Sky Log #18: Season Ratings

After the ratings for pants and the realms, it is finally time to do some rating for the past seasons in Sky.

Up to this moment, a total of nine seasons have come and go in Sky but with more coming in the future. So, it is possible that I could doing another entry for the future ones. I'll be commenting on ones that have passed, what happened during the season and how I feel about the season overall.

Season of Gratitude (July 19,2019)

I think I remember participating in this season. I started off as a moth in the middle of this season.

Unfortunately, I didn't know there was such a thing as a season and definitely didn't know that it would go away after a period of time. I collected their emotes along the way while I was exploring Sky. However, I didn't get anything from the season spirits because I don't know anything about seasons and cosmetics. Those were definitely not a priority in my to-do list.

I just do my regular moth thing: exploring the realms in Sky, being wowed by the amazing landscapes and meeting players. And figuring out the story in Sky.

I also remembered that I was being very busy at that time so I couldn't play often. And then, it came a time for me to enter into slumber mode.

Season of Lightseekers (September 23, 2019)

Still snoozing away.

Season of Belonging (November 18, 2019)


Season of Rhythm (January 24, 2020)

Huh? What's that? Oh, I'm still sleeping. Snore….

Actually, I awoke for a while to see the whole place at Home encased in snow. However, I was in late moth period so I didn't see the value in participating in the season. Only got some of the emotes. I think I got a cosmetic…? An eagle mask from the Troupe Greeter before the season ended.

Now, that I think about it… The past seasons that I missed were like hibernation periods for me because I occasionally enter Sky to play for a bit before leaving. I wasn't farming though, just exploring the nooks and cranny of the places.

Season of Enchantment (April 20, 2020)

Okay, this season is quite memorable.

This was my first actual season that I fully participated in and completed. I basically was into it from start to end. Of course, if it was me alone, I might be playing on and off.

Before this season started, I met my Sky family in March. Then, we hang around together everyday from reset. It was a happier time for us since everyone was here. We went on oobs, on candle farming and all sorts of stuff.

For this season, we went to get mushies (cute nickname for mushrooms). It was a thing during the early season until tgc removed it. That was because when you harvest these mushies, you get one full candle. And there were four in total; two in the air and two under the ground.

We would just get the whole family together just to get them.

The ones under the ground required a bit of oob skills such as getting under the sand, flying to the mushies without getting teleported out and putting the table under them just so you can stand and grab them.

Let me tell you, you have to be really great at placing the table or you get them anywhere but near the mushies.

I remembered getting really fed up because I just got my table and I couldn't place them at the right place. Placing them is one thing, but standing on the table is another. Remember? You are flying so you have to get yourself to a platform to grab the mushies. And the tables at that time were solid, anyone can stand on them without having to sit and solidify them.

David and Val are expert at this skill; getting the table at the right place and then, standing on the table. They can do it within a few minutes without getting teleported out. Their teamwork was impeccable. I remember admiring them for it.

Asmo and I even tried to copy them but we were both moths at that moment. I was just getting up to date with some of the must-know things in Sky such as the friendship tree.

Like warp?

Like holding the hand of the one who leads the group without them asking for your hand?

And rocket glitch?

Who knew I needed to know these things???

Then, some smartass told the tgc about the mushies. It was kind of obvious, especially with how the mushies were situated in Forgotten Ark, Wasteland. They were potential oob items. Tgc found out about them and said they have to removed them because the mushies were not supposed to be there. So, there goes our valuable mushrooms.

Fun times.

However, deep down inside me, I knew it was not going to last for a long time. Everyone is bound to get busy in the future so I cherished every moment of it.

There was some life changing moments in my life which was important. It unfortunately didn't work out in the way I wanted it to go. But, my new friends made it easier, made it so that I can hang on and get through. I managed to find another path and hanged onto it long enough to maintain myself.

Yet, one thing came after another.

And you know how the story went.

Oh, and David won an adventure pass giveaway but since he had one already, he decided to give it to me so I could complete the season. Thank you, David and Val. Yeah, we participated in the giveaways so that if one of us won but we have one, we can give it to the members of our family. They both had it so they were planning to give me one if they ever won a giveaway.

I know right?

They are such a nice couple, like, just get married already. Just kidding. Do it at your own pace. Don't forget to set up a time and date and send invitations if that ever happens in the future.

Anyway, this season was the first that tgc decided to create a whole new place, Forgotten Ark, just for the season. A great piece of news was that all the seasonal spirits are inside that place. There were these light missions that you have to complete in order to restore the Forgotten Ark. And you find these individual lights from different realms.

Also, tgc introduced the concept of shops once the Ark was restored. With the shops, we can buy spells and potions. I remember hoping that I could sell the spells because I didn't want to use the resize potion and lose my moth height.

But now… ehhh, I'm just consuming them for fun but I always make sure I'm of a tall height so that it's easier to burn big plants. If I want to be small, I just grab my chibi-mask or drink a shrink potion.

Yeah, potions are a thing now.

And if you consume the chibi potion and shrink potion, you get to be tiny for 10 minutes. If you drink potions opposite of that, you become a giant with a height rivaling that of the spirits in Sky.

And the Sleepy Traveler's Boat?

I think it came during that time too but after the Ark was fully restored. When an event comes with cosmetics many players can't afford, you get to have free spells of that cosmetics from the boat. Of course, the boat isn't always there so be sure to get updated with the latest news from tgc.

I would say 8/10 for the "Harry Potter" vibes.

Season of Sanctuary (July 13, 2020)

I got a pleasant surprise from Val. She gifted me an adventure pass which I am always grateful for. Someday, I'm gonna repay them.

I think I was getting kind of busy at that moment. But so is everyone in the family. So, some days, I see them, some days, I just don't.

It's the Season of mantas. Literally.

It's at a whole new place in Prairie, at Sanctuary and I just love the vacation vibes it bring.

Beach chairs. Geysers. Waterfalls. Jellyfish. Krebs. Mantas.

For the mission, we have to restore a bell tower. Tgc made the mission like a treasure hunt, we have to find the map before we can find the bell that we are looking for. And with every bell we restored, we get to see snippets of the mantas' life cycle. How they grow from swimming in the water to flying in the air.

We also had the opportunity to find the big whale mama. We used to see her in Hidden Forest and in Eden but now she's out in the open in Sanctuary. Or maybe that's other big whales. Anyway, she's always diving around Sanctuary Islands. Sadly, I haven't gotten a picture with her yet but someday.

I really want to take it with my family.

So, one cute thing about Sanctuary is when you are flying to the main island. If you just happen to be in the path of a group of adolescent mantas that are about the size of a Sky kid, they tend to fly behind you.

Cheeky little things, aren't they?

8.5/10 for adorableness of the animals. Plus, the plentiful of candle lights. Yum yum.

Season of Prophecy (October 5, 2020)

Okay, so David and I made predictions on which realm the new season might be held in. Let's just say neither of us are right because we thought maybe Vault would have a new season. Although… I remember saying that Isle is a possible area because I remember that a place was created for the Boogie Kid from Season of Gratitude. It's the mountain at the right of the temple when you face the temple.

After having a test of all the trials in the Cave of Prophecy, I can definitely say that I won't be going back even if tgc put a wing light at the end of each trial and added candle cakes. It just takes too much energy out of me. Eventually, I just resort to oob tricks and shortcuts.

I know that there are some kids who loved the challenge and that's okay with me. You do you. Have fun with the challenges.

This is just my personal opinion on the trials.

I remember getting stuck at the third level of the fire trial because of all the loops and the fire monsters. There were just too many of those googly eyed monsters. It took me half a day to get through because I was consulting the maps hand-written by the trial challengers. They are useful though. Eventually, when I had to take a friend through (it was the one and only time), I gave up on the honest way and chose the shortcuts.

So, 4/10. I swear on my grave. Never again. Unless someone is dragging me through.

Season of Dreams (January 4, 2021)

I had my real-life birthday celebrated during the first week of the season. It was a late birthday party but… it was really nice. Haven't had friends celebrated it with me for a long time. Heck, I don't think I ever have an actual birthday celebrated with a party. But that's okay. I don't do parties unless it's with close friends. However, I might get lazy and just do it with the family.

We went on an oob trip under the Village to celebrate my birthday. Saw a stone pig? Cow? Dog? Have no idea what it was but we tried to cook it with the Christmas table. Unfortunately, the lights couldn't be lit because of the invisible water so we ate it raw. It was hard. Period.

I really love how the Village of Dreams looked like.

It reminded me of those ski resorts when I went overseas for vacation. Especially with the gondolas. Really missing vacations now.

Anyway, this season is known for a lot of bug problems, especially when it comes to the missions and reliving the spirits' memories. Yeah, it was really tough to complete the missions because when you light up the skater, she either disappears with no follow ups or you probably ended up crashing.

The missions had quite a bit of challenge to them, especially the one which you have to skate down the gondola slides. I'm not sure what to call them but yeah, it was a race against time. Not many players enjoyed them because they couldn't skate well.

I enjoyed them though since I don't know how to skate in real life. And my first experience of skating with friends was rather lonely. I was stuck to the wall the entire time with blisters to my feet despite wearing socks. Not only that, my friends were having fun in the middle of the rink. Only one came up to check on me but I was an idiot at that time and shooed them away so that they can have fun. Not a great experience for me since I wasn't having fun.

Anyway, 9/10 for scenery and snow!

Season of Assembly (April 5, 2021)

Oh boy, I won my first adventure pass giveaway during the season.

I could hardly believe that happened. It just happened on a regular day while I was minding my own business and then I got a notification from InSkygram. Really grateful for the people who hosted the giveaway. Thank you angels!

I don't have much relatability with this season but maybe it does for those who were scouts during their younger days in school. I remember that there was a club tryout and the scout created this swing which you can actually sit and swing. Pretty fun.

So, this season was held in Hidden Forest.

Tgc didn't add much to the place apart from adding treehouses and then a large Treehouse which connects to all the areas in Hidden Forest. I find that really useful because that means I can skip some areas in Forest and selectively farm at the places where there are more plants.

This season also rolled out a lot of props such as the firestick, tent, hammock, pot, cushion and fire pot.

Actually, I have no idea what the pot and cushion does but it seemed we can use them to decorate our public spaces. Initially, I thought tgc really considered giving us a butterfly pot which we can bring around and have the butterflies in the pot recharge our wings but… it's an empty pot. Some kids considered using the pot and the cushion as potential oob items since it made it easier for chibi kids to get through the stairs.

Yes, there is a new feature called public spaces. At special places where you see a statue, you can arrange your space with all the props that you have purchased before opening it to the public. So, it's like a mini-Home where you can chill and relax.

Probably it can be a potential birthday party place?

Or a wedding location?

7/10 for the cute swings and props.

Now the fire stick can rival the campfire in recharging light! Great prop for Wasteland. Unfortunately, the fire pot is too short for Wasteland waters. I tried it and was severely disappointed by the ant-size pot against the murky waters.

Fire pot: 0, Wasteland waters: 1.