Short story 1.1: Val

There once was a queen,

Who was known all over Sky, to be

Fair and wise.

She was,

A benevolent ruler of the Forest,

The child of the Forest Elder, and

Queen to her people.

With long ringlets of silver hair

down to her waist,

A cape of emerald green

Sitting on her shoulders, and

A pleasant smile worn on her face,

She was known to everyone as


She loved her people,

Who greeted her with smiles and laughter.

She loved her friends,

Who accompanied her through rain or shine.

She loved the little creatures in her realm,

Who come for her loving scratches and pats.


Despite what she have,

No matter how content she was,

She felt,

Something was missing,

In her life.

Something precious,

One of a kind.

Something for her,

And only her.

"But what was it?"

She wondered,

Looking up at the full moon

in the night sky.

How wonderful,

It would be,

If there was someone,

To be my moon.

Val thought wistfully.

Little did she know,

That a certain King had heard her.