Sky Log #35: Lights, Stage, Action!

While the situation of Eden was being monitored, the rest of the kids were occupied with a new festival upon us. Of course, with festivals come preparations—lots and lots of practice.

The middle of the year is the busiest period since so many festivals are coming up. A possible reason was that we are starting to see a change in seasons as the days become less cold and the snowfall lessens. So, festivals become a thing to celebrate the change in season and welcome summer. This time, due to the popular response shown by the kids during the Season of Dreams, the village theatre in the Village of Dreams was used for the Season of Performance by a group of season spirit performers.

Recruitment posters were set up throughout the realms to invite kids to join in and help with the performance. They could opt to be performers, backstage helpers or even audience members. So, you can imagine the scale of this event squeezed into a tiny theatre with limited seats. Of course, everything is free, and the things that you require would need to be paid for by yourself.

I wasn't much of a performer, and I was curious about the inner workings of how a theatre would work, so I joined as a backstage crew member.

… It was pretty neat.

I just learned there were so many clever mechanisms to make stage magic, like changing the background, adding effects like snow, fire, or water, and even changing the stage level. It was really cool. I even had an outrageous thought to work with my friends to plan out a play, but I wouldn't know where to start. But I imagined the result of such chaos would be worth it.

However, the role of a backstage crew member is far from limited to the inner workings of the stage. We have to take care of the performers, especially the season spirit performers.

Oh! And do you know that the performer guide of the troupe is actually the twin of Season Guide for Season of Rhythm?

Bet you didn't know that, but if you had seen the performer guide, you would have gone absolutely nuts for him. That owl hair really did a number on the kids, including *cough* me. I have no excuses other than that I'm just a fan of owls. Yet, he's not the only one who has fans. You would not believe the insane amount of fan mail we received for the other spirit performers and how we had to block the zealous fans from attacking them. It was crazy, but I am proud to say that the backstage team held out well against them. Eventually, we had to put up posts to tell them to back off politely, or they would be blacklisted from watching the shows. Luckily, those crazy antics died down, but we occasionally get alerted.

Kids who have spent their whole lives in the perspectives of an audience member would not believe the amount of preparation needed to get that one perfect show on the road. Yet, as a backstage crew member, we can see that. We see the blood, sweat and tears of the performers. We see… their dedication, passion, and drive through hours and hours of practice.

Perhaps to some out there, being a performer or a kid going down the path of the arts these are not worth it. These… are not profitable or sustainable in the future, unlike jobs such as being a healer, a baker, or a stall owner. I think the amount of effort put into any position is the same. What matters is whether you like the job or not. It is most important when you are boughed down by your job because that is the deciding moment whether you can continue or end up quitting it. As for me, I like the job as a wandering traveller and an occasional Vault scribe. Honestly, being a traveller doesn't earn much money, and there are days when I sleep with the night sky above my head and the grass as my bed.

But that's okay. I like it. I like all the experiences that come with it. Both the good and the bad. They are what got me through each challenging moment and shaped me as a Sky kid.

Anyway, before I knew it, came the performance day. There were a lot of frantic scrambling, false alarms, and sudden panic attacks from the timid performers. Still, we managed that in the end and delivered an outstanding performance. Plus, the Rhythm Guide appeared at every show to support his brother. It was a bonus, but his appearance didn't affect our performance much.

There was an afterparty, but I only stayed briefly because I felt the itch to leave and travel. It was honestly time to go. I stayed far too long at one place, and the itch (or was it the cold?) was getting to me.

As I reached the top of the mountain, I had a sudden urge to look back. As I gazed at the lively atmosphere within the village, I saw kids having snowball fights while others engaged in animated conversations. Their laughter could be heard from where I was standing. Suddenly, I was overcome by a sense of nostalgia.

Perhaps… I should head back home first to visit my Sky family. It has been a while since I last saw them.