Sky log #0: Introduction

Hello dear Sky kid,

If you have picked up this book from Vault or somewhere (hopefully not in the muddy waters of Wasteland), congratulations! You have found the personal diary of my adventures. I am known as Winter or Aoi to my fellow friends but in this book, I am the Lone Traveler or LT for short.

In here, I recorded bits and parts of my adventures, my encounters with other Sky kids and my life. There may be some moments that are triggering but I do my best to warn you beforehand at the start of every entry. Sky is a curious world that is ever expanding, ever changing with every new season. So, I dearly hope that you will keep in mind that some information recorded in some logs will be inconsistent with your current time.

Hopefully, this diary will guide you in your endeavours in Sky.

May you have fun in Sky, just like I have.

Yours Truly,

Lone Traveler