Chapter Ten


The sunrays tell on my face, waking me up. I liked the sun in Leavenworth, it had a certain charm in it. But there was also another reason I woke up.

I thought apparently, as Heath did only one night stands, it would be the only - first and last - time I would see him, but the heat still radiating from his body, told me he didn't plan that way. I stared at him, admiring his morning messy hair, and his soft snores.

"Good morning, Precious." He mumbled, still half asleep.

"Morning to you too. Don't you have anything to do? I mean, work?" I muttered still staring at him.

"Today is Sunday. What do you expect?" He pulled me closer and mumbled.

Then I remembered. Today is Sunday, just before the Christmas Eve and I was supposed to buy the sweater for Alex. Apparently, he's in love with woolen cardigans or sweaters. I sometimes don't get him, maybe his wife also gives him sweaters on every occasion. I am not complaining, it's just kinda weird.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Heath asked, now fully awake and stared at me. His presence always makes me hot, like a burn.

I smiled," Actually, tomorrow is Christmas Eve and Alex always drags me to the office party, even if I don't like but," I shrugged," He's also one of my favourite person, so, I always gift him. I need to go shopping."

"I also wanted to see the surroundings in Leavenworth. Can I accompany you? I won't bother you, I promise." He asked with a certain concern and determination. I nodded and got up to take a shower, pulling the duvet with me. But, being a good girl, that I probably am, I didn't look back. I knew if I looked back, I would definitely have morning sex. I am not desperate and this was one time, though he can stay my friend, my subconscious told me.

I quickly showered, scrubbing my scalp with the green apple and citrus shampoo, along with hot warm. I came out wrapping a towel over my body, to find Heath on the phone, giving some orders. It sounded like he was in business. As soon as I came out, he gawked at me, shamelessly. I cleared my throat to bring him out of his daze.

"Can I shower? I have my clothes." He asked politely. I nodded.

As soon as he went inside the bathroom, I frowned. How can he have fresh clothes? He didn't bring anything with him, I clearly remembered. To convince myself rather, I thought that he had asked someone to bring him fresh clothes. After all, I was aware, he was loaded. I cleared my mind and dressed in a white full sleeved hoodie with ripped shorts and high boots. I liked to wear these, when I decided to do something casual. I opened my hair messily cause I didn't want to catch any attention.

I entered the kitchen and made enough bacons for the both of us. Just when I placed them in the plates, he walked in, wearing a white turtle neck with ripped jeans. He had also put his jacket from the previous night. Everything was a coincidence.

"What would you like with your bacons?" I asked him as he sat in the dining table. His hair was still messy and slightly wet, but it increased his attractiveness more.

"Just coffee?" He answered but more like a question. I nodded and proceeded to make him a cup of coffee while I made myself a cup of hot chocolate. No way, I was going to sacrifice my cup of hot chocolate even in front of a stranger, I barely knew. As the coffee was being made, I quickly typed a message to Anna, asking if she was okay. I then stuffed my phone back into my back pocket, knowing well enough that she was still sleeping. I would tell her later about Heath or else she was a psycho bitch during gossip.

I placed his cup in front of him and sat beside him. I picked up a bacon, popped it in my mouth and sipped my hot chocolate. I turned to him, seeing that he is staring at me with his eyebrows raised. I just shrugged, obviously couldn't understand any of his damn words.

"Hot chocolate during breakfast?" He voiced, raising his eyebrows as if he knew I couldn't understand his silent question before.

I shrugged before replying," Hey, it's my favourite. Don't judge me, I love chocolate and I workout, to keep in check with my weight."

He chuckled," Ya...I understand that your love for chocolate is deep, no offense. But you workout?" He asked the last part with surprise, evident in his tone. I smiled at him and nodded. Most guys and people have a notion that girls just do shopping, eating, maybe dieting and gossiping. It seems to me also but I guess, I was bin different. From an early age, I used to play video games and after my parents murder, my brother trained me in fighting and boxing for self defence. When he moved away with Rose, in California, I was glad of his trainings because it helped me in self defence as well as losing weight, by eating nonstop.

"Who's Alex?" Heath asked, smiling, as he popped the last bacon from his plate.

" My boss." I answered simply to a simple question, he asked.

"Just your boss? You're having an affair with your boss?" He asked, frowning at me and I gasped. I frowned, from where did he get this awkward theory?

"No. Why would be that? He's thrice my age, happily married and he treats me like his own daughter. Literally and maybe basically, he's family." I answered confidently, not faltering. I didn't need to.

He nodded and got up, not replying anything. I also got up, took the plates and cups from his hands, to wash. He leaned against the counter opposite me, analysing my moves. I looked at him once and continued my work. Out of curiosity, I asked him the only question that somehow was in my mind when we had sex.



"How does it feel being a womanizer? You don't date them, or make any commitment. You just fuck them. How does it feel?" I asked, still my back facing him. From the corner of my eyes, I saw his head snap upwards and then he sighed.

"The truth?" He asked and I nodded, knowing well that he was watching me.

"I stopped fucking women nearly three months ago. I was tired of all this because some really thought they were my girlfriend. It made my life a hell and I realised, I wanted something serious. Not just fucking and leaving but commitments." He shrugged and stared at me, his gaze burning through me. I turned to him, stared at him and breathed.

"Why now? I am just curious." I asked.

"Curiosity killed the cat." I raised an eyebrow at him and he put his hands up in surrender. He sighed," I don't know. I guess, we could be friends with benefits. Will you be?" He asked skeptically.

I smiled," Yes. I will be your friend with benefits." I answered instantly.

"No commitments." Heath said.

"No commitments." I finalised.

He went outside, patiently standing behind me, while I locked my apartment. We then headed to the parking lot, to drive ourselves to the mall. I got in the driver's seat while Heath went to the passenger seat. I started the ignition, while he started the music. I was so obnoxious about my car, that apart from Anna, no one had permission of touching her. But it felt normal, when he tuned into music's. After all, he had become my friend.

Friends with benefits and no commitments.