Chapter Fourteen


I am reading the third book in " The Seattle Series " on my Kindle.

I love reading, especially, on winter holidays, with nothing to do. Kristen Proby and Jade West are my favourite and the sexual innuendos are just amazing to read. I was a nerd once and I don't regret it, anytime. But I am always open for something sexual, so, you can guess well, that I love them too.

If has been nearly two weeks, since my last encounter with Heath.

Within these days, he never messaged me. My last reply was kept on seen on the same day, but he never bothered to message. I was hurt a little, I admit but I decided to act cold towards him, if I meet him anytime soon, which is probably...never.

I didn't want to spent Christmas, going over to Alex's party in the office. My mood was not really into it, cause, my brother as promised me, didn't come to visit me. He had some work, I understand his priorities but I really missed him.

So, I just gave the Christmas presents to my brother, sis-in_law, my colleagues, Alex, Anna and her family, on Christmas day itself. I got presents from them and they are great. Not describing though.

I take out my sketchbook and pencils, along with my headphones, from the drawer, in my cabinet. Did I mention ever, I love to sketch and am a pro at it? Well, I am.

So, you can conclude, I love to sketch and read, and listen to music. But, I swear, anyone will faint, if they hear me.

After completing,' Play With Me ', I turn on to "Naughty Girl" by Beyonce on my iPod, and make myself comfy on my bed, sitting Indian style, with my sketchbook and pencils. I drew a pheonix with flames surrounding it. Cliche, I know but it resembles ferocity but beautiful. I am too thoughtful.

Suddenly, the door bell rings. I keep my sketchbook aside, adjust my black PJ's and rush to get the door. Whoever, is at the door, seriously needs to be patient.

I open my door and my eyes widen at the sight.

Anna's panicked face is staring at me and what shocks the most, is that she is holding Heath, who is probably unconscious cause a little blood is flowing from his head.

I instantly help Anna to drag Heath inside the room. He is so heavy, even for the two of us, that I know what Anna went through.

But that is not my concern for the moment. There was a big question mark as how Anna was in front of my door, that too with Heath on a wintry afternoon. And how the hell did these happen?

We both quickly lay Heath on the couch, while Anna breaths heavily and I rush off for the first aid kit. I crouch down beside Heath, who is on the couch, unconscious.

Instead of acting cold towards him, like I planned to do, I softly but quickly, loosen Heath's tie and suit. Then I clean his forehead with the lotion and notice, for the first time that he had got many scratches on his handsome face, hands and wrists.

"What happened?" I whispered to Anna, still cleaning Heath's wounds.

When I didn't get any answer, I looked over her and saw her panicking. She faced a lot in her past, when her twin, Alesia, died in a car crash. She had panic attacks in the past, but I calmed her down over years.

I quickly wrapped a bandage around Heath's head. I had taken a course for medics, once, from my brother.

I pull up Anna from the chair, she was sitting at. I wrap her in my arms and rub her back, soothingly. Her tears are now free flowing from the panic attack.

We both sit on the carpet, beside Heath on the couch. My arms are still wrapped around.

"What happened Anna?" I whisper softly.

"I-I do-don't know. I wa-was coming over at yo-yours, to see you. On the tur-turning around the block, I saw him, ly-lying on the ground." She stutters and sobs in my arms. "Maybe it w-was an accident?"

"It is okay, Anna." I murmur. I knew, it was not a car accident, but someone had beat him. I didn't tell her that though.

Anna always panics if there is blood involved. She is always bright and chirpy but blood-related incidents really shocked her. So, maybe, I was once a nerd and still dumb, I am always her protector.

The darkness that was surrounding the apartment, made me realise, I have been sitting here for a long time. I looked at the wall clock and realised it had been two hours from that incident.

Heath was still lying on the couch, unconscious, which was unusual but not unreal. Anna finally felt asleep in my arms after crying for a while.

I lifted her up and placed her in my bedroom, and changed her into my clothes. She was shivering very badly, so, I covered her with many blankets

I then went to Heath, and nearly dragged him to the guestroom. The couch was really uncomfortable and he needed the rest to wake up soon. I also removed his tie and suit, living him in his boxers and shirt and covered him with the spare blankets.

I made my way to the kitchen to prepare some chicken soup. They both were not in their best states, they needed their energy and I would join them.

While chopping the chicken in small chunks, my mind was preoccupied by so many questions, which were mostly about Heath.

What was he doing in Leavenworth today? Was he for a business as he was wearing a suit?

It was not a car accident, definitely. It looked someone had hit him on the head, but why?

He is a mystery, that I am certain of. I needed some answers, desperately.


I quickly ran to the guestroom, to see Heath thrashing on the bed, as if he was in terrible pain.

"No! Don't hurt them! Don't hurt him!" He shouted.

"Shh. I am here." I whispered softly, leaning down to rake my fingers through his hair.

He breathed unevenly, but calmed a little. Still, with his eyes closed, he pulled me by my hand and I was lying beside him.

"Dad... Please don't leave me. Th- they died..." He trailed off, hugging me in the process.

His head was on my chest. He hugged me, tightly around the waist, as if, I would vanish and I soothingly rubbed his back.

After a couple of minutes later, he went to sleep, snoring softly.

I took into his features. He was still handsome, but he looked tired. His hair had been trimmed, but the stubble on his jaw was clearly visible. I inspected his cuts. It seems that his scratches were from falling on the road. If Anna hadn't been there, at the right time, be perhaps, would have been hit a lot more.

I felt relief wash over me at that thought but it quickly faded away, imagining the alternative.

He was my friend and I cared for him a lot. I panicked on the thought of him being hurt. It made me determined to somehow protect him, along with that, to find about his mystery, his dad and ' them '.

Although, how much I liked his arms wrapped around my waist, I freed myself from his warmth and tucked him again carefully.

I then made my way to the kitchen to finish off the chicken soup. After making the food, I went up to check Anna,if she is okay.

Walking up to my bedroom, I saw her staring at the wall blankly. She was sitting up and was in deep thought, maybe the incident that happened to Heath.

"You okay?" I ask her, handing her a glass of water and sit in front of her. "Then come on, I will serve you."

"How's Heath? What did you make?" She asks after a while.

"Heath is sleeping in the guestroom. Don't need to worry but you need your energy. Come on." I call her, getting up from the bed.

She follows me to the kitchen and sits on one of the chairs in the dining room. I serve her the hot chicken soup and sit beside her.

She silently finishes her soup, in one go. I am really worried about her, to this point. She hasn't uttered a word, except asking about Heath. She is also worried, and maybe, reminiscing the car accident of Alesia, seven years ago.

"Callista?" I look up from Anna and see Heath standing there, stumbling towards the kitchen, holding his head.

I and Anna rush off to help him and cautiously, make him sit on the chair beside mine, where Anna was sitting a minute ago.

Anna sits beside him, while I serve him the chicken soup. He stares at me blankly for a long time. Within this grim situation, where both of my friends are in bad health, his intensifying eyes are burning me.

Unlike Anna, he slowly, eats his chicken soup. It seems he had lost his appetite.

While eating, he looks briefly at Anna, recognising her but finishes off his soup, mainly, in deep thought. Anna's head is in her hands, she's shaking, thinking about the accident still. I just watch my two friends, who didn't, clearly, have a good day, today.

I walk inside the kitchen and put the bowls in the sink.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around, to see Anna standing behind me, looking tensed and sad. I smile slightly, telling her silently, that she should forget about Alesia and be strong. She smiles back and motions over to Heath.

I walk over to Heath and place my hand on his shoulder. He grips my hand tightly but his back is still slumped.

I sit beside him, while Anna takes the seat opposite us. I place my hand on Heath's jaw, making him look towards me and calm him. His eyes are tired and he looks worn out.

"You need to sleep." I whisper, rubbing his right cheek with my fingertips.

Anna has calmed herself and is watching us curiosity.

Meanwhile, he stares at me, with his grey eyes and slightly shakes his head.

"Thank you." He glances over at Anna nervously, " I think you are expecting something, Precious but..." He whispers softly.

"Yes, I am expecting and Anna stays here. She's trustworthy." I whisper back, sternly.

He nods and Anna looks at us, with a questioning gaze.