Chapter 6

The pain was terrible he felt like his body was literally dissolving from the inside out. The power flowing though him washing away everything. He held on though fighting like he had for his entire life. One gasping breath after another he held on.

Once the power reached his skin the pain had mostly passed. A new feeling filled him as he watched panting as his skin was changed a thick black liquid oozing out of his pores coating him. It dripped down his fingers elongating them and sharpening the tips into vicious claws.

He felt stronger and more alive than he had ever felt. He stood for the first time in years the twisted legs from the bombing back in 56' no longer useless. He felt it then a connection to those fallen on the lawn. He watched with a cold black gaze as the bodies of the doddering old twit's down on the lawn started to change too. Their bodies filling with energy and life as the black fluid remade them into devils.

His soldiers he knew now. The whispering in the back of his mind telling him things he did not know before. He could do it now, he suddenly knew what his purpose was. All these years he had held himself back following the discipline that had been instilled in him from the time he was small. His asshole father beating the doctrines of the corps into him for as long as he could remember.

That was gone now, and he could finally be free to follow all those urges he had long suppressed. All the times he had stopped himself from killing the captured soldiers in the wars. All the times he had refrained from smashing the faces of superior officers who just needed to be taught a lesson in life.

He was the superior now though. He was the general of the army. He could feel more of his soldiers out there. The once old and weak across the city were starting to call out to him. They were his to lead and it was his job to fight until he could finally win it all.

The General looked down over the lawn at the panicking nurses and aid's as they ran around attempting to find out what was wrong with their suddenly collapsed patients.

There was a tasty nurse one of the young ones whose name he couldn't remember she was just below him running towards the doors of the home. He leaped over the railing and dropped towards her. His mind already filling with the delicious scent and taste of her flesh.

Landing on top of her running figure she was crushed into the ground beneath him screaming at the unexpected attack from above.

She squirmed so deliciously underneath him as he pinned her down his member getting hard through his pants as it pressed against her. And he reared back mouth opening wider than any human was capable of. He bit down on her face silencing her screams as he crushed her cute little face in his jaws.

He came then for the first time in decades the throbbing release of tension he did not even know he had. The delicious flavor of her terror flooding his mouth with a heaven he had never known before.

It was some time before he finished devouring her head, but he managed to eat the whole thing leaving the headless corpse he looked out to what the rest of his platoon had been doing watching the last of the humans being fought over and torn to pieces.

Standing he issued and order through the bond watching as his troops lined up in ragged order in front of him. He growled issuing a stern order to tighten up the formation. Once they were in order he walked back and forth roaring out his pleasure and readying his soldiers for the fight to come.