Chapter 4:

After Shu and Houtarou prepared the futon they start to lay down they both close their eyes but Shu fall asleep so fast that he start snoring Houtarou can't sleep because of the sound Shu's making.

"What a pain after falling asleep then he start snoring if only I have a roll paper here" Houtarou said with irritated face,

"Argh!!, need to go to bathroom" Houtarou said,

Houtarou stand up and walk towards the door then the thunder start to appear while raining, he came out and find the bathroom but doesn't know where he search anywhere but he got lost then He see Ashley walking while trembling.

"Hey what are you doing there?" Houtarou said,

"I-I'm going to the bathroom B-but the thunderclap start to appear T-then I-I saw a white dress over there" Ashley said while pointing to a corner of the refrigerator,

Houtarou look at it where Ashley's pointing but he didn't see anything.

"what are you talking about it's just a refrigerator" Houtarou said calmly,

"M-maybe I am just hallucinating... Y-Yeah I'm just tired" Ashley said with relief,

"Yeah you are..." Houtarou said,

"A-anyway SINCE! YOU ARE HERE! THEN ACCOMPANY ME!" Ashley said with high tone voice,

"What are you scared?" Houtarou said,

"O-Of course not... I AM JUST SHOWING YOU WHERE THE BATHROOM IS!" Ashley said aloud,

"O-ok that's an unique excuse you have there huh" Houtarou said with smirking face,

"W-WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!?" Ashley said with irritated voice,

"Just follow me!" Ashley said,

"O-ok... no need to be tense" Houtarou said,

Houtarou follow her until they reach the bathroom Ashley goes inside first.

"a-are you there?" Ashley said with worried and quivering voice,

"yes I am still here..." Houtarou ,

after a while Ashley ask again.

"Houtarou are you still there?" Ashley said,

"Yes I'm still here stop nagging ok? I will not leave you here what kind of gentleman am I if I leave the scared girl here?" Houtarou said,

"I AM NOT SCARED YOU KNOW!!" Ashley said,

"OK!, OK! JUST DO IT QUICKLY BECAUSE I NEED TO USE THE BATHROOM TOO YOU KNOW!!" Houtarou said while holding his urine,

after it Ashley came out.

"at last!", "sigh", Houtarou said,

Houtarou quickly goes to bathroom while Ashley is waiting outside after a while Houtarou came out.

"you're still here?" Houtarou ,

"J-JUST SHUT UP!" Ashley Said aloud,

"I know, I know no need to say it I will accompany you until you safely come back to them" Houtarou said,

Houtarou keeps accompanying Ashley until she got back to the room.

"T-thank you" Ashley said with low voice,

"what is it? I can't hear you" Houtarou said,

"It's nothing! just get back already!" Ashley said,

Ashley close the door and goes back.

"so she have some tsundere side too huh... that's kinda irritating" Talking to himself,

Houtarou left and planning to go back to sleep he walk down stairs and goes to the living room.

"argh! he keep snoring HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SLEEP!?" Houtarou said with irritated face,

he stand up and walk towards the window near to the altar while rain is pouring he saw a woman in the dress he can't see the face because it's too dark then the thunderclaps appeared thanks to the lightning He saw some glanced of the woman's face it's looks like exactly like the woman in the pictures. He close his eyes and open again but the woman is not there anymore.

"what da hek is that!?" asking himself,

"I should go back to sleep maybe I'm just seeing things" Houtarou said,

Houtarou lay down and close his eyes until he fall asleep. After that Lily woke up early to prepare some foods for everyone, she goes to the living room to wake up Shu and Houtarou.

"waky!, Waky! Houtarou and Shu the food is ready" Lily said,

Shu woke up and go to the bathroom to wash his face and gargle.

"what a nice dream I have there" Shu said to himself,

"I need to wake up the others too" Shu said,

he goes upstairs and walk towards the door where Ashley and Julie's sleeping, he open the door and saw Julie using Ian as a body pillow.

"ARGH!!... WHAT A LUCKY GUY IT'S MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH HIM!!" Shu said with irritated face,

Ashley woke up and also saw Julie using Ian as a body pillow.

"Good morn-" Ashley's shock and stopped talking,

"WOAH!!! WHAT A NICE COUPLE WE HAVE HERE!!" Ashley said with high tone voice,

Ashley get her cellphone and take a picture of Julie and Ian sleeping position.

"WAKE UP! BUD!!" Shu said with irritated face,

He kick Ian and slap his face.

"I could use this to tease them" Ashley said with evil laugh,

"H-hey you have a scary atmosphere you know" Shu said,

Julie woke up and she realize she's hugging Ian and her face turns red.

"OH MY! I'm so indecent!" Julie said,

"Guys the food is ready!!" Lily's calling shout,

Ian woke up and look to Shu's irritated face, Ashley's bright eyes and Julie's red face,

"w-what's happened?" Ian asked,

"NOTHING! JUST COME DOWN AND EAT!!" Shu said, Shu walked down and goes to kitchen.

"what's up with him?" Ian asking himself,

"Okay guys let's go now and eat" Ashley said,

Ian stand up and goes to the bathroom to wash his face and gargle they gathered at the kitchen and they see a well prepared food.


"Just shut up and eat!" Ashley said,

they sit down and start to eat.

"wait where's Houtarou?" Ashley asked,

"He is in the Living room sleeping, I can't wake him up so I let him sleep" Lily said,

"O-okey... I will wake him up" Ashley said,

"that would be great!" Lily said
