Late Entrance

"Once she meets her sweetheart prince,

A sparkling love fills in the sea.

Heavens rejoice and angels adore;

They shall be wedded with bliss~"

Flumping into the passenger seat of a carriage, Berniss Rousseau hummed a classic melody that the palace musician composed for her fourth born day through an enchanted harp many moons ago— wherever she departed from the house and the palace, Berniss would perpetually sing or hum the romantic song— and tapped her feet to join in the beat as the music soothed her nerves.

"Hmmm~ Mhmmm~ " Princess Royal crooned, nodding off her head. She caressed her present for the handsome lad by the name of Claus and sheepishly grinned, harking back to the summer tide with him and his younger brother, Prince Alfred in Botania Verde, the extensive garden of Vermaunt. "La la la la la~"

Mila who settled on the opposite spot of the zoning-out princess stole glances at his minor superior as well as the unseen portrait.

He was curious about the three questionable matters, running in his mind: Bernie's rapid change of mood and behavior, her alleged beau— Prince Claus—, and last but not the least, his undefinable feelings towards her.

The third issue that he formulated insinuated his marbles. There was no certain basis for his case, he thought.

A strong emotion that blossomed in the bounds of himself irked Mila the most utmost because— imaging Bernie and another gentleman together— he found the possible outcome to be ridiculous (it was his first day of work and these feelings were not supposed to be involved per se).

For instance, the fifteen-year-old girl with an elevated status under the nose of him was too young to experience a passionate relationship.

'Yes, this is why I smelled something extremely repulsive and fishy. Oh right! She's nuts! Crazy! Tadeo, you must get in the way! Her Royal Highness's hopes will be crushed if he rejects her' he said in his heart, watching at Berniss.

Mila thus examined his lady from head to toe and he resumed his sentiment, feeling worried. 'But how did it come about that I become an overprotective maid, eh? I'm a nobody my-'

"Carry on with examining upon me, missy. I've noticed I could allure anyone, girls and boys— including you— anywhere inside the walls." Berniss bragged, placing her hand under her chin as if she observed a certain specimen.

"Or maybe, is it because I sprout beautifully? I do not know and could not care less," she shrugged and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Whether you hold a grudge against me or not, I repeat. I repent me of all I did on your doll face."

She clasped her hands jointly, and hummed the melody furthermore, enjoying her jaunt through the Palace of Vermaunt. She knew to herself her ravishing appearance allured the crowd either adults, grown-ups or children.

Mila mentally rolled his eyes, looking away from the blooming princess. 'What an absolute narcissist!'

Mila kept thinking if he brought his pen and paper on his short trip, he directly could have described how self-centered Bernie sounded to him. Because of this, Mila opted to keep his opinion to himself for he did not like to face the consequence— a heavy punch from the princess was adequate for him to behave vigilantly.

"One more thing. There is no need for you to stick around like a pet dog whenever I go. Just feel free to socialize and befriend them. Do your own business and I'll do mine," she eventually put on her lustrous mask that she often wore whenever a social gathering and festivity occurred for Viktor told her to conceal herself in the crowd.

Her old man explained to her in Elena's burial that on that day onward she must hide her profile to others except for the local servants and the Rousseau family and relatives— that was the reason she was dubbed as the "Masked Princess" in the mainland— and said that it was also for her own "safety" as usual.

Because most people did not have any clue of her actual look, Berniss was glad and felt fortuitous that only a few would discern her. At least, she would not have to be too conscious of her outer appearance.

At long last, the carriage put itself to a halt. The coachman cleared the door and gave a hand to the princess. "Thank you, sire." Berniss plastered a faint smile—which brought in the coachman to gain a blushing cheek and managed to subdue it— and she winked, proceeding herself to the entrance along with her lady-in-waiting who sported a burgundy dress and a veiled raspberry roundlet as his headdress.

Trudging through the glorious vestibule which exhibited an ample of intricate patterns and designs, the princess took a last glimpse of the handmade portrait and asked the waiting-maid. "Oh Mila, do you mind if I ask you a favor? Berniss cocked her head, waiting for an encouraging approval.

Mila shook his head as a reply and reflected a willing look to attend to the lady. He gaped at the princess, inferring what her plausible request would be. "Kindly secure this valuable gift of mine."

"E-eh?" Mila faltered, behaving like a dumb lad. Still, he grabbed the painting that he itched finding out the profile of a prince, and kept it on his arm."And please handle the painting with care for it took me ten twilights in completing it. I never wish to give a spoiled present to Claus, hence, accomplish your post."


Just when Berniss and Mila behind her crossed the room in a couple of graceful strides, the excellent herald protruded his eyes and instantly neck bowed to Princess Royal— he was surprised by the delayed attendance of the princess.

He affirmed the princess's presence to the multitude, though he was troubled of how His Majesty would counter to Berniss's failure to show up early as required and how King Viktor may sentence him for disclosing a being very late in the celebration.

'God forbid, I shall commend Her Royal Highness in the absence of penalty,' he said to himself, clearing his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Her Royal Highness Berniss Dumont - Rousseau, Princess of Connick!"

"Mila," Berniss turned her heels to her lady-in-waiting, eyeing at the simplistic Mila and looking gallant as ever.


"Have fun and savor the party," she said, faintly smiling.

But before Berniss advanced to the designated table of hers, she seized her maid's wrist— Mila jolted and caught off guard—and spoke in a hushed tone where they were the ones who could catch and understand their chat. "Be cautious of these bunch of hypocrites and naysayers. They are merely venomous snakes, lingering around the reception and using their sharp tongues to devour you..."

Berniss smirked, affecting Mila to give goosebumps. "You have been warned."

The long-awaited or rather the four-hour wait for the Princess of Connick, Berniss Rousseau dissipated in a swish...

It was grand yet a late entrance of hers and the first-timer's.