Where The Sun Never Shines

Nora's Castle

Snowy Tundra Biome, OverWorld

NetherBrine and HeroBrine stood outside of Nora's Throne room. Two dark oak wooden doors were all that stood in their way. Two guards, in full Netherite armor stood on each side of the doorway.

"I wonder why she requested our presence," NetherBrine questioned as he glanced to his right at HeroBrine.

"You don't think it has something to do with not acquiring that author blockhead, do you?" HeroBrine said. NetherBrine shrugged his shoulders.

The two of them were very curious to find out. Deep down they knew that something wasn't right. As they continued to theorize on why she requested their presence, Nora's voice could faintly be heard.

"Come on it boys," she said, "don't be shy."

HeroBrine and NetherBrine looked at eachother once more. They both sighed heavily. Together, the two of them walked into the Throne room. The guards who stood out in the hallway closed the doors.

There was almost light. There was, however, a fire burning in the fireplace. That was basically the only source of light besides NetherBrine's burning head. Other than that, the entire room was pitch black. Why would Nora be completely alone in the dark?

"You're probably wondering why it's dark I assume?" Nora questioned as her voice echoed all around the Throne room. Neither HeroBrine nor NetherBrine could see very well. The only thing they could do was listen. As they listened to Nora talk, they tried very hard to pinpoint where she was exactly.

"We are," HeroBrine mentioned.

"I figured," Nora replied in a sarcastic-sounding voice, "allow me to explain."

"We're all ears," NetherBrine said, "go ahead."

"Where the sun never shines," Nora said, "is a place where I came from. Eternal darkness."

"Where the sun never shines?" HeroBrine questioned, "I'm stumped. Is that even possible? A world without light?"

"Indeed it is," Nora replied, "I like to refer to my world as such. It's always cold. Always dark. Some blockheads have already named it."

"What's the name of your world?" HeroBrine asked.

"The Eternal Darkness dimension," Nora answered. "Anyways, the reason I requested you two to come here, was because we need to talk."

"About what?" NetherBrine questioned, "is it because Scott outsmarted me and escaped?"

"That and something else," Nora mentioned.

"What else do we need to talk about?" HeroBrine said. There was no response from Nora. The room suddenly fell silent. Another strange thing to point out is that no footsteps could be heard. All was silent except for the fire crackling and popping.

HeroBrine and NetherBrine looked at one another. They may seem tough and strong, but they do still have fears. Suddenly Nora's head appeared out of nowhere, scaring the both of them. They didn't like that.

But before HeroBrine and NetherBrine could turn their heads to look back at her, she vanished once more. They both began looking around to try and find Nora. What gives anyway? Why is she acting so strange?

"Show yourself," NetherBrine demanded.

"Now now my sons," a familiar sounding male voice said, "is that how you talk to your Queen?" HeroBrine raised one eyebrow and scratched his head.

Slowly emerging from the darkness was HeroBrine and NetherBrine's father EnderBrine. That was unexpected. HeroBrine, just a few minutes ago, wondered where his father was.

"Father?" NetherBrine questioned as he squinted his eyes to focus his vision on EnderBrine. "What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

EnderBrine scoffed.

"Surprise!" EnderBrine said, "now if I were you, I'd do as she says. We wouldn't want to upset her now would you?"

"HeroBrine. NetherBrine. Come over to me," Nora said.

HeroBrine and NetherBrine didn't hesitate to walk over to where Nora was at. As they got closer to her, they saw that Nora was standing right in front of a long, rectangular mirror. Why was she doing that?

HeroBrine and NetherBrine stood on each side of her. EnderBrine was watching from close by.

"Deception," Nora said, "what do you think that means?"

"Does it have to do anything with pretending to be someone you're not?" HeroBrine questioned.

"That and then some," Nora responded as she turned her head to look back at EnderBrine. "Be a dear and give us some light, would you EnderBrine?"

EnderBrine nodded his head. He then clapped his hands together twice. The Throne room instantly got bright enough to finally see.

HeroBrine looked back over at the mirror. Right as he did that, he had managed to really scare himself. What he saw in the mirror's reflection was definitely not Nora. In fact, it was difficult to make out what it really was.

"Who are you really?" HeroBrine asked Nora.

Nora turned her head back around to look back into the mirror. NetherBrine did the same too.

"My name isn't Nora," she said.

What the mirror was really reflecting was a black, floating entity. The entity had bright yellow eyes. That explains why he couldn't hear footsteps earlier.

"What are you?" NetherBrine asked.

"I'm one of many demons," she said, "that come from the Eternal Darkness dimension."

"What's your real name then?" HeroBrine asked.

"Glad you asked," she said, "the name's NightMare."

As NightMare had revealed herself to the Brine Family, Jake, Steve, and Alex were nearing TinkerTown. The place where dreams become real, and for inventors wanting to invent something new.

Jake had grabbed his map out of his inventory to ensure they were still going the right way. Good thing he had a map on hand. Even though he knows his way around, he could still get lost.

"The town is just up ahead," Jake mentioned, "common. This way. Follow me."

"Once we get there, a friend of mine will forge some armor for you to wear, along with a powerful sword," Jake said, "trust me when I say that you're going to need all the help you can get. Protecting yourself is also important. A deadly battle is looming on the horizon."

"Are we going to be ready to fight?" Alex asked, "we don't even know how to fight the right way."

""How are you so sure we'll even win?" Steve questioned.

"I'm not. But that doesn't mean we can't try, right?" Jake responded. "Whatever it takes."