Iceborn Wolf Tribe's High Mortality Rate

Silvercove Beach, Eastern Allure Casino House

Boom, boom, boom! 

Explosions went off in one area, shattered wood and stones flew in another, the auction room was filled with the chaos of battle.

The gasmasks of fallen hunters from the Abestel family were taken and worn by the hunters of other families. 

Still, the already infected cannot be cured of their poisoning without the antidote. 


A hunter coughed a mouthful of blood before finally succumbing to the nasty effects of the poison as his body plopped on the ground with a thud and drew his last breath!


A hunter cried in mourning before cursing, "Dammit! What a vicious poison! The longer we fight, the stronger the poison becomes—until it finally overwhelms us!" 

"Insidious bastards! I want your life!" Another hunter roared.

Gushing Wind Slash!

Blizzard Shower!