Chapter 8

Slowly and with more effort than he had ever managed before the raging torrents of flux thrashing through him came under his control. The last of the energy from the wave front being sucked into his center and solidifying into a shimmering sphere.

He collapsed his chest heaving for breath as he felt like he had been sprinting flat out until he collapsed. His body was drenched in sweat and he could not even shift his face from the dirt in front of him.

Time past Layan had no idea how long as daylight faded with the setting of the sun and so for Layan the first day of the apocalypse was spent in a semi-comatose state face pressed into the dirt.

It was hours into the night before he was able to summon the energy to start thinking again. It was not long after that that he was able to push himself to sit back up. His body was completely wrecked his muscles felt like wet dish rags with all the strength of a noodle.

Layan spent that first night recovering doing his best to rest and let his body regain some strength. The forest was abnormally quiet after the flux wave and a new sense of change could be felt in the air. He slept his back resting against a tree too tired from the ordeal to find shelter or build a fire.

The morning sun caressed his face slowly pulling him from bizarre dreams which he could not remember. He woke uncomfortable and covered in dew but feeling almost back to normal after sleeping for twelve hours or so. He took a moment too sense his center and feel the power of the flux energy he had managed to contain after the first wave.

It was a massive amount of power compared to what he was used to seeing inside himself.

"I guess this is why Grandfather was certain that he would not be able to survive the first wave even if he did as he showed me." he said to the trees looking around at the new world with tears in his eyes remembering his grandfather. The man who had found a newborn orphan and stolen him from the orphanage in order to raise him was not his biological Grandfather. He was just the man who gave his everything to raise him.

He had been cursed or blessed he could never decide which, with visions of the ending of human civilization for most of his adult life and after many years living shunned by society outcast for his attempts to convince others of the truth. He finally found a ray of hope when his visions led him to a newborn boy who could be prepared and made strong to face the challenge of the ending of the world. All in order to save a portion of humanity from what was to come.

Layan was grateful for everything the Great man had done for him and now he would do everything in his power to fulfill the wishes of the dead man. It was his reason for existing after all. Setting a small fire Layan made a quick meal and then headed away from the clearing towards the east.

There were many days between him, and the closest people and he would have plenty of time over the next few days to explore what the flux had done to him as it raged through his body unrestrained. Even more important was being able to cultivate the gathered energy and make himself stronger for the coming trials.

He set out for the new world shouldering his pack and lifting the weight of the survival of the human race onto his shoulders.