Chapter 1: cursed camera

august,29 year 2025 in the country of the Philippines, In the school of NTC there is a rumor going around the school about the curse camera.

"students are gossiping" student 1: "They say if you take a picture of someone or something you'll see the ghost of a woman they also said if you see that woman she'll haunt you even on your dreams she will not stop until you die..."

student 2: "really?, that's scary though!" laugh,

"walking", "glance"

Houtarou: "there's a rumor that spreading so fast huh" "talking to himself",

Houtarou: "go to club immediately" running,"knock! knock!"

Shu: "come in" high voice,

Houtarou: "Shu how's going around I heard you're searching for the rumored camera", asking,

Shu: "well yes, I am but it's hard to get an info about that curse camera I don't even know where should I look next maybe I can ask our club room president".

While Houtarou and Shu's talking Ian is running with a high speed.

ashley: "hey!!!, Ian stop running in a hallway!!! you're at a school you know!!" With high voice and angry expression,

Ian: "Sorry Club President but I'm late for school club you should run too!!!" running and shouting,

Ian: "huf, huf, almost there""door open" "slam!!!"

Ian: "Morning guys!!!, How's going do you hear Shu there's a rumor camera!" said with excitement voice,

Shu: "Yeah we're fine and don't just enter without knocking what would you do if Julie is changing her clothes and then you suddenly enter?" said with angry face,

Shu: "And you're late you know be more responsible as a student will you, by the way where is ash-".,

Ashley: "sorry guys!! I'm late I overslept last night, hehe~ hehe"

Shu: "sigh" "are there no normal club members here? except me?"Julie: "Oh my! am I not normal?" giggle,

Houtarou: "calm down will you just let this pass let's talk about that curse camera" suggesting,

Ashley: "that's right!!, about the curse camera I got a info about that that's why I'm late today."

Ian: "I see so that's why you're late today and thanks to that we all know now the location, right Shu?"

Shu: "stop fooling around and continue talking ashley."

Ashley: "alright senpai!, first I will tell you all the story of the curse camera."

Ashley: "There's a beautiful woman with long black and silky hair, big cute eyes, beautiful pale skin, and big chest who will not fall in love with this woman?, let's continue"

Ashley: "until spring comes she met this guy under a Narra tree, the guy is taking a picture he was captured by this woman and he doesn't realize he already take a photo of this woman. Of course this guy has a guts so he asked woman's name."

Ian: "doesn't make sense why the camera got a curse""Houtarou look at Ian with a cold eyes"

Houtarou: "just shut up, this is getting interesting just listen ok?, don't stop half way please continue Ashley."

Ashley: "after that they meet so much like 2-3 times a day, until the day where the guy confess his feelings to this woman, but the woman turned him down"

Julie: "Oh my! I guess this guy was in shock and couldn't say a single word" worried,

Ashley: "yes, Exactly!, after that the guy couldn't take it all he start stalking this woman and disturbing her life, everyday she was been followed and that night she started to worry and she start contacting a police, she keep dialing and there's still no one answering"

Shu: "what?, is that even true? no one even answering a phone call? maybe they're all sleeping HAHA HAHA" sarcastic laugh,

Houtarou: "will you all stop talking while someone is talking unless it's necessary, the story is getting exciting and thanks to both of you I lost my composure" with high tone and angry expression,

Julie: "Oh my! Houtarou is so scary!!" giggle,

Houtarou: "glare"Houtarou: "don't mind them just keep talking.."

Ashley: "oh!... ok.. The woman locked all the door that can be possible to open she also locked all the windows but the guy forcefully tackled the door after that he take a picture of this woman, because all the windows are lock she ran upstairs with a full of fear and she is trembling, the guy continue taking a picture of this woman"

Ashley: "the woman ran to her room and locked the door she hid inside the closet and the guy slowly walking and slowly ascending the stairs, the woman heard the foot steps the guy kicked the door repeatedly until the door was broken, he looked under the bed but she's not there"

Ashley: "He keep walking and searching for this girl until the last place he didn't search is the closet he noticed the breathing of this girl and he pretend he didn't know he walk away and hide at the top of the closet, the woman took a glance when she see no one's there she start to come out, after that the guy take a picture of this woman, and this woman noticed it because of the flash the guy attacked the woman and strangled until the woman died."

Ashley: "and you know what is the last word of the woman?:"they glance at Ashley" "all of them are curious"

Shu: "what did she said?"

Ashley: "she said, I will haunt you even in your dreams!!!, Curse you and Curse your camera"

Ian: "what happened to the guy?" asking,

Ashley: "He's still alive but he's under the mental hospital care"

Ashley: "and the location of the camera is in here at a school"

Houtarou: "..." "glance at Ian"

Ian: "so we will gonna search for the new owner?"

Ashley: "no because I know where is camera and the new owner of camera"

Julie: "Oh my! what a responsible underclassmen we have here, come here Ashley I will give you a big hug"

Shu: "seriously? stop fooling around Julie..."

Ian: "Why don't you hug me Julie..." perverted smile,"glance at Julie's boobs"

Houarou: "poked Ian's eyes"

Ian: "Ouch!!!, you don't have to poke my eyes you know!!" high voice and Contempt face,

Houtarou: "you're a pervert as ever that's why you don't have a girlfriend" Smirk,

Ian: "But, sti-"

Shu: "Ok!, stop it guys let's go to this new owner and investigate if it's real or not!" serious face,

everyone: "O-ok..."

Julie: "Oh my! our club president are serious!"

Shu: "shut up!, I am not even the club president"

Ashley: "OK guys let's go and investigate this curse camera!!"

Everyone: "Horror club action!!!"