Chapter 1

An unsuspecting world spun below in the black depths of space. The blue and green globe orbited slowly around a glowing yellow sun. It was a beautiful planet looking from outer space the sunlight reflecting off the seas glistening like a sapphire. The land teemed with cities and if you look closer you can see the tiny planes making their way from city to city.

Vibrant with life the unsuspecting world went about its usual day. The tiny figures of humans rushing back and forth all completely oblivious as to the disaster which was just a few moments away from changing their lives forever. Well, all except for one single young man even now making his way out of the woods towards his first taste of civilization. It is too soon to tell the story of Layan though and for now we will watch as the normal lives of everyone are shattered completely.

In one country the same country as our hero was making his way out from the woods in fact. There is a great city a city that's the envy of the entire world for advanced technology and for quality of life. This magnificent city is home to over ten million people. The gleaming glass and steel towers reach to the heavens as air cars fly between the massive buildings all controlled by advanced AI routines which manage the traffic and monitor every aspect of the lives of the humans living their lives in a crazy rush to get things done. The cities name is New Caladan and it is here that we shall watch as the flux energy strikes earth for the first time.

In one of these great towers is a young woman who was just starting what she thought was going to be the start of a wonderful day in her new dream job working for one of the great Tech giant companies. She had landed the job straight out of college winning the position from thousands of other candidates. After the many years of arduous work and struggle she had finally made to the desk she was hoping to help change the world of the future from. Just as the advanced holographic display was syncing with her PD glasses a brilliant smile lighting her beautiful face. The light striking her glowing golden hair perfectly styled for the occasion. At that wonderful perfect moment, the first Flux way hit and every piece of advanced equipment on the planet ceased to function all at once.

At first the young woman just assumed she had done something wrong in starting up her new workstation. She pressed the power button again and looked down at the subtle bulge which was the computer terminal. There was no response from the dead machine, so she calmly stood and started to look around her area. She quickly noticed that the whole area was much darker than she remembered, and it was only the natural light which was coming through the windows lighting the floor.

"Thats weir even with a power outage there should be both emergency lighting and plenty of back up" she said softly as she started to see other techs who worked in the cubicles not too far from her coming out and looking around lost after being deeply immersed into their computer worlds. It was always disorientating to be pulled out suddenly.

"Srrreeeehhhh!!!" A woman's high-pitched scream came from somewhere off in the depths of the cubicles. It was distant but still grabbed Celest's attention and she turned in the direction of the scream before she was suddenly thrown forwards a deafening crash and deep thundering boom causing her to black out as she was flying through the air.