Cao Wudi's Religious Chant

Polemos's lackluster expression immediately caught Albion's attention before he said with a smile, "I'm serious this time. This space station is truly out of this world."

Albion was genuinely impressed with Damocles's sheer size and design, which looked like a pointed black sword with five rings revolving around it while the center ring was the largest.

"A space station of this size must be large enough to accommodate at least 30 thousand people. Should I call it a space city instead? How did you manage to build this megastructure in such a short time?" Albion inquired with great interest.

If such a megastructure like Damocles could be building in two years, colonizing Mars was just around the corner.

"It was difficult at first, but there is a near-limitless amount of Phantasmium resources existing in space, my Lord."