Chapter Twenty-six


I throw a Jar of peanut butter in the shopping cart and yell. In return, earning looks from the elder shoppers.

Rose laughs, "For a girl, who just experienced a heartbreak, you're are damn active."

"Thanks Rose, for being the mood killer." I give her a scowl.

She gives me a forced smile and moves on to the reception.

We are currently at the shopping mall, for grocery, as promised by Rose. But, like the wonderful person I am, I put up a lot of fight.

Today morning, as usual, we again had our meetings, with Ace and Chris keeping tabs on Xavier's life, Anna, Heath and I on our respective businesses and Rose resting. I had so much work, cause the office Holidays will end this week.

So, I assigned my half of the work to Anna.

On important notes, we found out, Xavier has a partner addressed as 'Unknown', which led me to the fact, that I have heard of him somewhere... Just I don't remember.

And this morning, I found Heath lying on the couch. I felt bad but I quickly brushed it away. We, all avoided him like the Spanish Flu, especially me.

I didn't even glance his way.

After paying for the grocery items, Rose nearly drags me outside.

She surely still possesses her strength in pregnancy.

As we both cross the crosswalk, to get to the other side, I instantly freeze but quickly, my instincts kick in.

I slowly tilt my head to a bulky man, digging a gun each on our hips, clearly indicating - more like warning - that we won't be able to escape. Before, I can show my moves, the asshole speaks.

"You better not." He growls lowly, "There are children and aged. We don't want to harm them, do we?"

The urge to wipe the smirk from this bastard's face was increasing by each passing second.

"Get on like two good girls, sweethearts!" His each words were coated with sugar, "Don't fight..."

I looked over to Rose, whose face was laced with sorry and fear. I wrapped a protective arm around her. Sighing, I walked where the bulky man, practically shoved us.

"Get in!" He growled, shoving us further to a black SUV, whose glasses were tinted, pitch black.

We followed inside and in a second I regretted my decision.

Cause, after a second, my vision became black.


I blinked several times.

After several attempts, I realised the room was dimly lit. The only source of light was coming from a small night bulb.

I looked further around the room, to see Rose already awake, staring at me and silently asking for some hope.

I tugged at my hands, but as usual, like a villain's mind works, we both were tied to wooden chairs.

My instincts became on alert and I started inspecting.

My hands were tied behind my back with some sort of cable that would cut into my skin, the more I would try to tug it. My ankles were bound to the stumps of the chair, tightly.

Besides the fact that I didn't know our whereabouts, with no trackers, no time, it was damn frustrating that the rivals - Xavier Ryder and his gang - are good with their job.

I didn't know about the time, and just as I was going to ask Rose, I realised my mouth was also taped.

Ignoring myself, I looked over to Rose for any injuries and was glad that I couldn't find any. We decided to take our advantages to use.

So, with the help of Morse Code - a language by blinking in certain aspects - I communicated with Rose for a minute, asking if she and the baby were fine. Her answer made me a little better but not for long.

Cause, fucking villains always chose the good time to bring crap.

The door burst open, revealing a handsome man, probably in his mid-thirties. He is wearing a business suit, not giving away that he is a fucking bastard.

Xavier's bodyguards follow soon after with guns and... rifles?

I freeze but don't show my internal fear. My exterior - hard, strong, confident and fearless - is open to them, giving nothing.

But the guns and rifles don't make my blood freeze. But the fact that he is Xavier Ryder - the Sir a d Boss to every people, not revealing his identity. The one who came before the Christmas to Alex for his business deal.

"Recognize me, darling?" He smirks, his dark aura making the room cold and his burning gaze, directly at me.

I scowl, putting on my brave face, "What do you want?"

He chuckles, coming towards me. His nose touches mine as he leans down, staring at me with a glint.

"Well, I already own your half of the company and now, I want the James Softwares."

I chuckle, "That's it? Cause you won't have."

He grabs my cheeks harshly, my lips in a long and laughed as if I cracked a joke.

"I know, right?" He grins, evilly, "I want you."

I spit on his face, "You?" I laugh, "Well, you can't."

He chuckles like a devil, "We'll see."

He then walks back and fro, chuckling and occassionally looks at me and then at Rose.

"Hello Rose. It's nice to meet again." He walks to Rose, "How's the baby?"

"Don't fucking touch her!" I yell, "I'll kill you."

"I am not an animal." He chuckles, "I'll kill the baby when it's born."

My breathing is uneven and Rose is silent, silently whimpering.

How can a man be this cruel? He doesn't even care...

He again starts his to and fro walk, across the dimly lit, stinking room. His Devil laughs echo through the room, when suddenly he faces to Rose and me.

"I decided to call Heath," He begins, "but then I decided, why not inform it straight to Christian? After all, you both are related to him. Let me give him a call. Shall we?"

With that, be strides fast to us and takes out his phone from his suit pocket. He quickly types a number, which I assume is of Chris'.


"Hi, Christian." Xavier says, chuckling.

"Where are Rose and Calli?" He screams, "It's three hours, you sonofabitch!"

What? Three? Oh. My. God.

"You wanna see them? Then, we can." He chuckles, darkly.

With that he cuts the phone call and again types something, which I now assume, is a video call to Chris.

"Rose?!" Chris yells, "Calli?!"

His face clearly shows he's worried and his hair gives away that his hand has travelled through the passageway several times.

"We're fine." I give him a faint smile and blink my eyes.

He instantly becomes calm.

"We'll get you." He says firmly.

Just then Xavier laughs, "You can't track, Christian. You can't even trace anything. So, Bye! And good luck!"

He cuts the call and moves towards Rose.

He smirks, directly at me and moves his index finger alongside Rose's cheeks.

"Don't touch her!" I yell, tugging on my bindings.

For a while, I ignored how the mettalic cables cut intoy skin and surely, as a fact, blood was oozing out.

But that wasn't my concern, Rose was.

Soon enough, Xavier laughed and walked towards me.

"Take Rosalie to another room. Keep her safe." He ordered, hai voice echoing.

All the men, except two big men, took Rose away and on the way, I gave her a assuring smile, if it actually was.

"Now..." He chuckle, darkly, " Let's have some fun."

I froze, not knowing what fun actually was and their idea gave me enough hint, it wasn't fun in a sense.

A punch from one of teh big men hit me directly in the face and my vision became again dark.


"Get up!"

I jolted up, but not really.

I sharp sting through my cheeks, my arms, legs - in fact my body - made me wince.

"What?" I winced again.

I blinked several times and realized I was bounded to a bed, my arms and legs wide apart and Xavier and those two men stood their with evil amusement.

"So fucking good." Xavier crooned.

I scowled, "What did you do to me?"


The two bulky man ripped my shirt and shorts on his order, my jacket long discarded.

I watched in horror, tugging furiously on my bindings but they had restricted my movements, pretty good.

They were going to rape me!

"No!" I screamed.

In return a received many punches, and slaps, the stings surging through my body.

Xavier laughed as he sat in the chair, while his men ripped my clothes and me.

"Scream baby!" He laughed, wickedly.

They pushed themselves within me, harshly and until now, I didn't even know I was crying, whimpering or maybe sobbing.


"You want to save Rose?" He chuckled, "Obey!"

They slapped me, hit me, abused me until my screams didn't sound.

I fell limp on to the worn out bed, silently whimpering.

Just then, the door fell and my brothers - Chris and Ace - entered.

I could barely make their silhouettes, when my vision turned black for the third time, this incident.

Maybe, this was actually death.

I wished, my body limo and aching with the abuse and my mind half unconscious.


"You really won't come?" Ace asked him

"No." His voice shook but he continued, "How's Rose?"

Ace took a deep breath, " Rose's arm is broken, other-"

"What?!" He yelled.

"-wise she's fine." Ace ignored his yelling and finished his sentence.

From the other end, his fast breath sounded, beacuse be loved his twin sister to pieces.

"I'm coming." He stated firmly.

Ace grinned, " Sure bro!"

But the next words, he spoke, wiped the grin from his face and brought upon a scowl.

"Is Callista awake?" He gritted, "I need to speak to her."

Before he could cut the call, Ace spoke with certainty and firmly.

"It's not Callista's fault, Heath."