Sky Log #24: Gayest Wedding Ever

This was actually a birthday prank for Mike, one of the newest members of our Sky family. He was introduced by Anna and he played for a few days. Unfortunately, he was not an active player so I rarely see him online. At least he was not giving up on Sky.

Anyway, it was close to his birthday and Anna wanted to set up a party for him. She decided that instead of our usual Discorn call and a normal birthday party in Sky, she wanted to throw in a fake wedding for him and Erikku.

This may be the first time I write about Erikku but he is one of the members of the family. However, as I don't interact much with him, I naturally don't feel that I am as close to him as with the other members like Shaz and Val. I believed the initial family members were Val, Shaz, Anna, David, May, Nana and Erikku. They were actually the original members of the group before more joined and the family expanded. As it grew big, we naturally decided we needed the means to communicate with one another and so we made one in Discorn.

With Discorn, it was easier to make small talk in texts or in voice. We even do streams (mostly David does it). The camaraderie between the members was quite amiable. There are moments when the chat is noisy while other moments, it was as silent as a grave. Of course, if you have followed up on my entries about Asmo, you would know that the platform we have now is a new one. Still, the change in platforms didn't really affect much of the group atmosphere. If you are wondering about whether we have seen each other's faces, I'm afraid not. I may know some but not everyone in the group. It is the same for me. Up to date, I believe Anna only knew my face and that was for some avatar-making picture.

However, I think the members who I am close with know that Winter is not actually my birth name. I like to keep certain things apart and… I have grown fond of my friends calling me "Winter". Asking them to change into another name would feel rather odd. Besides, I rather like the name I have given myself so let's keep it that way.

Anyway, it has been a running joke among the members that Erikku and Mike were an ambiguous couple, especially with their funny interactions with each other. I don't believe they are actually a pair since it seemed like they were joking with each other and everyone was running along with them. That was why Anna suggested a surprise wedding for Mike on his birthday.

Of course, the wedding is just a prank.

At first, she would lure him out with some excuse and when we reach the venue in Sunny Forest, we would spring the wedding surprise on him. Well, we did follow according to plan and everything was perfect. Even telling Mike that he forgot about his wedding still brings a smile to me as I write down this entry.

Before we commenced the surprise wedding, I set up the tea table on top of the huge stone table that was left by a previous season. Then, we had the couple sitting there. Mike really thought it was Erikku's promotion day and even prepared a script for it. So, we had him say it at his "wedding". He was so confused about it. Hahahaha…

It was pretty chaotic.

And the newlyweds had their honeymoon, right in front of us. Many of its contents were unfortunately not safe to be written here but it was… quite steamy.

So, we respectfully exit ourselves out of the venue but could not resist peeking on them. Actually, I couldn't resist peeking on them first and the rest followed. However, what I saw was a little disappointing, especially with their misleading moans. They were seated at my tea table while sighing contentedly over their cups of hot tea.

There wasn't any ACTION AT ALL!

Well, even if there were, this would not be the right book to write in. Hmmm… Well, what followed after was the usual birthday party stuff. So, I will skip writing those down.

The prank wedding made me realized something. I haven't actually participated in an actual wedding.

Of course, Val and David are already married in Sky but it seemed they haven't held another one for us to attend. I can't blame them though, since a lot of things were happening in our family and none of us could find the right time to meet up. Especially with how Sky limits the number of players in one server, having more than 8 people in one server would be impossible.

Do you know we have pairings within our family?

Val and David are the main official couple while the rest are just mock pairings or just pairings for fun. So, with Mike and Erikku's wedding, we have another couple (just kidding). As for the others… hmmm… actually I couldn't quite recall the exact pairings because… it was pretty messy. You could end up being the wife of someone and the hubby of another. Shaz does have a collection of "wives" since she has both Anna and Emma. May and Nana could be inside the mix too.

As for me?

I'm the "old man"… who rejects wedding proposals at the drop of a hat and sips a cup of tea at the side. Ho ho ho… Youth is simply such an amazing thing.