the team due to its high risk, but was still very vigilant for details that revealed survivors.

After walking for an hour a couple of soldiers presented themselves to the captain, they looked more exhausted than normal and after drinking some water they presented their report to the captain.

~ Captain Fline, we found traces of various beasts south of our position ~ Private Jhons had caught his breath a bit.

~ We also noticed that they seemed to be meeting, although I don't know for what reason ~ Rine said worriedly.

~ According to the team before us, that sector was clean, the only place they could not check was the viewpoint ~

~ Captain, regarding that, in the viewpoint you mention, there is a sign for help hanging ~ Jhons took out a camera showing the photos.

~ We managed to see silhouettes inside, most likely survivors ~ Rine indicated as she refilled the water in her canteen.

~ That's good news, but if the beasts went to that place we need to prepare for a possible attack ~ Fline said seeing what she could do to save the survivors.

~ Captain, what if you allow me to confirm the situation, if it happens I am in danger, I can withdraw and warn before the others ~

~ Rine. e sta time I think it can not work, according to reports, before the animals leave, there was a new species that was very fast, if you do not find what you should once would reach escape. Just follow my orders, we will verify the situation of the viewpoint as a group ~ Fline did not want to lose this young man, he was one of his most loyal soldiers .

The path to the viewpoint was quite destroyed, every so often you could find footprints in the concrete indicating the presence of animals, Captain Fline was very attentive to the surroundings, trying not to miss any detail . A l closer to the viewpoint pud ieron see a help sign hanging from the ceiling. After thinking about it for a moment, he divided the group in two, one would be in charge of seeing the situation inside the viewpoint, the other was in charge of maintaining an exit route for the survivors.

Inside, Captain Fline led the front, as they advanced they found several doors blocked by improvised barricades, they called to the other side seeking to receive confirmation of survivors, but no one answered. The group decided to unlock the doors when they heard noises on the lower floors, Fline ordered two solda d will accompany him to find the source of the sound.

Going down to the lower floor they found that it was more blocked than the upper part . E sta time the captain call the other side of the barricade, after a few moments the voice of an older man replied.

~ Sir, with whom I have the pleasure ~ asked the voice of an old man

~ Captain Fline, leader of the 10th Defense Platoon, with whom I speak ~ I ask hoping to know the situation of the survivors.

~ My mistake, my name is Gustav, I was a teacher at a city college ~ he said after hearing several movements behind the barricade.

~ We have seen s or signal for help, as the situation there ~

~ We have two wounded, we are 5 men, 7 women and two children ~

~ I understand, I will ask the base for help so that they can transfer the injured, do you have any information about this place ? ~ asked Fline after calling one of his soldiers.

~ Yes, last night a large group of beasts approached this viewpoint, some dug something in the ground and then left ~

~ They managed to see something peculiar in that group ~

~ Apart from being huge, nothing strange ~ he said laughing a little

They would keep talking if it weren't for a child's interruption.

~ What's wrong little Dan ~ asked the old man

~ Uncle, I saw something else in those beasts ~ said the 9-year-old boy

~ What did you see little one? ~ asked Fline

~ There was a person with them ~

~ Are you sure? Please try to remember his appearance ~ Fline insisted, he did not believe that one person would survive among many hungry beasts.

~ Mmm, I think it was a person, his skin was a little reddish it was not very different from us ~ Dan finished saying, he was happy to help the military.

~ I see, you did well reporting this to me, when we get to the base, I'll make sure you get some sweets ~

~ Thank you Big Uncle ~ he said after returning to his mother.

~ I'm going to inform my team to request an extraction team, when I return we will start preparing to leave ~

~ Sure, we have already started to remove this barricade ~ the old man finished saying when several men began to move things.

After returning to the outside, Fline ordered them to call the base for help by radio, he was thinking about what the boy said when Jhons approached him.

~ Captain, we have problems ~

~ What happens? ~

~ We found a hundred beasts parked two kilometers from this location, I'm sure they could see me, but they didn't attack me, they seemed to be protecting something ~

~ Inform that no one approaches that place, we have to wait for the other team to arrive to escort the survivors ~

The team positioned themselves inside the lookout, although they had not seen strange movements in the beasts, they preferred to be in a position that they could defend.

Fline kept having a thought, that something bad was going to happen, it was already the fifth time that he asked his subordinate how long it had been since they asked for help.

In the place where the beasts were gathered, a cocoon of blood was constantly beating, inside it could be seen a figure in a fetal position, it seemed to be absorbing the liquid around it .

C hen the left figure to move, all the animals began to make noises deafening. The figure came out of the cocoon and began to look at his arms "it seems that the fragments we got were enough to increase my strength, if only they had not stolen it" he thought .

After walking around the cocoon he moved his gaze in the direction of the lookout, ~ I think it's time for the little ones to eat ~ he said, making all the beasts roar with excitement, they just followed the humanoid figure as if they were their pets.

At the viewpoint, everyone was scared to hear the roars of the beasts, Fline climbed to the roof to find that a large group of animals was approaching, he did not hesitate for a second and ordered his team to block all entrances .

~ I need to update the information, please respond ~ Fline said later, picking up the radio.

~ This is the communication department, what's happening Captain Fline ~ asked a woman.

~ The situation of our team has been complicated, near our position hundreds of beasts have appeared. We need help ~ said Fline worried, the sound of the beasts was getting louder.

~ Understood, I will update the information to the central. Do not worry soon a team will arrive at your location ~ said the woman cutting off the call.

I hope so "thought Captain Fline to see the situation of his soldiers.

The humanoid figure called one of his beasts, this was an armored lizard that was 4 meters long, with fear the beast positioned itself at the feet of the humanoid and awaited his order. The humanoid looked disdainfully at the creature and asked ~ those insects hidden behind those walls, are they really that delicious? ~ The creature did not speak and only nodded, waiting for his approval to attack, however, the humanoid's gaze continually shifted between the lookout and the lizard, a moment later it raised one of its arms and destroyed the skull of the lizard .

As if it were a delicate delicacy, he began to carefully remove remains of the destroyed brain while tasting it ~ you are unlucky that for me, you are more delicious than that garbage ~ he said after finishing eating.

Inside the viewpoint, they looked surprised as the humanoid had killed the lizard in such a short time, Fline believed that this creature was the one Dan saw before, the difference with what he knew was that this being had completely black arms, revealing some very dangerous claws

After a moment, the humanoid approached the lookout and exclaimed.

~ Little creatures, I want to play a game with you, dare you try ? ~ asked the humanoid, showing his sharp teeth.

No one responded to his words, they were amazed at the being he was speaking, they tried to think where he came from. Only Fline was one of those who thought of answering the humanoid .

~ Be thankful that I, Great Urik, am a gentleman, I will not kill you for offending me, but you are obliged to play my game, if not ... I will order my pets to destroy their pathetic shelter and slowly devour them ~

After saying that, Urik raised his hand and a beast approached him, leaning down allowing the humanoid to climb onto his back . Upon reaching the center of his beasts, the Great Urik struck the air with his fists, a moment later a shock sling reached the shelter causing some of them to fall due to the pressure.

"Because he did that" thought the people in the shelter .

~ hahaha, I can't believe that a stupid creature wants to take my life ~ he said with a big voice as a figure fell from the sky.


A giant bird fell in front of Urik, it seemed to be a great hawk , but on its head there were some scales and its legs were like those of a lizard. Beneath his chest a six- foot-wide bloody hole rested.

The great Urik got up and destroyed the skull of the bird, with a gesture of his hand he separated the rest of the body and threw it to his beasts to eat.

Seeing this, Fline understood that the figure in front of him was capable of killing them at any moment, and you also knew that if the beasts behind him decided to attack they would not survive to see tomorrow.

~ Hello great Urik, I am Fline, the Captain and leader of this shelter ~ shouted Fline from the roof of the shelter.

~ A small pleasure, listen well, the game is as follows, they will send one of you to fight against one of my pets, if they manage to win, that creature will be able to escape death, they will also have a time of ten minutes to rest, before to call the next player ~ he said as if it was natural for him to accept.

~ What happens if the person dies? ~

~ Simple, they will have to send another creature to confront my pet and they will not have time to rest, at least on that turn ~

~ When does the game end? ~

~ I thought that was obvious ~ " it seems I'm more stupid than I thought " thought Urik.

~ W hen all my pets lose, you win, otherwise you can only be food for them, it is not very easy to take care of these little ones , I hope you understand me ~ he raised his arms to hide his laugh, it was rude to make fun of their food .

Fline could only clench her teeth and wait to hold on until help arrived . Urik watched with a smile waiting to see who would come out to fight his pets . Inside the viewpoint, after talking to each other, a burly man was the first to participate, he had a large saber on his back and was handling an AA-12 automatic shotgun.

Urik sent mascot was a gorilla three meters high, her breathing was erratic and had eyes blood red, was likely to attack if not for the presence of his master.

~ Get started ~ Urik indicated , the gorilla started running to catch the soldier, but he was not that agile and the soldier avoided his grip , Pum! A shot hit his back, the military man laughed at the beast and again avoided his attacks by firing whenever he could, the angry gorilla growled so loud that most of the people covered his ears .

E n then the gorilla take and rammed the burly soldier throwing him to the ground, after listened ar a broken bone the military is up holding his right shoulder. E l gorilla seeing his wounded prey began to hit the ground like celebrating his victory, he looked at his master and asked for confirmation to devour human, Urik river just giving approval.

On the ground, the soldier saw the exchange between them and laughed inside, when the gorilla lunged to finish off the soldier, he raised his shotgun next to a small bag and shot him in the eyes, an intense sound of grunted pain The gorilla covering his eyes with his hands, taking advantage of the moment the soldier got up with the saber in his hands, approached the gorilla and looked at how weak he looked, raised his weapon and balanced his sword against the throat of the beast, removing his head.

An intense clamor arose among the refugees, they were celebrating the victory of one of their own kind, the soldier proudly approached the head and raised it in the air mocking Urik, he wanted to say a few words, but I notice that his voice did not come out I try to think because everything looked more lower than it was accustomed, when I look towards his companions could see his body without even head standing with the head of the gorilla in their hands, "ironic do not you believe" hear say Urik before losing his consciousness.

~ How dare you, he won his fight ~ Fline yelled enraged, he felt that they could only shoot everything they had to test their luck.

~ My mistake, the great Urik never lies ~ he said laughing ~ but you know, nobody likes to make fun of their dead pets, if he did not take my pet's head, maybe at this moment he would still be alive ~

~ Maybe? ~

~ Not really, I would kill him anyway, but to be fair I will give you the rest period and the next game two of you can participate, what do you think? ~

~ It is fine as long as you respect your word ~ Fline grudgingly accept, but inwardly thought he should think of a way to lengthen the time for it to arrive support.

~ I will, you don't have to worry about a little mistake ~ Urik said lifting the gorilla's head and taking out a large portion of meat to eat.

During this time the people took refuge in the lookout to think about what to do, they did not trust the humanoid's words, but they had no choice but to continue his game, at least until reinforcements arrive.

~ How long until reinforcements arrive ~ Fline asked the man in charge of using the radio.

~ I estimate that about 20 more minutes ~

~ If so, we must win the next game ~ Starting to walk around the room, several names came to the captain's head.

~ Who will participate now captain? ~ asked Rine

~ I'll go, but I need a partner. I need to extend the time for at least 20 minutes ~ he said with a worried voice.

~ Let me accompany you captain, I think I can fight well if it's just a beast ~

~ It is good, just I hope that thing does not leave us with a surprise ~

After ten minutes, Fline and Rine left the viewpoint, both had an M4 Carbine in their arms, and some military knives, most of them thought that these would be their only weapons, but Rine also had a couple of grenades hidden in their clothes.

The duo expected Urik to send their pet, but they were surprised when two giant toads came out to meet them, they had spines on most of their body and their tongues seemed to be divided, the width of their mouths was enough to swallow a person whole.

~ What does this mean, because there are two beasts right now ~ Fline asked as he pointed his weapon at Urik.

~ What's wrong? There are two of you, it's normal that I sent two of my pets , or do you think I'm wrong ~ he said in a threatening tone.

~ That was not what we agreed upon ~ Fline said angrily, as he tried to calm himself to remember what they talked about earlier.

~ You never asked, if you had, he might have answered you, just maybe he did ~ he said and then sat on one of his pets.

Fline wanted to continue arguing, but the toads began to attack them , their long slimy tongues sought to catch the duo, but due to Rine's agility, they could not hit the target, Fline took advantage and fired his weapon aiming at the mouths of the beasts, the damage dealt wasn't enough to kill them, but it was enough to keep them in range.

Meanwhile the aid team was arriving at the viewpoint, they had two armored vehicles and were accompanied by two platoons, among the soldiers was Lanz, he was worried about the situation of his companions, although he knows that at some point in the battle they will die, no He wants that to happen for if he can do something, ~ in 5 minutes we will reach the objective, be prepared ~ I hear the sergeant say, "just a little more and we will get there, I just hope they hold" he thought .

On the battlefield the combination of Fline and Rine managed to kill one of the toads, but in an oversight the captain was caught by the other toad's tongue . Rine managed to take out her knife and cut the tongue that was holding the captain, but it was late when the other half caught Rine and took him to the mouth of the toad swallowing him in one bite .

T ears were frozen at seeing one of his companions was devoured by the beast, the furious captain raised his rifle and began firing at the beast, but this single jump evade the bullets .

~ Hahaha , that's how it should be! ~ Urik was happy to see how one of his pets won on his behalf, but he was astonished to see how his pet exploded in a cloud of blood, before dying Rine released the grenade locks, sacrificing himself with the beast.

~ How useless, they cannot win, even once ~ he said while looking at his pets

Fline, who was still mourning the loss of his partner, heard the roar of the approaching vehicles, "they are finally here" he thought.