Ultimate Farming Technique

In a short moment, the previous subordinate returned with the thruster packs for the Cao Wudi's battlesuit.

"Huh? Where did your junior go, Your Majesty?" The subordinate inquired politely.

"He..." Polemos gave his Lord a glance before saying, "He went ahead without the thrusters. Please arrange someone to go mount the thrusters for my junior out there."

"I see..." The subordinate uttered with astonishment before nodding shortly, "Understood, Your Majesty."


Meanwhile, Cao Wudi continued shooting through space with high momentum from Albion's kick.

Within a short moment, he had already traveled several dozen miles and overtook several Hunters on their way to the battlefield near the closest Dimensional Rift in space.

"Ahhhhh, I'm going to die—!"

Cao Wudi's screams made their way into the nearby Hunters' ears—not through space but through the voice comms installed in their battlesuits.

"Dammit, who is this idiot? Turn off your damn comms!"