Motion Sickness

Back in the vicinity of Eastern Allure Auction House, Estelle Xiao brought Wuxin and Sally back to her 'borrowed' car and tucked them into their seats with Armin and Shuren. 

Armin and Shuren were relieved to see that their two little sisters appeared to be okay. 

However, before they could ask how they were, their eyes widened at the sight of the two girls' pretty dresses made of expensive fabric.

"Woah! Sally, Wuxin! Where did you get such nice clothes? It must have been really expensive, right?!" Chang Shuren exclaimed.

Estelle Xiao immediately paused after hopping into her driver's seat before turning to Sally sitting in the passenger seat beside her.

"This brand is… Aeon?!" Estelle Xiao also exclaimed with a startling look before asking, "Who bought your dresses, Sally? It wasn't that bad person before, was it?"

"Yeah! Boss was very nice to Wuxin and Sally!" Sally answered.