Nothing To Fear

Inside the Hunter Association's training facility, Cao Wudi could be seen doing a light exercise with 200-kilo black dumbbells in each hand.

"You have recovered enough to be training here, Mr. Wudi?" Branch Leader Johnson asked upon his arrival.

Cao Wudi dropped the dumbbells before he responded, "More than enough, Branch Leader Johnson. In fact, I never felt better. It's all thanks to your Green Elixir Tank."

"I see, I see. Fully recovered is good." Branch Leader Johnson nodded before turning to Secretary Jane, "Bring him to the armory and get him geared up, Jane."

"Understood, Branch Leader Johnson." Secretary Jane shortly turned to Cao Wudi and said, "Please follow me, Mr. Wudi."

"Huh?" Cao Wudi expressed his confusion before asking with doubt, "May I know what is going on? What do you want me to do?"