Albion's Annoying Talent

"Y-Y-You! Do you have no honor?! H-How can you target a man's weakness?!" IronFistVillain criticized Albion after struggling to stand, hands clutching his groins, knees linked together, and body trembling with unstable balance.

"A newbie hunter wants to preach to me about honor? How peculiar..." Albion muttered before nonchalantly asking with a disinterested shrug, "I don't think there was a rule stating I cannot kick a man's balls now, was there?"

"Well... no. But—!"

"Then all is fair in war, no? If you want, you can also kick me in the balls," Albion stated calmly.

The spectators immediately gasped with surprises, wondering whether this wizard had secretly trained some iron balls technique to dare make such a statement.

At the same time, IronFistVillain doubted his ears before seeking confirmation with a dubious look, "Wait, seriously?"

"Un. Seriously." Albion nodded with a solemn look.