
~ 'Tis so sweet to behold a wondrous smile from thy mother's mouth, wherewithal it must prevail until her inevitable end.

And lo! How shattered thine spirit of a sweet lass who yearneth for so little time with her angel mother, albeit unbeknownst to her, the tragedy lieth a deep cavern of trickery.

But it carrieth a subtle warmth from a quiet lad. ~

Year 943

Wrapping her tiny arms around Princess Elena's neck, eight-year-old Princess Berniss stared at the youthful beauty who carried her small frame with ease.

She had a wavy blonde hair akin to her favorite dog's golden fur; a pointed nose at its most generous angle; thin lips and the further asset of the monarch's wife that is irrefutable amongst women just was her lovely smile. Thereafter trudging through the end of the hedge, the Princess of Lemaire took a stop and let her brunette daughter down on the ground.

Little Berniss was perplexed; she and her mother stood up against the wooden door that was tightly latched by a lock and flocked with full-grown vines she never saw before. The princess was not used to move through an eerie place like a secret passage— especially when she was by herself— for it screamed danger.

"Mommy, I'm scared," the girl hid behind her mother's waist, having a premonition something negative might happen.

Berniss presumed that if they would peek through the sealed barrier, she and the ethereal Crown Prince's wife could be harmed by a horrifying creature from the other side of the opening, and the entity may snatch away Elena in which she would not bear to lose her mother whom she treasured the most.

Thus, Little Berniss tugged the hem of the queen's dress, and spoke in a quivering voice, "W-we should leave at once, Mommy. Papa is looking for us by now."

Gleaming an arched lip, Elena bowed down on one knee before the child; she caressed the frightened girl's shoulder."My darling, be not afraid," Berniss's mother said, lovingly gazing at the princess.

She could not believe how fast her daughter grew up. Berniss was truly a sweet pea in her sight. "As soon as you will reach the age of seventeenth, remember what I must tell you this day."

The twenty-eight-year-old woman untangled a silver key pendant; Berniss stood enthralled by what she perceived for the bow of the key, that her mother gripped had a fine embellishment of Elena's coat of arms which comprised of a red kite—a large bird of prey— served as a crest at the center of the shield, and belonged to the former kingdom where the monarch's wife used to dwell with her household, Dumont.

Elena clasped the necklace and finally gave her sentimental accessory atop her daughter's small hand by her will. "Whenever threats get in your way, do not neglect this key I have given you, my love, Bernie as it shall guard you," she explained, "I may not able to protect you always and forever as Mommy promised you, since the very moment I bear you upon the beautiful earth, hold you in my care; and I dote you for you are my whole daughter, a fruit of Dumont."

A heap of teardrops streamed down from the future queen consort's dismal eyes. Her ivory skin grew paler and weaker than earlier when they were at their humble residence. Elena combed her child's hair through her candle-like fingers, and she mumbled, "Forgive me, Bernie. I need to take a slumber..."

The little princess froze in her spot. She inferred there was something wrong with Elena and her hasty words coming out from her lips. But Berniss recognized that the queen seemed like her breathing ran slow. Without noticing, she began to sob. "M-Mommy, are you all right?" she asked with a hint of worry.

It was the first-time Berniss ever watched her mother's ill state. The young girl had seen Elena who always showed off her signature pearly whites and was happy wherever they went together with her father, Crown Prince Viktor. However, at this point, she utterly did not what she must do; they were only two of them in the isolated hedge.

Wiping her tears, the girl patted her mother's head. "Mommy, wait for me here. I will find Papa so he'll carry you on to Kerstel and may you have a deep slumber in bed as you wish, " Berniss whispered," You promise me not to take a nap in a muddy footing when I come back, are we clear?"

Elena lowered her head, weeping out in silence, "Yes, m-my darling."

Assured by her mother's vow, Berniss turned her head away from Elena, but she heard a sudden bang not far from the weakening woman.

"Mommy!" she yelled, standing her mother up through her strength— as Elena went off her balance. "Please don't. Do not sleep, I beg you."

With her last smile plastered on her face, Elena Rousseau, Princess of Lemaire, pulled little Berniss's hand and cuddled her tightly in her arms.

And she muttered, "I know in my soul, in our people's souls, you shall be the future king, King of Connick."

Defeated, Elena fell asleep; she broke her final promise, and Berniss attended to her mother's ended heartbeat.