Encounter & Clue

South suburban district, Sunflower Orphanage

After Estelle Xiao left the orphanage building, she immediately spotted the two br—ahem, kids, before making her way over.

"Armin, Shuren, both of you stop right there!" Estelle Xiao quickly hollered.

The two kids tried to escape upon being spotted by Estelle Xiao. However, their small builds made it impossible for them to outrun a grown adult like her.

"Stop! Didn't you both hear me? Or neither of you listen to your big sister anymore?" Estelle Xiao caught them by the arms before chiding each of them.

The sudden grip caused Change Shuren to wince in pain slightly.

Although he tried to hide it through gritted teeth, Estelle Xiao still discovered the bruises on Little Shuren's arm, causing her to soften her grip in alarm and surprise.

"What happened to you, Little Shuren? Where did you get these bruises?"

"I… I accidentally tripped while playing tag with the others…"