Porcelain Bumper

Police Station Ruins.

"This is the first time I've heard about Captain Wudi having a master. Can someone tell me who Old Demon is?" Officer Xiao inquired from her fellow officers.

They looked at for a moment before Senior Officer Guo answered, "Old Demon is a renowned figure in the martial arts community. It is strange that you have not heard of him despite reaching the Late-stage Foundation Realm at your age."

"Senior Guo, you cannot put it like that. Old Demon retreated into the mountains for secluded training for more than two decades now. Officer Xiao was not even born back then." Senior Officer Luo interjected.

"Un, that's true. Not much of Old Demon is mentioned anymore." Senior Officer Guo nodded before he explained, "Old Demon is a true Grandmaster Martial Artists in the Innate Realm, but alas, he is not a very good teacher."