Chapter Seventeen


Knock! Knock!

The door opens a little, Anna's head peeping in.

"What person takes 45 minutes to finish pancakes and cover?" I huff, sitting on the bed, cross legged, playing FIFA on my iPhone.

"That's us." She grins, but instantly that vanishes as I give her a glare. "Um...can we come in?"

"Yes." I glare at her, giving her an indirect message about my sour and bitter mood. Not a healthy combination.

Anna opens the door widely, comes in and Heath follows behind. My face kits up, at the sight, but I quickly mask my excitement.

Heath strolls in and sets the big tray, filled with pancakes, Hershey coated breads and a large cup of hot chocolate, in front of me.

"You know, you can grin. If is a free country, after all." Heath mumbles.

I glare at him and Anna follows next.

"Sit." I pat on the bed and they take a seat, reluctantly. "Now, who made these?"

"I did." Heath says, staring directly at me and I successfully, avoid his burning gaze.

"Why?" I ask sternly, guessing the answer to my question.

"We are sorry, Callista. Anna told me, your favourite and I made them. We are sorry." He says, now, avoiding my gaze.

"I told you, I don't care. It is a free country, after all." I make air quotes for the last part.

"But we are guilty. Anna is like a friend, we were just caught up in our grief and fucked up." He urges, still not looking at me. Anna is sitting silently on the bed.

"I am not your girlfriend. Why are you guilty? Leave these shit and give me some fucking answers." I snap back.

"Calli! Please, we are sorry. I would have told you at the right time, but I didn't. I regret it. I am sorry." She jumps for a hug, then withdraws, hesitantly.

I chuckle. "God! Anna, you dumb. How can I stay mad at you? I am glad, you gave me your confession." I hug her back and her grip tightens.

She hugs me tightly, her tears now cascading through my neck and seeping my t-shirt.

"Ugh! You girls! She apologized, you forgave. What's wrong with me then?" Heath groans loudly.

I turn towards him, and nearly laugh, seeing his pouty face. He looks adorable. And, the added adjective is definitely sexy.

"You are forgiven. But still, I may cut your balls of, cause, I demand an explanation. I am not going to waste my time, earning your trust and hunt for answers. Just give me a fucking explanation." I deadpan, not bothering to go on with my good mood.

His pout turns into a grimace, as he digests my words.

"Um... Where do I start?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck.

"Why don't you tell us about your work? It seems, it is illegal." I raise my eyebrow and Anna is again watching us, like a tennis match.

"Ok then." I nod, "I am the CEO of one of the best Software companies in the America. It is completely legal and I earn my money with hardwork."

"That's good, really good. I knew, you were rich, but wow... CEO?!" Anna gushes.

"But you don't have any photos indicating that... Why so?" I ask, digging for more.

"I like to stay hidden. No one knows my name as the CEO, my employees haven't even see my face." He says, in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I need to tell you something more." He says, after a while, nervously. I nod, stil imagining him as a CEO.

"Uh... My mother is a white. I haven't talked with my sister for a while, she's married..." He trails of.

"But?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

" No but. It's and." He looks away to Anna, avoiding my scrutiny.

"And?" I ask again, my eyes, now, turning into silts.

"And I have a twin. Actually, we are triplets. I, my brother and my sister." He clarifies.

"Ok. I don't understand. What's the problem?" I frown at him, who is still, looking everywhere, except me.

"I sort of called him today." He whispers and then seeing my anger, he explains frantically. " I swear. I called him here two days ago. Today, he hacked on my phone, and told me just now, he was coming here. I swear, I didn't invite him."

"It's okay. But let me rephrase." I pause, frowning, thinking. "Your twin brother, is coming here. He hacked your phone to find you out. When did he call?" I ask slowly, processing.

"Yeah. He's a hacker." He confirms. "He called me a few minutes ago. I am sorry. He's a nuisance."

"That's okay. Just like his brother, nuisance." I chuckle at Heath, who scowls at me.

"What's his name?" Anna asks, then adds. "Oh! Same as you, that's so cool!"

I give her a glare which cuts her excited voice off. My mood is still sour.

"His name is Macenth James." He says, still scowling but amusement, twitching on his lips.

"That's not all. Why were you hit? By who?" I ask the main question now.

Heath and Anna, instantly ashen. Anna, remembering Alesia's accident and Heath, I don't know what for.

"Umm... Uh... It's very secret. But as you helped me, I think you need to know." He says, nervously. Then pleads, his eyes dark. "Please, I request you. Don't tell anyone."

I keep my hand on his, sensing his discomfort. He tightens his grip, and there is electric current flowing through my body.

"I won't. I promise." I assure him.

He takes a deep breath, still gripping on my hand, and looks directly at me.

"My dad was the founder of my company. Some men, wanted to take over, they still want to, so, they killed my dad. He was murdered when, I just completed my studies." His head falls down.

I wait and he continues. "But that's not all. Along with him, I and my siblings, my sister's fiance and his parents."

I analyse quickly. "You're saying that you, your triplets, your parents, your brother-in-law and his parents were kidnapped. But you said, your dad died." I frown.

"Not only he, but my sister's parents-in-laws were also murdered there. Our parents died to save us. My mother, escaped, leaving us behind." He shudders, probably, remembering the bitter memories.

"They. We're. Murdered." I speak slowly, the thoughts of my own parents coming to me. I hadn't seen my parents the last time, and that was the most depressing.

I bow my head, not wanting to remember anything. I miss my brother now, terribly.

Anna kneels beside me, on the bed, slowly, rubbing my back. She knows what I'm thinking. That's why, she's my bestie.

"Anna, can you please go outside?" He states firmly, not with any hint of request. His authorative voice is enough for Anna to obey, so, she does.

As the door closes, I glance, nervously at Heath, drinking his facial features, to distract from the thought of my parents.

He us staring impassive, at me. His pupils have dilated... Why?

He reaches for my hand, the tension, suddenly, increasing so much in the room.

Swiftly, soothingly, he rubs his fingertips on my knuckles, calming me. My breathing becomes normal, my mind, momentarily, distracted. The tension is still radiating, kinda frustrating and weird.

"I trust you, Callista. It is just my habit, my personality, to doubt everyone. I am sorry if I hurt you." He whispers, leaning closer.

"I know. I trust you too. But you can do whatever you want. You can have sex, you know." I whisper, staring directly into his intense eyes.

"I want to have sex with you. I was just caught up, yesterday. Cause, I thought, you were mad at me." He shrugs, frowning. "Please, let's not argue."

I nod, sensing the growing sexual tension.

"Will you play with me? Can I check you?" He asks, voice husky and grey eyes, darkened.

"Very bold, Mr. James. I am open for that." I smirk, as his breathing quickens. My not-so-sour mood has now become much better.

"Well then. Let's play some fucking." He smirks and adds, wickedly. " I don't play fair, remember."

"Me too." I smirk, though thinking about what could he is cooking in his dirty mind of his.

"There's Anna, outside." He grins, wickedly. "So, let's play."

Shit. I can't make a sound. This is Heath James and he definitely plays unfair. Well, he changed my mind, so...maybe.

"You can't make any sound." He grins, broad and adds. "Or else, one moan equals to two hard spanks."

Fucking hell. This is so hot. He'll spank me, and I'm beyond excited. I am already set and needy. Egoistical bastard, sure, knows to play... Unfair.

Time to play.