Realms of Aura Cultivation

Just as the trio was about to enter the spaceship, they were interrupted by a wolf-man. 

"Princess Rira, Princess Riri. Are you both planning on leaving this settlement with the Lord?" the wolf-man asked with concern.

The group of three turned around before Fenrira responded with a slight frown, "That's right. Is there a problem?" 

"If you both leave, who will help us communicate with the five humans in this settlement?" the wolf-man asked before adding, "But more importantly, Lord Bahram's strength has reached a terrifying level since arriving in this world… I'm afraid that…"

"Afraid that we can't defeat him?" Fenrira interjected before asking calmly, "Do you think my uncle is strong than my master?" 

"Well… To be honest, not at all," the wolf-man answered before added wryly, "I just thought that it was best to warn Princess Rira of the danger. After all, Princess Rira and Princess Riri are not strong like the Lord."