chapter 7

After that day everyone's gathered at the club room and share their thoughts about what they'll do. Houtarou stayed with Ashley at club room,  Ashley use a laptop to get an information Shu gather an info to a students while Ian and Julie went outside and ask anyone to get an intel.

They come back to the club room to rest they see Lily carrying a lunch box.

"OK GUYS TIME FOR BREAK!" Lily said aloud,

"FOR REAL!?" Shu said aloud,

"Hey virgin calm down" Ashley said,

"We're very sorry ms.president no one knows where this guy is" Ian said,

"Nothing to worry about" Ashley said,

"Because I got the location where is that guy is" Ashley said while laughing ominiously,

"Watch your self, or look at the mirror you are so scary right now" Houtarou said,

Julie take out her books in her bag and rolled it around, Julie walk slowly towards Ashley.

Ashley felt an uncomfortable presence behind her, she turn around slowly and saw Julie smiling like an evil while holding a rolled book. Ashley got scared and smiled so terrifyingly, Julie strike Ashley's head everyone heard a big slam and look at Ashley they're surprised about what happened.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING JULIE!!?" Ian said aloud,

Ashley's down because of Julie's strong strike, Lily panicky run towards Ashley.

"A-ARE YOU ALRIGHT ASHLEY!!?" Lily said while being concern, 

"Oh my! I thought I should purify Ashley while she still has her sanity"  Julie said,

"Y-YOU CALLED THAT PURIFYING!!?" Shu said aloud,

"You're like an ogre Julie" Houtarou said,

Houtarou stand up and walk towards Ashley he carry her like a princess and take her to a clinic, Lily goes with Houtarou.

"well then we're off" Houtarou,

"Oh my! am I wrong?" Julie asked,

"I don't what to do should I laugh or should I be disappointed" Shu said,

they sit down and eat like nothing happened the room is so quiet no one's talking they just continue to eat.

"Can you carry her?" Houtarou asked Lily,

"Y-Yes I can... Why?" Lily's answer,

"Here take her I will go back to the club" Houtarou said,

"S-Sure" Lily said,

Houtarou goes back to the club room he open the door he come in and walk towards the chair and sit down.

"so guys did you get any information?" Houtarou,

"Unfortunately no" Shu said,

"What I get is just a rumored camera that we have" Shu said,

"How about you Julie and Ian?" Houtarou,

"Nope not at all" Ian said,

"well that's to be expected but let's wait for president maybe she gathered some info" Houtarou said,

"yeah... you're right we all know that she has some kind of scary connection" Shu said,

after an hour Ashley woke up and Lily came back to check her.

"are you alright?" Lily said,

"Y-Yeah I am fine" Ashley said,

"Where's everyone?" Ashley said,

"they're at a club room waiting for you" Lily said,

"OH! RIGHT! I NEED TO TELL THEM!" Ashley said aloud,

"O-Ok... well then I'll go home now I will tell about your parents that you have a club activities" Lily,

"Thank you Lily!!" Ashley,

Ashley stand up and wear her shoes and goes to the club room while panting.

She reached the door and open it .

"GUYS!! I know where is the old owner of the camera!" Ashley said,


"What do you mean?" Ashley said,

"Forget about that let's discuss our visiting day" Ashley said,

"Where's Lily?" Ian said,

"She goes home already" Ashley said,

"Oh my! is that so?" Julie said and giggled,

Ashley look at Julie and remember what happened,  Ashley look away.

"A-Anyway This is the location of the old owner of the camera" Ashley said,

"It's here in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila" Ashley said,

"T-THAT FAR!!?" Ian said,

"W-Well we have no choice right? we need to know what this cursed camera really is" Shu said,

"Since now we know where's the old owner, prepare for tomorrow!" ashley said energetically,

"Oh my! we have a class tomorrow" Julie said,

"T-Then after school go home and change your clothes I'll be waiting in front of the tutuban center"

"sounds good to me" Houtarou said,

"what time?" Ian said,

"12:00 pm!" Ashley said,


12:00 pm Ashley's waiting for the others to come, Houtarou calls Ashley and she turn around Houtarou look at Ashley wearing a red midi skirt , black shirts, pink jacket, black sandals, and her black silk hair was in ponytail.

"I-Its rare to see you in formal clothes... Where's the event?" Houtarou saod,

"Eh?... What event?" Ashley siad,

"Nothing... You're just beautiful than before" Houtarou compliment,

"So you're saying that I'm not PRETTY AT ALL!?" Ashley said aloud,

"So why are you wearing a school uniform?" Ashley asked,

"Nothing spacial... It's seems I'm more comfortable in this clothes" Houtarou said,

"Well suit youself" Ashley said,

"where are the others?... They're late it's already 12:30!" Ashley said while being irritated,

The other's suddenly appeared running.

"Let's go!" Ian said while panting,

"You guys are so late!!" Ashley said,

"So why Houtarou's wearing our school uniform?" Shu said,

"Don't know" Ashley said,

"Just don't asked!! come on let's go now" Houtarou said,

they call a taxi take a ride after they reach their goal they go to the hospital and asked a nurse in the counter.

"Ahm Miss do you know where's the room of mr.Dave Cruz?" Ashley said,

"Yes!... He is in room 304" Nurse,

"Are you guys his visitors?" Nurse,

"Yes! we are!" Ashley said,

"Well then please sign here and wear this visitors ID" Nurse,

"Thank you very much" Ashley,

The nurse give 4 visitors ID at Ashley.

"Miss we are 5 and you give us 4 ID's" Ashley said,

"Where's the other 1?" Nursed,

They look around but Houtarou's gone.

"Maybe he's on outside or in a comfort room well let him be he'll be back I'm sure of it" Shu said,

"Well then let's go" Ashley said,

The four of them went to the room 304 without Houtarou.

Houtarou's running and finding a comfort room he look around until he find one.

Then he come back to the counter but the other's gone.

"Where are they?" Houtarou said with curious face,

"Well there's no choice I just need to find them" Houtarou,

Houtarou goes to the third floor and saw Ashley and the other's he see them go inside the room he follow the others he walk towards the door of that room and he open it...