Maverick Cohen

"You came to the right place?" Reagan Declan repeated with a frown before he said, "Speak! Who are you? And what business do you have with our gangs?"

"You don't know me?" the middle-aged with sharp, intimidating brows casually asked. 

Reagan Declan scrutinized the middle-aged man's face before he snorted, "Hmph, how am I suppose to know every Tom, Dick, and Harry that randomly pops up?"

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed slightly with coldness. 

Shortly after, he introduced himself in a low but grim tone, "I am the right-hand man of Emperor Polemos, second-in-command of Damocles, and chief instructor of special recruits, Maverick Cohen. Do you understand?"

"Hmph, just the right-hand man of… of… oh…" Reagan Declan began sweating profusely before he fixed his attitude and greeted humbly with a forced smile that looks like he was crying, "Well met, Sir Maverick…"

The right-hand man of Emperor Polemos! Second-in-command of Damocles!