One Day, They Will Understand Our Culture

"Is the main family's reinforcement arriving yet?!" 

A young master from a lesser family hollered at his subordinates with desperation while struggling to fend for himself from the Abestel family's attacks in his weakened state.

"Not yet, young master! The master decided to launch a punitive attack on the Abestel family's main home instead! He believed that with so many families together, we would be able to deal with the Abestel family and Metti group with ease!" 

The subordinate reported. 

"Dammit! If it's not for this despicable poison, would we have so much trouble teaming up to deal with a single family?!" The young master gnashed his teeth. 

"Fire Lance!" 

"Ice Needles!"

Blasts of elemental attacks were thrown back and forth as hunters fought unpredictably in tandem with their melee attacks.