Movements From Silvercove's Top Families

Inside the Xiao family's ancestral home, Old Xiao led Xiao Qing and Xiao Hua into the basement before turning to his subordinates, "Guard the room, Ah Li."

"Yes, Old Master!"

After Ah Li and the subordinates responded, Old Xiao inserted his cane stick into a small hole on the ground before a retina scanner was revealed on the wall in front.

Soon, his eye was scanned, opening an entrance with lights switching on, illuminating the dark passageway leading further down.

"Wow, grandpa! When was the ancestral home so secretive?!" Xiao Hua's gaped in amazement, causing Old Xiao to smile while Xiao Qing's remained steady, unsurprised by the revelation.

"Did you know about this, sister?!"

Xiao Hua turned her attention on Xiao Qing before receiving a slight nod from her big sister, causing her to pout slightly, "Why are you all keeping secrets from me?!"