No, I Just Learned It

"Don't hurt my big sister!" The younger wolf-girl cried. 

<+1 proficiency in Hundred Beast Language (Knowledge)>

Albion ignored the older one and shortly returned to the cage of the younger one again before reaching his hand back inside. 

Nevertheless, the younger wolf-girl did not retreat to a corner. 

She stood her ground and gazed back at Albion defiantly with watery eyes while trembling slightly, hoping to be hurt instead of her sister. 

However, Albion never had the intention of hurting them. 

"Hurt your sister? I never intended for that. It was you two who hurt yourselves. Wolf-girls should be protected like national treasures," Albion muttered quietly before feeling the younger wolf-girl's fluffy ears and giving her head pats and scratches. 

Looking at the cuts and bruises on the two wolf-girl's bodies, Albion could see that they must have put quite a violent resistance before they were captured.