Eastfield Shopping Center

The big commotion outside the Hunter Association's building quickly drew the attention of the surrounding passerby. Smartphones were flipped out, snapping pictures, recording videos, and making calls.

News quickly made its way onto the media, which was just a drop in the ocean on the global scale—that receives thousands upon thousands of news daily.

Even so, the news still managed to reach out to a small portion of the 2 million people living within Silvercove, which was not exactly a small number.

The forums were quickly flooded with hundreds of comments.

[EmoKid21: Kekeke, who is this guy? He is so wicked.]

[CuriousReader49: I can see Branch Leader Johnson on the scene. Ah? It's happening outside the Hunter Association's building.]

[WaitingForPrinceCharming943: I feel sorry for the old man, but I like this man. He is so handsome. Someone, please get me his name and number.]

[SuspiciouScholar430: Upstairs, you aren't a guy, are you? How can his doodled face be handsome?]